DNA polymerase is a heat-sensitive enzyme. What is one thing that would need to be considered concerning the activity of this enzyme in PCR when the temperature is heated during each cycle to separate the DNA strands?
  • They forgot to add DNA ligase after mixing the plasmid and gene together.
  • When there are small quantities of DNA to analyze
  • that the DNA polymerase could be denatured
  • compares the DNA banding patterns of small segments of the genome
The type of recombinant bacteria most often used to mass-produce genes is
  • Escherichia coli.
  • Target DNA, Starting DNA
  • farmers can reduce chemical use
  • reverse transcriptase.
DNA profiling is a forensic procedure being utilized to identify individuals. This technique _____.
  • complementary single-stranded ends
  • compares the DNA banding patterns of small segments of the genome
  • the inserted ("foreign") gene is expressed in the host organism
  • that the DNA polymerase could be denatured
"Sticky ends" are
  • that the DNA polymerase could be denatured
  • DNA fragments with single-stranded ends.
  • complementary single-stranded ends
  • cut DNA at specific sites
What is the purpose of gel electrophoresis?
  • separation of DNA strands; addition of primers; use of DNA polymerase to produce second strand of DNA
  • When there are small quantities of DNA to analyze
  • It allows for the separation of fragments of DNA.
  • It adds a functioning version of the defective gene to the cells of an individual.
The advantage of being able to clone the gene for human insulin is that
  • DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.
  • human insulin is less likely to cause harmful side effects than cow, pig, or horse insulin.
  • separation of DNA strands; addition of primers; use of DNA polymerase to produce second strand of DNA
  • Human and E. coli genomes contain approximately the same proportions of noncoding DNA.
What is the function of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?
  • It adds a functioning version of the defective gene to the cells of an individual.
  • It allows for the separation of fragments of DNA.
  • It can make a large amount of DNA from a tiny amount.
  • separation of DNA strands; addition of primers; use of DNA polymerase to produce second strand of DNA
Transgenic organisms are only scientifically or commercially useful if _____.
  • use bacteria as "factories" for protein products
  • compares the DNA banding patterns of small segments of the genome
  • the inserted ("foreign") gene is expressed in the host organism
  • human insulin is less likely to cause harmful side effects than cow, pig, or horse insulin.
In a PCR reaction, the strands of DNA are first separated by ___.
  • cDNA
  • Restriction enzymes
  • heating
  • Escherichia coli.
Which of the following has not been a significant issue in the creation of genetically modified (GM) organisms?
  • the fact that GM organisms cannot be modified to prevent them from reproducing once they pass beyond the experimental stage
  • DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.
  • a collection of cloned DNA fragments that includes an organism's entire genome
  • a very close match in the DNA profile
The fragments produced by most restriction enzymes have _____.
  • reverse transcriptase.
  • farmers can reduce chemical use
  • human insulin is less likely to cause harmful side effects than cow, pig, or horse insulin.
  • complementary single-stranded ends
Which of the following is the best definition of a genomic library?
  • DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.
  • Human and E. coli genomes contain approximately the same proportions of noncoding DNA.
  • a collection of cloned DNA fragments that includes an organism's entire genome
  • separation of DNA strands; addition of primers; use of DNA polymerase to produce second strand of DNA
DNA synthesized using an RNA template is called _____.
  • cDNA
  • size.
  • bacteria
  • heating
Plants are being engineered to produce pesticides; therefore, _____.
  • It can make a large amount of DNA from a tiny amount.
  • Target DNA, Starting DNA
  • reverse transcriptase.
  • farmers can reduce chemical use
The enzyme that converts information stored in RNA to information stored in DNA is
  • Target DNA, Starting DNA
  • Escherichia coli.
  • Restriction enzymes
  • reverse transcriptase.
Human growth hormone is a secreted protein that stimulates growth and cell reproduction. In the 1960s it was discovered that this was an effective treatment for a form of dwarfism. However, before it was genetically engineered, it was _____.
  • Target DNA, Starting DNA
  • harvested from cadavers
  • reverse transcriptase.
  • F plasmid (100 kb)
Gel electrophoresis sorts DNA molecules on the basis of their
  • F plasmid (100 kb)
  • size.
  • 98.8%
  • cDNA
Approximately what percentage of the human genome actually encodes proteins?
  • Restriction enzymes
  • 98.8%
  • 3%
  • bacteria
When is PCR particularly applicable?
  • the inserted ("foreign") gene is expressed in the host organism
  • It can make a large amount of DNA from a tiny amount.
  • use bacteria as "factories" for protein products
  • When there are small quantities of DNA to analyze
Cloning human genes into the plasmids of bacteria has enabled scientists to __________.
  • use bacteria as "factories" for protein products
  • When there are small quantities of DNA to analyze
  • the production of herbicide-resistant weeds
  • bacteria
Which of the following pieces of evidence would be considered the best for establishing biological relatedness?
  • DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.
  • a collection of cloned DNA fragments that includes an organism's entire genome
  • the fact that GM organisms cannot be modified to prevent them from reproducing once they pass beyond the experimental stage
  • a very close match in the DNA profile
Approximately what percentage of the human genome is identical to that of a chimpanzee?
  • Restriction enzymes
  • 98.8%
  • size.
  • bacteria
Check each of the true statements about the proteins involved in cutting and pasting DNA. More than one statement may be true.
  • If a restriction enzyme is combined with a piece of DNA that contains its restriction site, the result will be restriction fragments.
  • A restriction enzyme cuts DNA while DNA ligase pastes DNA.A particular restriction enzyme only cuts DNA at one very specific DNA sequence.DNA ligase pastes together segments of DNA with matching sticky ends.
  • Restriction enzymes
  • a collection of cloned DNA fragments that includes an organism's entire genome
In order for gene therapy to be permanent in the patient being treated,
  • the normal gene must be transferred to somatic cells that can continuously multiply.
  • a collection of cloned DNA fragments that includes an organism's entire genome
  • the inserted ("foreign") gene is expressed in the host organism
  • DNA technology is now used to create cells that can identify and kill cancer cells.


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