incompatible subcultures; a politicized internal environment; hostility to change and a wariness of people who champion new ways of doing things: an aversion to looking outside the company for best practices, new managerial approaches, and innovative ideas; and executives who exude the negatives of arrogance, ego, greed, and an "ends-justify-the-means" mentality
  • Which of the following are standout traits of an adaptive culture?
  • Which of the following are standout traits of a change-resistant culture?
  • Which of the following statements about a strong culture company is false?
  • The characteristics or unhealthy company culture include
shifting from decentralized to centralized decision-making so as to give senior executives more authority and control in driving cultural change
  • Which one of the following statements about a company's culture is false?
  • When a company's present culture promotes attitudes, behaviors, and ways of doing things that are conductive to first-rate strategy execution
  • The menu of substantive actions top managers can take to change a problem company culture does not include which one of the following?
  • Which one of the following is not a key aspect in defining and shaping the character of a company's corporate culture?
the culture functions as a valuable managerial ally in the strategy execution process
  • The menu of substantive actions top managers can take to change a problem company culture does not include which one of the following?
  • Which of the following statements about a strong culture company is false?
  • When a company's present culture promotes attitudes, behaviors, and ways of doing things that are conductive to first-rate strategy execution
  • Which one of the following is not a key aspect in defining and shaping the character of a company's corporate culture?
the company's strategic vision and mission and the approach to competing the underpins its strategy
  • which of the following is not a typical characteristic of a weak company culture?
  • Which one of the following statements about a company's culture is false?
  • Which of the following statements about company subcultures is inaccurate?
  • Which one of the following is not a key aspect in defining and shaping the character of a company's corporate culture?
A complicated value chain and a very diverse set of core competencies -- both of which act to create multiple subcultures
  • Which of the following statements about company subcultures is inaccurate?
  • Which of the following are standout traits of a change-resistant culture?
  • Which of the following is unlikely to be true in a strong culture company?
  • which of the following is not a typical characteristic of a weak company culture?
Assigning employees who fail to display cultural norms to dead-end jobs where the duties are tightly prescribed and strictly enforced
  • The degree to which organizational leaders are successful in making corrective adjustments when things are not going well hinges on
  • Leading the drive for good strategy execution and operating excellence calls upon managers to
  • A company's values statement and code of ethics
  • Which one of the following is unlikely to be effective in helping to perpetuate a company's culture?
The single most important thing the senior company managers can do to deeply embed and perpetuate the company's culture is to hold periodic ceremonies to honor employees who excel in exhibiting and role modeling the desired cultural behaviors
  • Which of the following are standout traits of an adaptive culture?
  • Which one of the following statements about a company's culture is false?
  • Which of the following statements about a strong culture company is false?
  • Which of the following is unlikely to be true in a strong culture company?
Companies that have instituted a values statement and a code of ethics very rarely have subcultures
  • Which of the following are standout traits of a change-resistant culture?
  • Which of the following is unlikely to be true in a strong culture company?
  • which of the following is not a typical characteristic of a weak company culture?
  • Which of the following statements about company subcultures is inaccurate?
The most distinctive and dominating theme of a strong culture company is wide support among both mangers and employees for high ethical standards and ways of operating that are widely considered to a model of socially responsible behavior
  • Which of the following is unlikely to be true in a strong culture company?
  • Which of the following statements about a strong culture company is false?
  • Which of the following are standout traits of an adaptive culture?
  • Which of the following are standout traits of a change-resistant culture?
complacency about the need to develop innovative new products or implement best practices, a strong preference for following rather than leading market change, not making bold proposals to pursue emerging opportunities and a "we have done it this way for years" syndrome
  • Which of the following is unlikely to be true in a strong culture company?
  • Which of the following are standout traits of a change-resistant culture?
  • Which of the following are standout traits of an adaptive culture?
  • Which of the following statements about a strong culture company is false?


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