A hybridoma results from the fusion of a(an)
  • B cell with a myeloma cell.
  • heterosexual intercourse
  • it was the first antibiotic.
  • T helper cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
You are conducting a viral hemagglutination inhibition test. Which of the following indicates that a patient's serum has antibodies against influenza virus?
  • During latent infections, the provirus directs the synthesis of many new viruses.
  • Hemagglutination occurs in a mixture of influenza virus and erythrocytes but does not occur when the patient's serum is added.
  • Viruses use the host cell's processes to carry out their own reproduction.
  • dilation of blood vessels
If a patient has been exposed to an antigen for the first time, which class of immunoglobulin appears first?
  • IgE binds to mast cells or basophils.
  • gram-positive bacteria
  • complement.
  • IgM
In what way are semisynthetic penicillins and natural penicillins alike?
  • Both are based on β-lactam.
  • bone marrow transplant.
  • They are always highly sensitive.
  • it was the first antibiotic.
Monoclonal antibodies are used in diagnostic tests and disease treatments because they
  • are highly specific and they can be produced in large quantities.
  • Viruses use the host cell's processes to carry out their own reproduction.
  • It produces a modified version of the molecule that is targeted by the drug.
  • their cells are structurally and functionally similar to human cells.
When an antibody binds to a toxin, the resulting action is referred to as
  • neutralization.
  • nucleic acid vaccine.
  • autoimmune diseases.
  • clonal deletion
Consider a helminthic infection in which an individual is colonized by a parasitic worm. The worm is too big to be engulfed by a phagocytic cell. How does the immune system respond?
  • The worm gets coated with antibodies, which activate other cells in the immune system to secrete chemicals that kill it.
  • are highly specific and they can be produced in large quantities.
  • Injected antigens combine with IgE antibodies on the surface of certain cells, causing them to release histamines and other inflammatory mediators.
  • False-positives will be rare, but false-negatives may happen frequently.
An individual may be exposed to a pathogen and become infected without actually getting sick. This is known as a subclinical infection. Even in subclinical infections, the individual's adaptive immune system can generate memory for the pathogen. What type of adaptive immunity is this?
  • naturally acquired active immunity
  • indirect agglutination reaction
  • artificially acquired active immunity
  • nucleic acid vaccine.
Protozoan and helminthic diseases are difficult to treat because
  • They are usually safer than other types of vaccines.
  • their cells are structurally and functionally similar to human cells.
  • the replacement of a human's heart valve with a pig's heart valve
  • are highly specific and they can be produced in large quantities.
Antimicrobial peptides work by
  • When the patient is asymptomatic
  • artificially acquired active immunity
  • naturally acquired active immunity
  • disrupting the plasma membrane.
Worldwide, the primary method of transmission of HIV is
  • heterosexual intercourse
  • immunosuppression.
  • type IV reaction
  • subunit vaccine.
Consider a Kirby-Bauer disk-diffusion assay. If you put penicillin and streptomycin disks adjacent to one another, the zone of inhibition is greater than that obtained by either disk alone. This is an example of __________.
  • synergism
  • 10 years
  • clonal deletion
  • monocytes
What type of immunity results from vaccination?
  • Innate immunity is present at birth.
  • Bacteria are digested when the phagosome fuses with a lysosome.
  • artificially acquired active immunity
  • An immunotoxin is an antigen combined with a toxic agent.
HIV spikes attach to CD4+ receptors found on
  • T helper cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
  • They are usually safer than other types of vaccines.
  • Immune cells in transplanted bone marrow attack the cells of the host.
  • Hemolytic disease of the newborn is an example.
IL-2, produced by TH cells, stimulate what?
  • all of these
  • TH cell maturation
  • subunit vaccine.
  • B cell with a myeloma cell.


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