Mabel clicks her tongue while tickling Francis. Eventually, Francis starts to squirm and giggle every time Mabel clicks her tongue, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, tongue clicking is a(n) ________.
  • a subliminal message
  • operant conditioning
  • stimulus discrimination
  • conditioned stimulus
Dave's boss told him that he doesn't have to attend the company picnic (which everybody dislikes) if Dave meets his sales quota this month. Dave's boss is using ________.
  • role
  • negative reinforcement
  • mental set
  • learning
Why are olfaction and gustation called chemical senses?
  • remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute
  • they have sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe.
  • Perception involves more than simply combining sensory stimuli; therefore, perception is studied as Gestalt.
  • they are bulb-like structures at the tip of the frontal lobe where the olfactory nerves begin.
If a slamming door is a conditioned stimulus, then being able to distinguish between the sound of a slamming door and the sound of a heavy item being dropped would represent ________.
  • stimulus discrimination
  • instincts
  • conditioned stimulus
  • classical conditioning
Felix is riding his bicycle. His ability to sense how his torso is adjusting to the speed of his cycling and how his legs are pumping up and down is called ________.
  • kinesthesia
  • hindsight bias
  • negative reinforcement
  • congenital analgesia
Identify the major flaw with John B. Watson's Little Albert experiment.
  • it is unethical for a researcher to induce fear in a child, since it is harmful to induce fear
  • Perception involves more than simply combining sensory stimuli; therefore, perception is studied as Gestalt.
  • Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification
  • the vestibular sense is divided into olfaction, gustation, and audition.
Tyrahn's rods do not transform light into nerve impulses as easily and efficiently as they should, so he has difficulty seeing in dim light. This is called ________.
  • babbling
  • artificial
  • night blindness
  • lens; fovea
Which researchers suggested that language determines thought?
  • how sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced
  • Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf
  • lexicon
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
When an organism receives a reinforcer each time it displays a behavior, it is called________ reinforcement.
  • can see
  • top-down
  • continuous
  • lens; fovea
Catherine is at a crowded baseball game when she loses track of her son, Nick. Despite the loud cheering and noise of the crowd, she can pinpoint his location when he calls for her because she can distinguish the sound of his voice from the all the other voices. This illustrates ________ theory.
  • night blindness
  • left; right
  • signal detection
  • conditioned stimulus
Which of the following is an example of a variable interval reinforcement schedule?
  • Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.
  • remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute
  • Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification
  • they are bulb-like structures at the tip of the frontal lobe where the olfactory nerves begin.
Which of the following is an example of observational learning?
  • he is known for establishing the principles of classical conditioning
  • teaching yourself yoga while watching a yoga group in the park
  • he divided intelligence into two components: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.
  • those who are given verbal priming produce a biased interpretation of complex ambiguous figures.
Julian watches his grandfather repair watches. As Julian matures he imitates what his grandfather does, and then his grandfather shows him more complicated techniques. Eventually, Julian is as proficient at repairing watches as his grandfather. This exemplifies ________.
  • learning
  • role
  • negative reinforcement
  • congenital
After the first few months of life, babies enter what is known as the ________ stage, during which time they tend to produce single syllables, such as buh-buh, that are repeated over and over.
  • practical
  • left; right
  • babbling
  • instincts
________intelligence is marked by inventing or imagining a solution to a problem or situation.
  • ultraviolet
  • gestalt
  • creative
  • can see
Which of the following statements about Charles Spearman is false?
  • negative reinforcement
  • he is known for establishing the principles of classical conditioning
  • he divided intelligence into two components: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.
  • those who are given verbal priming produce a biased interpretation of complex ambiguous figures.
The word ________ is both a morpheme and a phoneme.
  • i
  • lexicon
  • remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
Which of the following statements about the vestibular sense is false?
  • the vestibular sense is divided into olfaction, gustation, and audition.
  • algorithms are used in our everyday lives
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
  • Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification
Which type of processing involves the interpretation of sensations and is influenced by available knowledge, experiences, and thoughts?
  • shaping
  • musical
  • gestalt
  • top-down
Which concept is a type of mental set where you cannot perceive an object being used for something other than what it was designed for?
  • processing memory
  • conditioned stimulus
  • functional fixedness
  • classical conditioning
Congenital deafness refers to deafness ________.
  • shaping
  • since birth
  • lens; fovea
  • left; right
________ concepts are ones that we know by a specific set of characteristics that are always exhibited, such as what defines different basic shapes.
  • artificial
  • functional fixedness
  • practical
  • creative
Mikel can look at an engineering plan and quickly build a scale model. This exemplifies ________ intelligence.
  • creative
  • spatial
  • shaping
  • practical
Birds migrating, cats chasing prey, sea turtles moving toward the ocean immediately after birth, and joeys moving to the mother's pouch immediately after birth are all examples of ________.
  • instincts
  • gestalt
  • left; right
  • practical
Which of the following is an example of vicarious punishment?
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
  • Perception involves more than simply combining sensory stimuli; therefore, perception is studied as Gestalt.
  • Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification
  • Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.
Which of the following statements about algorithms is false?
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
  • Jeong observes Bronwyn getting spanked for spitting out her carrots. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his carrots.
  • the vestibular sense is divided into olfaction, gustation, and audition.
  • algorithms are used in our everyday lives
How does the term Gestalt relate to the psychological study of perception?
  • processing memory
  • Perception involves more than simply combining sensory stimuli; therefore, perception is studied as Gestalt.
  • it is unethical for a researcher to induce fear in a child, since it is harmful to induce fear
  • algorithms are used in our everyday lives
What should be changed to make the following sentence true "Arthur Jensen theorized that Level I intelligence is responsible for conceptual and analytical abilities while Level II intelligence is responsible for rote memorization."
  • left; right
  • signal detection
  • The placement of the phrases "Level I" and "Level II" should be switched.
  • how sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced
If the principles of social learning theory are true, then children may model aggressive behavior ________.
  • after seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character
  • analyze, evaluate, judge, compare, and contrast
  • Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification
  • they have sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe.
Ronaldo was born without the ability to experience pain, though he can perceive temperature differences and changes in pressure. What is his condition called?
  • kinesthesia
  • those who are given verbal priming produce a biased interpretation of complex ambiguous figures.
  • learning
  • congenital analgesia
Samara meets a nurse. She immediately assumes he is able to help care for sick people, works long hours, and dispenses advice about illness because her ________ schema suggests that nurses behave this way.
  • kinesthesia
  • congenital analgesia
  • role
  • congenital
Which of the following is an example of latent learning?
  • remembering where the nearest gas station is when you unexpectedly run out of gas during your morning commute
  • it is unethical for a researcher to induce fear in a child, since it is harmful to induce fear
  • Perception involves more than simply combining sensory stimuli; therefore, perception is studied as Gestalt.
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
Which term describes a communication system that uses systematic rules to organize words to transmit information from one individual to another?
  • role
  • negative reinforcement
  • language
  • kinesthesia
Which of the following statements about Ivan Pavlov is true?
  • those who are given verbal priming produce a biased interpretation of complex ambiguous figures.
  • he divided intelligence into two components: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.
  • congenital
  • he is known for establishing the principles of classical conditioning
Which term refers to the vocabulary of a language?
  • top-down
  • Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf
  • since birth
  • lexicon
The analytical intelligence component of the triarchic theory of intelligence is demonstrated by the ability to ________.
  • variable interval
  • classical conditioning
  • analyze, evaluate, judge, compare, and contrast
  • algorithms are used in our everyday lives
Which of the following is a criticism of the Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf research on language?
  • classical conditioning
  • it was not empirical
  • processing memory
  • Winona checks her cellphone at random times throughout the day instead of every time she hears the voicemail notification
Anwar dresses for a cold fall day and steps outside to find it sunny and hot. He goes back inside to change out of his sweater and jeans into a shirt and shorts. Anwar is demonstrating the ________ intelligence component of the triarchic theory of intelligence.
  • babbling
  • practical
  • observational
  • artificial
Which of the following is not one of the four indices of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children?
  • functional fixedness
  • processing memory
  • the vestibular sense is divided into olfaction, gustation, and audition.
  • classical conditioning
Which field of psychology includes the following concepts: figure-ground relationship, law of continuity, and principle of closure?
  • gestalt
  • instincts
  • shaping
  • lexicon
Which of the following exemplifies gustation?
  • it was not empirical
  • algorithms are used in our everyday lives
  • classical conditioning
  • tasting freshly caught salmon
In a normal-sighted individual, the ________ will focus images perfectly on a small indentation in the back of the eye known as the ________.
  • left; right
  • night blindness
  • instincts
  • lens; fovea


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