Which of the following is not true with respect to sexual orientation?
  • New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.
  • feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food
  • "Avoid eating during the day so you can enjoy a big meal in the evening."
  • With the help of a therapist, most people find it easy to change their sexual orientation
A problem that consistently interferes with one's ability to complete the sexual response cycle is called:
  • a sexual disorder.
  • cause the rat to begin eating.
  • increased; increased
  • TV viewing habits.
According to Masters and Johnson, the sexual response of males is most likely to differ from that of females during:
  • testosterone; lowered
  • the resolution phase.
  • Reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months."
  • drive-reduction theory.
Basal metabolic rate is the body's resting rate of:
  • ventromedial hypothalamus.
  • begin eating.
  • energy expenditure.
  • lateral hypothalamus
Which of the following is not necessarily a reason that obese people have trouble losing weight?
  • feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food
  • thrill-seeking
  • "Avoid eating during the day so you can enjoy a big meal in the evening."
  • Obese people tend to lack willpower.
Why do people with a high need for achievement prefer moderately difficult tasks?
  • With the help of a therapist, most people find it easy to change their sexual orientation
  • New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.
  • Moderately difficult tasks present an attainable goal in which success is attributable to their own skill.
  • stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus; stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus
Compared to European teens, American teens have ________ rates of sexual intercourse and ________ rates of abortion.
  • thrill-seeking
  • smaller; slower
  • need; drive
  • lower; higher
Homeostasis, which is the goal of drive reduction, is defined as:
  • the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state.
  • stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus; stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus
  • feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food
  • increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.
The concept of a set point is relevant to understanding the experience of:
  • begin eating.
  • maintain homeostasis.
  • hunger.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus.
When an organism's weight falls below its set point, the organism is likely to experience a(n):
  • increased; increased
  • Obese people tend to lack willpower.
  • obesity is more common today than it was 40 years ago.
  • increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.
An explanation of motivation in terms of homeostasis is best illustrated by the concept of:
  • Western Europe.
  • set point.
  • incentives.
  • a sexual disorder.
Sexual orientation refers to
  • increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.
  • a person's enduring sexual attraction toward members of a particular gender.
  • lower blood sugar and trigger hunger.
  • women's sexual interests are only loosely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.
Randy, who has been under a lot of stress lately, has intense cravings for sugary junk foods, which tend to make him feel more relaxed. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for his craving?
  • The extra sugar tends to lower blood insulin level, which promotes relaxation.
  • excitement; plateau; orgasm; resolution
  • reduced self-awareness and are less likely to use condoms.
  • moderately difficult; very easy or very difficult
Need is to ________ as drive is to ________.
  • food deprivation; hunger
  • need; drive
  • cause the rat to begin eating.
  • fat cells.
Homeostasis refers to:
  • Her prediet weight was near her body's set point.
  • the tendency to maintain a steady internal state.
  • the body's tendency to maintain a constant internal state.
  • protected our ancestors from potentially toxic substances.
Given an obese parent, boys are at an ________ risk for obesity and girls are at a ________ risk for obesity.
  • smaller; slower
  • increased; increased
  • TV viewing habits.
  • a sexual disorder.
The set point is:
  • New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.
  • emerged in our prehistoric ancestors as an adaptive response to alternating periods of feast and famine.
  • stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus; stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus
  • the specific body weight maintained automatically by most adults over long periods of time.
Research on sex hormones and human sexual behavior indicates that:
  • women's sexual interests are only loosely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.
  • the reported backgrounds of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar.
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
  • enough sperm may be released prior to male orgasm to enable conception.
According to health psychologists, which of the following would be the best advice or encouragement to offer someone who wants to lose excess weight?
  • protected our ancestors from potentially toxic substances.
  • Reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months."
  • Monkeys will work puzzles even if not given a food reward.
  • greater discrimination against overweight women than against overweight men.
The removal of a woman's ovaries may contribute to decreasing sexual interest because her natural ________ level is _______.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • lateral hypothalamus
  • testosterone; lowered
  • drive-reduction theory.
For a thirsty person, drinking water serves to reduce:
  • maintain homeostasis.
  • lost interest in sex and social activities.
  • reduced self-awareness and are less likely to use condoms.
  • a drive.
The refractory period is the:
  • The extra sugar tends to lower blood insulin level, which promotes relaxation.
  • time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm.
  • In order to treat yourself to one 'normal' meal each day, eat very little until the evening meal."
  • excitement; plateau; orgasm; resolution
Although John has been obese for as long as he can remember, he is determined to lose excess weight with a special low-calorie diet. John is likely to have difficulty losing weight while dieting because:
  • women's sexual interests are only loosely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.
  • "Avoid eating during the day so you can enjoy a big meal in the evening."
  • Reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months."
  • fat tissue can be maintained by fewer calories than can other body tissues.
During the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, people are most likely to experience a rapid decrease in physiological arousal if:
  • they have just experienced orgasm.
  • a physiological state that usually triggers motivational arousal.
  • lost interest in sex and social activities.
  • their own hard work.
Of the following parts of the world, teen intercourse rates are highest in:
  • need; drive
  • lower; higher
  • Western Europe.
  • incentives.
The text suggests that a neophobia for unfamiliar tastes:
  • Monkeys will work puzzles even if not given a food reward.
  • cause the rat to become extremely fat.
  • protected our ancestors from potentially toxic substances.
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
After an initial rapid weight loss, a person on a diet loses weight much more slowly. This slowdown occurs because:
  • when a person diets, metabolism decreases.
  • maintain homeostasis.
  • moderately difficult; very easy or very difficult
  • a drive.
The number of fat cells a person has is influenced by:
  • cause the rat to become extremely fat.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • decreasing blood glucose levels.
  • all of the alternatives.
An aroused or activated state that is often triggered by a physiological need is called a(n):
  • reduced self-awareness and are less likely to use condoms.
  • moderately difficult.
  • overweight men.
  • drive.
Evidence that brain differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals influence sexual orientation is provided by the fact that these differences:
  • cause the rat to begin eating.
  • cause the rat to become extremely fat.
  • originate at about the time of birth.
  • Her prediet weight was near her body's set point.
Increases in insulin will:
  • mass media standards of appearance.
  • very persistent and difficult to change.
  • lower blood sugar and trigger hunger.
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
Research on obesity and weight control indicates that:
  • the reported backgrounds of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar.
  • "Avoid eating during the day so you can enjoy a big meal in the evening."
  • they have mistaken ideas about effective birth control methods.
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
Which of the following is not an example of homeostasis?
  • protected our ancestors from potentially toxic substances.
  • Obese people tend to lack willpower.
  • emerged in our prehistoric ancestors as an adaptive response to alternating periods of feast and famine.
  • feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food
The role of learning in motivation is most obvious from the influence of:
  • Western Europe.
  • maintain homeostasis.
  • incentives.
  • begin eating.
An animal's stomach and intestines will process food more rapidly and the animal will become extremely fat if its:
  • ventromedial hypothalamus; lateral hypothalamus
  • ventromedial hypothalamus.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed.
  • decrease in their metabolic rate.
Food deprivation is to ________ as hunger is to ________.
  • set point.
  • begin eating.
  • incentives.
  • need; drive
A starving rat will lose all interest in food if its ________ is destroyed.
  • lateral hypothalamus
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • a sexual disorder.
  • maintain homeostasis.
Lack of body fluids is to cold water as ________ is to ________.
  • energy expenditure.
  • need; incentive
  • need; drive
  • Western Europe.
For a hungry person, the consumption of food serves to:
  • maintain homeostasis.
  • a physiological state that usually triggers motivational arousal.
  • they have just experienced orgasm.
  • their own hard work.
increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.
  • emerged in our prehistoric ancestors as an adaptive response to alternating periods of feast and famine.
  • enough sperm may be released prior to male orgasm to enable conception.
  • In order to treat yourself to one 'normal' meal each day, eat very little until the evening meal."
  • women's sexual interests are only loosely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.
Ali's parents have tried hard to minimize their son's exposure to sweet, fattening foods. If Ali has the occasion to taste sweet foods in the future, which of the following is likely:
  • the resolution phase.
  • He will display a preference for sweet tastes.
  • learning ways to control his urge to ejaculate.
  • moderately difficult; very easy or very difficult
Ancel Keys and his colleagues observed that men on a semistarvation diet:
  • moderately difficult.
  • lost interest in sex and social activities.
  • moderately difficult; very easy or very difficult
  • reduced self-awareness and are less likely to use condoms.
Having lost weight, formerly obese individuals have ________ fat cells and ________ metabolic rates.
  • thrill-seeking
  • set point.
  • lateral hypothalamus
  • smaller; slower
Researchers have observed that the incidence of obesity and diabetes among 50,000 nurses was predicted by their:
  • TV viewing habits.
  • mass media standards of appearance.
  • drive-reduction theory.
  • lower; higher
Many sexually active American adolescents fail to avoid pregnancy because:
  • obesity is more common today than it was 40 years ago.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • With the help of a therapist, most people find it easy to change their sexual orientation
  • they have mistaken ideas about effective birth control methods.
Lucille has been sticking to a strict diet but can't seem to lose weight. What is the most likely explanation for her difficulty?
  • Her prediet weight was near her body's set point.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed.
  • Obese people tend to lack willpower.
  • Reduce your weight gradually over a period of several months."
During which phase of the sexual response cycle does the refractory period begin?
  • the resolution phase.
  • increased; increased
  • the resolution phase
  • Alzheimer's disease.
Which of the following statements concerning homosexuality is true?
  • New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.
  • With the help of a therapist, most people find it easy to change their sexual orientation
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
  • increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.
Electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus will cause an animal to:
  • set point.
  • incentives.
  • begin eating.
  • Western Europe.
Ted is an amateur golfer who has a high need for achievement. Research suggests that Ted most likely prefers playing golf on courses that for him are:
  • overweight men.
  • moderately difficult; very easy or very difficult
  • lost interest in sex and social activities.
  • moderately difficult.
Two rats have escaped from their cages in the neurophysiology lab. The technician needs your help in returning them to their proper cages. One rat is grossly overweight; the other is severely underweight. You confidently state that the overweight rat goes in the "________-destruction" cage, while the underweight rat goes in the "________-destruction" cage.
  • have a lower resting metabolic rate.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus; lateral hypothalamus
  • increase in hunger and a decrease in its metabolic rate.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed.
In a classic experiment, obese patients whose daily caloric intake was dramatically reduced lost only 6 percent of their weight. This limited weight loss was due, at least in part, to the fact that their dietary restriction led to a(n):
  • increased; increased
  • decrease in their metabolic rate.
  • loss of hunger; overeating
  • ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed.
Victims of a famine will often eat unappetizing and nutritionally poor foods simply to relieve their constant hunger. Their behavior is best explained in terms of:
  • time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm.
  • He will display a preference for sweet tastes.
  • drive-reduction theory.
  • excitement; plateau; orgasm; resolution
On some college football teams, players are rewarded for outstanding performance with a gold star on their helmets. This practice best illustrates the use of:
  • need; drive
  • need; incentive
  • lower; higher
  • incentives.
Research on the environmental conditions that influence sexual orientation indicates that:
  • women's sexual interests are only loosely linked to the phases of their menstrual cycles.
  • New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.
  • the reported backgrounds of homosexuals and heterosexuals are similar.
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
Mary loves hang-gliding. It would be most difficult to explain Mary's behavior according to:
  • increased; increased
  • a sexual disorder.
  • drive-reduction theory.
  • TV viewing habits.
Researchers use biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis to understand hunger motivation. The social-cultural level of analysis is especially likely to emphasize that eating disorders are influenced by:
  • mass media standards of appearance.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus; lateral hypothalamus
  • decrease in their metabolic rate.
  • ventromedial hypothalamus is destroyed.
Research on the sexual response cycle indicates that:
  • feeling hungry at the sight of an appetizing food
  • New research indicates that sexual orientation may be at least partly physiological.
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
  • enough sperm may be released prior to male orgasm to enable conception.
By motivating us to satisfy our physical needs, hunger and thirst serve to:
  • incentives.
  • drive-reduction theory.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • maintain homeostasis.
Kamil, a 33-year-old lawyer, experiences premature ejaculation. Through behaviorally oriented therapy, he would most likely learn to minimize his problem by:
  • hunger continues in humans whose cancerous stomachs have been removed.
  • lost interest in sex and social activities.
  • Her prediet weight was near her body's set point.
  • learning ways to control his urge to ejaculate.
Psychologist Henry Murray asked research participants to invent stories about ambiguous pictures. The stories were then scored for content related to acts of heroism, pride, and other signs of:
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • achievement motivation.
  • increased; increased
  • decrease in their metabolic rate.
Leptin, a hunger-dampening protein, is secreted by:
  • bellies.
  • set point.
  • fat cells.
  • need; drive
Destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamus of a rat is most likely to:
  • no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells.
  • cause the rat to begin eating.
  • originate at about the time of birth.
  • cause the rat to become extremely fat.


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