  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
  • large glowing ball of glass. generates light & heat through nuclear fusion
  • it uses "light-years" to talk about time, but a light-year is a unit of distance
  • collection of a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars, bound together by gravity
What is the saros cycle?
  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
  • A constellation is a region in the sky as seen from Earth.
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • The patchy band of light that outlines the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from Earth.
what determines what you see in the sky?
  • Average distances are increasing between galaxies.
  • only hydrogen & helium
  • your latitude & time of year
  • the average distance between Earth and the Sun
On a scale in which the distance from Earth to the Sun is about 15 meters, the distance from Earth to the Moon is _________.
  • About the distance across the United States
  • The altitude of the north celestial pole equals your latitude.
  • small enough to fit within your hand
  • Toward the star Polaris
Rank the following items that describe distances from longest distance (left) to shortest distance (right). (If two distances are equal, drag the second item on top of the first item.)
  • The path the Sun appears to trace around the celestial sphere each year
  • (Longest)The distance from the Milky Way Galaxy to the Andromeda GalaxyThe distance from the Sun to the center of the Milky Way GalaxyThe distance from Earth to Alpha CentauriOne light yearThe distance across the solar system (to Neptune) One astronomical unit (au)/ The average distance from the Sun to the Earth(Shortest)
  • in early September
  • The tilt of Earth's axis causes different portions of the Earth to receive more or less direct sunlight at different times of year.
An astronomical unit (AU) is _________.
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • the average distance between Earth and the Sun
  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
You've now seen that Earth's varying distance cannot be the cause of our seasons. So what is the cause of the seasons?
  • The tilt of Earth's axis causes different portions of the Earth to receive more or less direct sunlight at different times of year.
  • The patchy band of light that outlines the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from Earth.
  • that portion of the universe we can see in principle, given the current age of the universe
  • Earth's rotation defines a day. The cycle of the Moon's phases takes about a month.Earth's orbit defines a year.
What do astronomers mean by the Big Bang?
  • the event that marked the beginning of the expansion of the universe
  • The sun and all objects that orbit it.
  • A constellation is a region in the sky as seen from Earth.
  • the universe, local supercluster, local group, the milky way galaxy, our solar system, the sun, jupiter, earth
Lunar eclipses can occur only during a _________.
  • only hydrogen & helium
  • A full moon
  • 14 billion years
  • A couple thousand
According to current scientific estimates, when did the Big Bang occur?
  • 13.7 billion years
  • In about 2 weeks
  • A couple thousand
  • in early September
what moon phase can a solar eclipse ONLY occur in?
  • a new moon is quite near the Sun in the sky
  • One year
  • the Moon rotates once in the same amount of time that it takes the Moon to orbit Earth once
  • new moon
Which of the following is not a general difference between a planet and a star?
  • The tilt of Earth's axis causes different portions of the Earth to receive more or less direct sunlight at different times of year.
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
  • All planets are made of rock and all stars are made of gas.
  • Earth's orbital path around the Sun
A television advertisement claiming that a product is light-years ahead of its time does not make sense because _________.
  • it uses "light-years" to talk about time, but a light-year is a unit of distance
  • The altitude of the north celestial pole equals your latitude.
  • Just a few hours before midnight on December 31
  • the Moon rotates once in the same amount of time that it takes the Moon to orbit Earth once
What do astronomers mean by a constellation?
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • A constellation is a region in the sky as seen from Earth.
  • The patchy band of light that outlines the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from Earth.
  • that portion of the universe we can see in principle, given the current age of the universe
If we have a new moon today, when we will have the next full moon?
  • from west to east
  • in early September
  • in September
  • In about 2 weeks
What is the ecliptic plane?
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • Average distances are increasing between galaxies.
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
  • the average distance between Earth and the Sun
How long does it take the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun?
  • new moon
  • One year
  • 13.7 billion years
  • 14 billion years
A typical galaxy is a _________.
  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
  • The patchy band of light that outlines the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from Earth.
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
  • collection of a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars, bound together by gravity
What do we mean when we talk about the Milky Way in our sky?
  • The patchy band of light that outlines the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from Earth.
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • the Moon rotates once in the same amount of time that it takes the Moon to orbit Earth once
  • Average distances are increasing between galaxies.
About how many stars are visible to the naked eye on a clear, dark night away from city lights?
  • In about 2 weeks
  • A couple thousand
  • 14 billion years
  • Toward the star Polaris
The Andromeda Galaxy is faintly visible to the naked eye. When you look at the Andromeda Galaxy, the retina of your eye is absorbing light that has traveled through space for ______ to reach you.
  • latitude and longitude
  • a few hundred billion
  • about 2 ½ million years
  • About the distance across the United States
What is the celestial sphere?
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • collection of a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars, bound together by gravity
  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
  • that portion of the universe we can see in principle, given the current age of the universe
What is the ecliptic?
  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
  • the average distance between Earth and the Sun
  • The path the Sun appears to trace around the celestial sphere each year
Which of the following lies in the ecliptic plane?
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
  • All planets are made of rock and all stars are made of gas.
  • Earth's orbital path around the Sun
  • a new moon is quite near the Sun in the sky
Stars that are visible in the local sky on any clear night of the year, at any time of the night, are called _________.
  • One year
  • A couple thousand
  • circumpolar
  • A full moon
What do we mean when we say the universe is expanding?
  • A constellation is a region in the sky as seen from Earth.
  • Average distances are increasing between galaxies.
  • a new moon is quite near the Sun in the sky
  • the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun
In January, Earth's rotation axis points in the direction of the star Polaris. Where does it point in July?
  • in early September
  • Toward the star Polaris
  • About the distance across the United States
  • A couple thousand
Our solar system consists of?
  • the average distance between Earth and the Sun
  • The celestial sphere is a representation of how the entire sky looks as seen from Earth.
  • The sun and all objects that orbit it.
  • The roughly 18-year cycle over which the pattern of eclipses repeats
The number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy is approximately _________.
  • only hydrogen & helium
  • a few hundred billion
  • latitude and longitude
  • a new moon is quite near the Sun in the sky
On the cosmic calendar, which compresses the history of the universe into a single year, about when did life arise on Earth?
  • A couple thousand
  • Just a few hours before midnight on December 31
  • A full moon
  • in September
  • large glowing ball of glass. generates light & heat through nuclear fusion
  • moderately large object that orbits a star. shines by reflecting light
  • The path the Sun appears to trace around the celestial sphere each year
  • The patchy band of light that outlines the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy as seen from Earth.
Rank the following items according to their size (diameter) from left to right, from largest to smallest.
  • The altitude of the north celestial pole equals your latitude.
  • The tilt of Earth's axis causes different portions of the Earth to receive more or less direct sunlight at different times of year.
  • the universe, local supercluster, local group, the milky way galaxy, our solar system, the sun, jupiter, earth
  • the Moon rotates once in the same amount of time that it takes the Moon to orbit Earth once
what elements were only formed in the Big Bang?
  • only hydrogen & helium
  • latitude and longitude
  • your latitude & time of year
  • A full moon


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