Where do deposition and erosion of material occur along a meander?
  • On the outer parts of the meander loops or bends
  • Infiltration decreases; lag time between storms and peak runoff shortens.
  • Deposition occurs on the inside of the meander, whereas erosion occurs on the outside.
  • the drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
At the head of a delta, the major channel splits into smaller channels that follow different paths to the sea. What is the name applied to these smaller channels?
  • suspended load
  • Saltation
  • downcutting
  • Distributaries
When considering the movement of water on Earth within the hydrologic cycle, which of the following choices is responsible for driving this process?
  • a ridge of flood deposits next to a river channel
  • The hydrologic cycle works because water exists on Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states.
  • The drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
  • the stream is relatively young
What is a natural levee?
  • The hydrologic cycle works because water exists on Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states.
  • near the mouth of the stream
  • a ridge of flood deposits next to a river channel
  • a landscape feature formed after an oxbow lake dries up
What fills an abandoned cutoff or meander loop?
  • An oxbow lake
  • meandering stream
  • downcutting
  • a cut bank
Stream terraces form as the result of which of the following processes?
  • The drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
  • downcutting
  • Downcutting following the rise of the landscape produces stream terraces.
  • Infiltration decreases; lag time between storms and peak runoff shortens.
While working on a stream in your field study area, you find that the channel width is 20 meters, the channel depth is 2 meters, and the velocity is 1.2 meters/second. What is the discharge of this stream?
  • 0.5 m/km
  • 48 m3/s
  • Trellis
  • glaciers
What term generally refers to the highest percentage of the annual sediment load moved by a stream?
  • meandering stream
  • suspended load
  • suspended
  • Saltation
A ________ drainage pattern is common in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province.
  • capacity
  • Stream
  • suspended
  • trellis
What is a floodplain?
  • a landscape feature formed after an oxbow lake dries up
  • a flat surface next to a river channel
  • Sea level falls or land rises
  • Silt and clay-sized detrital grains
What is an oxbow lake?
  • Sea level drops when water is stored in expanding ice sheets and continental glaciers.
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
  • a meander that has been cut off from the original stream channel
  • On the outer parts of the meander loops or bends
How does the formation of a natural levee impact flooding?
  • Natural levees raise the height of the stream channel, reducing the amount of flooding that will occur on the floodplain.
  • the drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
  • The upper basin of the Mississippi sustained very heavy rainfall in the late spring and early summer
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
Which of the following choices does not directly affect stream velocity?
  • undercutting and lateral erosion
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
  • Sea level falls or land rises
  • location of the drainage divide
A dam and a reservoir are constructed on a graded river. What will happen?
  • Deposition upstream from the dam; channel downcutting below
  • Deposition occurs on the inside of the meander, whereas erosion occurs on the outside.
  • location of the drainage divide
  • undercutting and lateral erosion
What type of stream pattern develops only on growing mountains like volcanoes or where the land surface is tectonically doming upward?
  • Radial
  • glaciers
  • a trellis drainage pattern
  • Trellis
Which one of the following best describes how urbanization affects small-stream watersheds?
  • Amazon
  • Infiltration decreases; lag time between storms and peak runoff shortens.
  • With more meanders, the stream gradient decreases.
  • The drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
How does urbanization (paving, etc.) affect runoff and infiltration in a small, previously forested drainage basin?
  • Infiltration decreases; lag time between storms and peak runoff shortens.
  • location of the drainage divide
  • Infiltration decreases; runoff increases.
  • undercutting and lateral erosion
Which of the following is the correct definition of stream gradient?
  • The upper basin of the Mississippi sustained very heavy rainfall in the late spring and early summer
  • The drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
  • location of the drainage divide
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
What term describes the particle transport mode that is intermediate between suspension and rolling along the bottom of streams? This process also moves sand grains in a sand dune.
  • Saltation
  • Distributaries
  • suspended load
  • Radial
Which processes result in the widening of the floodplain of a meandering stream?
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
  • undercutting and lateral erosion
  • Sea level falls or land rises
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
What are the primary sizes of grains that make up the suspended loads of most rivers and streams?
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
  • Stream
  • Silt and clay-sized detrital grains
How are oxbow lakes formed?
  • a landscape feature formed after an oxbow lake dries up
  • Oxbow lakes form when one meander erodes into another, cutting off water to part of the stream channel.
  • Natural levees raise the height of the stream channel, reducing the amount of flooding that will occur on the floodplain.
  • a meander that has been cut off from the original stream channel
Which one of the following rivers has the largest water discharge of any in the world?
  • Infiltration decreases; lag time between storms and peak runoff shortens.
  • glaciers
  • a cut bank
  • Amazon
Where is erosion concentrated along a meandering stream?
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
  • On the outer parts of the meander loops or bends
  • With more meanders, the stream gradient decreases.
What is a meander scar?
  • a landscape feature formed after an oxbow lake dries up
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
  • a flat surface next to a river channel
  • a meander that has been cut off from the original stream channel
What type of drainage pattern generally develops in areas underlain by tilted or folded strata, where tributary streams flow along outcrop areas of soft strata?
  • an alluvial fan
  • Stream
  • a trellis drainage pattern
  • Trellis
The term used by geologists for all water flowing in a channel is _____.
  • suspended
  • stream
  • Radial
  • trellis
In a delta, sedimentary layers deposited under circumstances that appear to violate the Principle of Original Horizontality are found in which of the following circumstances?
  • Distributaries
  • foreset beds
  • a cut bank
  • clouds and precipitation
What is the term for the drop in water surface elevation divided by the distance the water flows?
  • Trellis
  • Stream
  • glaciers
  • a cut bank
The most common type of drainage pattern is _____.
  • dendritic
  • downcutting
  • meandering stream
  • stream
A stream begins at an elevation of 200 meters and flows a distance of 400 kilometers to the ocean? What is the average gradient?
  • Stream
  • 48 m3/s
  • 0.5 m/km
  • Saltation
Which part of the stream system has the highest average flow velocity?
  • location of the drainage divide
  • Sea level falls or land rises
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
  • near the mouth of the stream
Most streams transport the greatest amount of sediment as part of the _____ load.
  • suspended load
  • Amazon
  • suspended
  • Saltation
Which of the following was the cause of the extraordinarily severe flooding on the Mississippi River and its tributaries in 1993?
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
  • the drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels
  • The upper basin of the Mississippi sustained very heavy rainfall in the late spring and early summer
  • glaciers
For a meandering stream, the majority of erosion occurs _____.
  • On the outer parts of the meander loops or bends
  • at the outside of a bend
  • undercutting and lateral erosion
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains
Many large rivers in the Colorado Plateau region meander in deep, narrow canyons and have no floodplains. How could this have happened?
  • Infiltration decreases; lag time between storms and peak runoff shortens.
  • Deposition upstream from the dam; channel downcutting below
  • Infiltration decreases; runoff increases.
  • Original old-age streams downcut as the land gradually rose.
Which of the following features characterize wide streams and valleys?
  • Sea level falls or land rises
  • abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes
  • location of the drainage divide
  • Natural levees; broad floodplains


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