passed 1890
  • Square Deal why
  • Sherman Antitrust Act when
  • Square Deal what
  • Sherman Antitrust Act where
TR wanted things fair, RR needed by people for agriculture, didn't want just the wealthy to benefit
  • 2 why
  • 3 who
  • 2 who
  • "How the Other Half Lives" who
book exposing poor living conditions of slums and people who lived there, photos included; showed injustice of landlords of these tenements
  • "How the Other Half Lives" why
  • "How the Other Half Lives" what
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company why
  • "How the Other Half Lives" where
cigarette dropped in sweatshop causing a fire throughout the building; workers were unable to escape due to doors that were locked to keep them from leaving work early; many jumped and 146 died
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company what
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company why
  • "How the Other Half Lives" what
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company where
immigrant teen girls, Frances Perkins - fought for workers rights, was the first U.S woman in the cabinet, The U.S secretary of Labor
  • "How the Other Half Lives" who
  • Sherman Antitrust Act where
  • 2 what
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company who
Jacob Riis - crime photographer and Denmark immigrant
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  • "How the Other Half Lives" who
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company who
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Department of Justice, Congress
  • Square Deal who
  • 2 where
  • 2 why
  • 1 where
Department of Justice in Washington D.C
  • Square Deal what
  • Sherman Antitrust Act where
  • Sherman Antitrust Act when
  • Square Deal why
wanted to regulate rates, interstate commerce commission set RR rate maximum, could check RR book (gov could)
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  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company who
  • 2 who
  • 2 why
published 1890
  • "How the Other Half Lives" where
  • "How the Other Half Lives" when
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company when
  • "How the Other Half Lives" why
  • 2 who
  • 1 where
  • 2 where
  • 2 why
even though big businesses were here to stay, he wanted them to be for public good so he fought trusts through legislation
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the incident made NY make safety regulations for factories such as not blocking fire exits, age and hour restrictions; it was a turning point for social welfare
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company what
  • "How the Other Half Lives" what
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company why
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company where
Theodore Roosevelt - Republican presidential nominee
  • Sherman Antitrust Act who
  • Square Deal who
  • Sherman Antitrust Act what
  • Sherman Antitrust Act why
Roosevelt used this act to give the federal gov more control over big businesses in court and it was the first measure passed by U.S Congress to prohibit trusts
  • Sherman Antitrust Act why
  • Square Deal who
  • Sherman Antitrust Act what
  • Sherman Antitrust Act who
all presidents were "laissez-faire" but Teddy wanted to prove the federal gov had authority over businesses
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during his presidential campaign, he promised a "square deal" which was equal and fair treatment for all. Contrasted with previous presidents "laissez-faire" idea and called for a large amount of gov business regulation
  • Square Deal what
  • Sherman Antitrust Act when
  • Sherman Antitrust Act where
  • Square Deal why
battling RR and Standard oil trust, square deal
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1906 Hepburn Act gave ICC right to set RR rates
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helped him win election and led to a new era of gov regulation, used as foundation for busting up trusts
  • Sherman Antitrust Act when
  • Sherman Antitrust Act where
  • Square Deal why
  • Square Deal what
started new era of gov regulation
  • 3 when
  • 1 why
  • 3 what
  • 3 why
brought awareness of poor living conditions to upper classes, making them want to help
  • "How the Other Half Lives" why
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company what
  • "How the Other Half Lives" where
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company why
TR and Uncle Sam - reps common people/voters
  • 3 who
  • 2 who
  • "How the Other Half Lives" who
  • 2 why


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