• Meiosis II must take place because each of our new cells still has too much _____.
  • How many pieces of chromatin do human cells have?
  • Homologous chromosomes pair up during Prophase I to form a _____.
  • The homologous chromosomes split up and move toward the opposite ends of the cell during _____.
- fertilization
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • At the end of Meiosis II, you have made _____ _____ gametes (sex cells).
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
- homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information
  • What are the phases of Meiosis II?
  • What happens during crossing over?
  • Chromosomes that are the same size and have the same genes are called _____ _____.
  • What are the two types of gametes?
- sister- chromatid
  • The chromosomes _____ to form _____.
  • Each half of a replicated chromosome is called a _____ _____.
  • At the end of Meiosis II, you have made _____ _____ gametes (sex cells).
  • What separates during Anaphase II?
- 46
  • What goes inside the boxes of a Punnet Square?
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis in cells that do crossing over?
  • How many pieces of chromatin do human cells have?
  • If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____.
- two- I- II
  • _____ occurs at the same time as Telophase II.
  • At the end of Meiosis II, you have made _____ _____ gametes (sex cells).
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • Meiosis occurs in _____ divisions; Meiosis _____ and Meiosis _____.
- new nucleus
  • Each newly formed cell will form a _____ around the chromosomes.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • _____ is the division of the cytoplasm to make two new cells.
  • What do you call two genes that are often inherited together?
- alleles
  • In _____, the sister chromatids split up.
  • Each newly formed cell will form a _____ around the chromosomes.
  • If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____.
  • Different forms of a gene are called _____.
- millions- millions- trillions
  • Chromosomes that are the same size and have the same genes are called _____ _____.
  • For human being, there are _____ of possible sperm and _____ of possible eggs which can be produced which results in _____ of possible genetic combinations.
  • The homologous chromosomes split up and move toward the opposite ends of the cell during _____.
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis in cells that do crossing over?
- 4
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis in cells that do crossing over?
  • How many varieties of gametes are produced by meiosis without crossing over?
  • What goes inside the boxes of a Punnet Square?
  • How many different combinations are possible in the first part of Meiosis because of Independent Assortment?
- uncoil- chromatin
  • The chromosomes _____ to form _____.
  • The nucleus _____ during Prophase.
  • The nucleus _____ during Prophase II.
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
- crossing over --> occurs during Prophase I, homologous chromosomes trade genetic information --> there is more variety in the possible gametes --> diversity
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • What process in cells undergoing Meiosis increases genetic diversity?
  • What do you call two genes that are often inherited together?
- sister chromatids
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
  • When does Interphase occur?
  • Each half of a replicated chromosome is called a _____ _____.
  • What separates during Anaphase II?
- 4 --> two sets of two that are identical
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis in cells that do crossing over?
  • Does crossing over occur for every chromosome every time gametes are produced?
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis?
  • How many varieties of gametes are produced by Meiosis with crossing over?
- four- haploid
  • At the end of Meiosis II, you have made _____ _____ gametes (sex cells).
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
  • Each half of a replicated chromosome is called a _____ _____.
  • Meiosis occurs in _____ divisions; Meiosis _____ and Meiosis _____.
- eggs- ova
  • The alignment of the top pair of chromosomes _____ affect the alignment of the bottom pair.
  • If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
- Anaphase II
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • _____ is the division of the cytoplasm to make two new cells.
  • What are the phases of Meiosis II?
  • In _____, the sister chromatids split up.
- Replication- Interphase
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • _____ occurs at the same time as Telophase II.
  • When does Independent Assortment occur?
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
- half from your mother- half from your father
  • What are the two types of gametes?
  • _____ are made during Meiosis. List examples.
  • Where does your DNA come from?
  • What happens during crossing over?
- homologous- chromosomes
  • What exchanged DNA during crossing over?
  • Does crossing over occur for every chromosome every time gametes are produced?
  • Chromosomes that are the same size and have the same genes are called _____ _____.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
- identical
  • The chromosomes _____ to form _____.
  • What is the term for a fertilized egg?
  • The nucleus _____ during Prophase.
  • Sister chromatids are _____.
- 4 --> 4 nonidentical haploid gametes
  • How many varieties of gametes are produced by Meiosis with crossing over?
  • How many varieties of gametes are produced by meiosis without crossing over?
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis?
  • Does crossing over occur for every chromosome every time gametes are produced?
- Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II
  • What are the phases of Meiosis I?
  • What happens during crossing over?
  • What are the phases of Meiosis II?
  • What are the two types of gametes?
- genes
  • If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____.
  • The way each chromosome lines up during Metaphase I is _____.
  • DNA has _____ that determine the trait of an organism.
  • Different forms of a gene are called _____.
- 4 nonidentical haploid gametes
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis?
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis in cells that do crossing over?
  • How many varieties of gametes are produced by Meiosis with crossing over?
  • When does Independent Assortment occur?
- four- haploid- gametes
  • In Telophase II, _____ _____ daughter cells called _____ are being formed.
  • Chromosomes that are the same size and have the same genes are called _____ _____.
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
  • During Prophase I, the chromosomes _____ and become _____.
- Two- Telophase I
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • Meiosis occurs in _____ divisions; Meiosis _____ and Meiosis _____.
  • _____ independent cells begin to form during _____.
  • _____ is the division of the cytoplasm to make two new cells.
- middle
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
  • In Metaphase II, the chromosomes line up single file down the _____ of the cell.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • During Metaphase I, the tetrads line up in the _____ of the cell.
- Metaphase I- Metaphase II
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • When does Independent Assortment occur?
  • In _____, the sister chromatids split up.
  • What are the phases of Meiosis I?
- 8 --> from the FOIL process, each parent has 4 for a combination of 8
  • How many gene combinations are possible in gamete production for a dihybrid cross? Why?
  • How many cells are produced by Meiosis in cells that do crossing over?
  • How many varieties of gametes are produced by Meiosis with crossing over?
  • Does crossing over occur for every chromosome every time gametes are produced?
- haploid
  • The homologous chromosomes split up and move toward the opposite ends of the cell during _____.
  • The way each chromosome lines up during Metaphase I is _____.
  • The alignment of the top pair of chromosomes _____ affect the alignment of the bottom pair.
  • The two new cells that are formed from Meiosis I are _____ because they contain half of the chromosomes of the original cell that started Meiosis.
  • The two new cells that are formed from Meiosis I are _____ because they contain half of the chromosomes of the original cell that started Meiosis.
  • In Metaphase II, the chromosomes line up single file down the _____ of the cell.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
  • The alignment of the top pair of chromosomes _____ affect the alignment of the bottom pair.
- the cell does normal cell activities
  • What exchanged DNA during crossing over?
  • When does Interphase occur?
  • What do you call two genes that are often inherited together?
  • What occurs during Interphase?
- Cytokinesis
  • Meiosis occurs in _____ divisions; Meiosis _____ and Meiosis _____.
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • _____ occurs at the same time as Telophase II.
- sperm- egg (ova)
  • The nucleus _____ during Prophase.
  • What exchanged DNA during crossing over?
  • What are the two types of gametes?
  • What are the phases of Meiosis I?
- disintegrates
  • The chromosomes _____ to form _____.
  • The nucleus _____ during Prophase.
  • What separates during Anaphase II?
  • What are the two types of gametes?
- sperm
  • Homologous chromosomes pair up during Prophase I to form a _____.
  • At the start of Meiosis I, you had 1 _____ cell.
  • If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____.
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
- recombinant
  • _____ is the division of the cytoplasm to make two new cells.
  • What process occurs when the sperm and egg combine?
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
  • What is another term for the chromosomes that result from crossing over?
- diploid
  • At the start of Meiosis I, you had 1 _____ cell.
  • _____ occurs at the same time as Telophase II.
  • If the gametes are produced by a male, they are called _____.
  • A genetic cross that looks at two traits is a _____ cross.
- tetrad
  • A genetic cross that looks at two traits is a _____ cross.
  • What do you call two genes that are often inherited together?
  • The homologous chromosomes split up and move toward the opposite ends of the cell during _____.
  • Homologous chromosomes pair up during Prophase I to form a _____.
- sister chromatids of individual chromosomes line up randomly, resulting in a variety of possible genetic combinations in gametes
  • When does Independent Assortment occur?
  • How does Independent Assortment affect genetic diversity?
  • What separates during Anaphase II?
  • How many gene combinations are possible in gamete production for a dihybrid cross? Why?
- middle (equator)
  • During Metaphase I, the tetrads line up in the _____ of the cell.
  • If the gametes are produced by a female, they are called _____ or _____.
  • In Metaphase II, the chromosomes line up single file down the _____ of the cell.
  • Meiosis occurs in _____ divisions; Meiosis _____ and Meiosis _____.
- gametes --> sex cells --> sperm and eggs
  • _____ independent cells begin to form during _____.
  • What are the phases of Meiosis I?
  • _____ is when DNA copies itself during _____.
  • _____ are made during Meiosis. List examples.


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