Complete the passage.Sound waves and some earthquake waves are_______waves. Ocean, light, and other earthquake waves are_________waves.
  • longitudinaltransverse
  • compressionsrarefactions
  • high-temperature solids.
  • They will slow down.
A sound is first produced by making something_______. The sound then travels through a _______ to reach the ears, which are parts of the body that allow for sounds to be heard.
  • frequencyspeed
  • vibratemedium
  • compressionsrarefactions
  • wavelength
Sound waves move the most slowly through________.
  • wavelength
  • gases
  • higher
  • There is more energy and the particles are closer together.
  • the density of a mediums particles at the compression of the wave
  • the part of a wave where the particles of the medium are closer together
  • the distance between compression of a rarefactions
  • the part of a wave where the particles of the medium are farther apart
The_________of a wave is the density of the medium's particles at the compression of the wave.
  • wavelength
  • higher
  • a hammer hitting a metal cup
  • amplitude
  • the distance between compression of a rarefactions
  • the part of a wave where the particles of the medium are closer together
  • the part of a wave where the particles of the medium are farther apart
  • the density of a mediums particles at the compression of the wave
Which features do sound waves have that ocean and light waves do not? Check all that apply.compressionsrarefactionsamplitudewavelengthcrestsfrequencyspeed
  • compressions
  • longitudinaltransverse
  • temperature and type of medium
  • compressionsrarefactions
A student takes notes in class. Sound Waves I. Created by a vibration A. Vibration: something that causes air molecules to move back and forth quickly and steadily II. Move through a medium A. Solid B. Liquid C. GasWhich line of her notes contains an error?II AII BII C
  • wavelength
  • It is any medium.
  • I A
  • higher
Sound waves are created when something is caused to_______.
  • vibrate
  • medium.
  • 3412
  • distance traveled / time
Put the steps in order from 1 to 4 to describe how sound waves travel.Energy is passed from particle to particle:Energy reaches the ear, which allows for hearing:A sound wave is produced when an object vibrates:Energy from the object is transferred to particles around the vibrating object:
  • medium.
  • I A
  • 3412
  • vibrate


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