much lower than the national average
  • How does Texas spending on a per capita basis compare to the rest of the United States?
  • Which agency is responsible for managing the Permanent School Fund?
  • Texas will not implement a statewide income tax in the immediate future. Why not?
  • According to our text, what determines the amount of tax revenue generated from oil and natural gas produced in Texas?
market price and the amount produced
  • One of the controversies arising out of the Medicaid Women's Health Program in Texas involved this.
  • Following a legislative decision in 2003 to reduce state funding to higher education, which source of university revenue began to increase most rapidly?
  • The funds generated by the Permanent School Fund are distributed to school districts across the state based on what?
  • According to our text, what determines the amount of tax revenue generated from oil and natural gas produced in Texas?
validated state-imposed racial segregation in Texas public schools.
  • What was Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) about?
  • What also came of the Gilmer-Aikin Laws?
  • The district court in San Antonio v. Rodriguez delayed action because of this.
  • In Texas, the governor's line-item veto power is...
thought the legislature would address the funding issue in the next legislature session
  • The law of capture, as it pertains to water policy in Texas, essentially means this.
  • What was Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) about?
  • In Brown v. Board of Education, segregated school districts were ordered to do this.
  • The district court in San Antonio v. Rodriguez delayed action because of this.
the State Board of Education was established and became the policy-making body for public education in Texas.
  • The Texas legislature increased...... to help compensate for lower property tax revenues in the 2012-13 budget cycle.
  • Who certifies the state budget of Texas?
  • What also came of the Gilmer-Aikin Laws?
  • What is the main purpose of the Permanent School Fund?
awarded to states that agree to fund a federal program on behalf of their own citizens
  • What are federal matching funds?
  • Welfare reforms are measured along which two dimensions?
  • What would happen if Texas instituted a progressive income tax?
  • Which statement is true regarding poverty in Texas?
various bureaucratic institutions were established to be responsible for public education in the state of Texas.
  • The Permanent University Fund was established in 1876 with a land grant of 1 million acres. It contributes to the support of this.
  • What came of the Gilmer-Aikin Laws?
  • Who pays the greatest portion of their income in property taxes?
  • What was Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) about?
  • One of the controversies arising out of the Medicaid Women's Health Program in Texas involved this.
  • The funds generated by the Permanent School Fund are distributed to school districts across the state based on what?
  • The single most important issue confronting Texas policy makers with regard to Medicaid is this.
  • Which of the following is not generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
the focus on conservation and expanding and developing available surface water
  • The funds generated by the Permanent School Fund are distributed to school districts across the state based on what?
  • Welfare reforms are measured along which two dimensions?
  • Two of the strategies that have been developed by the Texas Water Development Board to meet the long-term needs of Texas include...
  • One significant component of the budget process that is relatively unique to Texas is...
increasing health care costs due to recent efforts to reform the health care system
  • According to the text, just as the economy began to improve and state revenues started increasing, a new threat arose to threaten the newly balanced budget. It was it?
  • Which statement is true regarding poverty in Texas?
  • Two of the strategies that have been developed by the Texas Water Development Board to meet the long-term needs of Texas include...
  • What was the primary purpose of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
income taxes
  • Which of the following is not generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
  • One of the controversies arising out of the Medicaid Women's Health Program in Texas involved this.
  • Which phrase best characterizes Texas' reputation in terms of taxes and services?
  • The single most important issue confronting Texas policy makers with regard to Medicaid is this.
make families self-sufficient by ending the cycle of dependency on government benefits
  • What are generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
  • What is the Religious Viewpoint Antidiscrimination Act?
  • What was the primary purpose of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
  • What would happen if Texas instituted a progressive income tax?
poor homeowners and renters
  • In Texas, the governor's line-item veto power is...
  • Who pays the greatest portion of their income in property taxes?
  • What came of the Gilmer-Aikin Laws?
  • The Permanent University Fund was established in 1876 with a land grant of 1 million acres. It contributes to the support of this.
the number of people on welfare and the success of getting people into the workforce
  • Welfare reforms are measured along which two dimensions?
  • What are federal matching funds?
  • What are generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
  • The purpose of the Biennial Revenue Estimate is to provide this.
a detailed forecast of total revenues that the state is expected to take in.
  • What was the primary purpose of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
  • The purpose of the Biennial Revenue Estimate is to provide this.
  • What are generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
  • What would happen if Texas instituted a progressive income tax?
state legislature
  • Next to revenue generated by state taxes, the second-largest source of state revenue comes from this.
  • Federal funds appropriated in Texas generally are concentrated to who?
  • Prior to 2003, tuition for public colleges and universities in Texas was set by this group of ppl
  • Who certifies the state budget of Texas?
state corporate franchise taxes and cigarette taxes
  • The Texas legislature increased...... to help compensate for lower property tax revenues in the 2012-13 budget cycle.
  • Prior to 2003, tuition for public colleges and universities in Texas was set by this group of ppl
  • The Permanent University Fund was established in 1876 with a land grant of 1 million acres. It contributes to the support of this.
  • Federal funds appropriated in Texas generally are concentrated to who?
whether the phrase "an efficient system of free public schools" included school financing.
  • In the case of Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Burrell Day and Joel McDaniel (2012), farmers argued that...
  • In Edgewood ISD v. Kirby, what was the key constitutional issue?
  • The district court in San Antonio v. Rodriguez delayed action because of this.
  • In the 1960's, welfare policy in Texas reflected this.
the tax burden consumes a greater percentage of income received by lower income individuals.
  • Overall, the tax system in Texas is generally considered to be regressive, which means what?
  • In the case of Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Burrell Day and Joel McDaniel (2012), farmers argued that...
  • The district court in San Antonio v. Rodriguez delayed action because of this.
  • Describe the water policy in Texas.
the first person to capture the water by pumping it out of the ground owns it
  • The law of capture, as it pertains to water policy in Texas, essentially means this.
  • Describe the water policy in Texas.
  • In the case of Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Burrell Day and Joel McDaniel (2012), farmers argued that...
  • The Permanent University Fund was established in 1876 with a land grant of 1 million acres. It contributes to the support of this.
The lottery is played by large numbers of people from all social classes.
  • Authorized by voters in 1991, the Texas state lottery generates a sizable sum for the state budget. Who plays the lottery?
  • According to the text, just as the economy began to improve and state revenues started increasing, a new threat arose to threaten the newly balanced budget. It was it?
  • One of the controversies arising out of the Medicaid Women's Health Program in Texas involved this.
  • One significant component of the budget process that is relatively unique to Texas is...
very powerful because the governor can use it to limit expenditures
  • What is the main purpose of the Permanent School Fund?
  • In Texas, the governor's line-item veto power is...
  • The Permanent University Fund was established in 1876 with a land grant of 1 million acres. It contributes to the support of this.
  • Who pays the greatest portion of their income in property taxes?
concentrated in a few state agencies
  • The Texas legislature increased...... to help compensate for lower property tax revenues in the 2012-13 budget cycle.
  • Federal funds appropriated in Texas generally are concentrated to who?
  • Next to revenue generated by state taxes, the second-largest source of state revenue comes from this.
  • Who certifies the state budget of Texas?
low- income Texans would pay a lower tax rate than wealthy Texans.
  • What was the primary purpose of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
  • What would happen if Texas instituted a progressive income tax?
  • Welfare reforms are measured along which two dimensions?
  • What are generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
oil production and regulation taxes
  • Federal funds appropriated in Texas generally are concentrated to who?
  • Prior to 2003, tuition for public colleges and universities in Texas was set by this group of ppl
  • Next to revenue generated by state taxes, the second-largest source of state revenue comes from this.
  • In 1965, Congress created the Medicaid program, a state-federal program that does this.
The Texas Board of Education
  • Which agency is responsible for managing the Permanent School Fund?
  • What was the primary purpose of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
  • Which statement is true regarding poverty in Texas?
  • How does Texas spending on a per capita basis compare to the rest of the United States?
ensured religious-oriented clubs the same access to school facilities and protected students who expressed religious beliefes.
  • Welfare reforms are measured along which two dimensions?
  • What is the Religious Viewpoint Antidiscrimination Act?
  • The purpose of the Biennial Revenue Estimate is to provide this.
  • What are federal matching funds?
sales and property taxes, auto registration and inspection fees, and excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes
  • What was the primary purpose of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families?
  • What are federal matching funds?
  • What are generally considered to be an example of regressive taxes or fees?
  • The purpose of the Biennial Revenue Estimate is to provide this.
they had the rights to the water based upon their ownership of the land above it
  • In legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court ruled like this.
  • In the case of Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Burrell Day and Joel McDaniel (2012), farmers argued that...
  • In Edgewood ISD v. Kirby, what was the key constitutional issue?
  • The district court in San Antonio v. Rodriguez delayed action because of this.
the program and the costs of birth control, health screenings, and family exams.
  • One significant component of the budget process that is relatively unique to Texas is...
  • Welfare reforms are measured along which two dimensions?
  • One of the controversies arising out of the Medicaid Women's Health Program in Texas involved this.
  • Texas will not implement a statewide income tax in the immediate future. Why not?
Brown v. Board of Education
  • The funds generated by the Permanent School Fund are distributed to school districts across the state based on what?
  • The Economic Stabilization Fund is also known as the
  • Through what did the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Plessy v. Ferguson?
  • Which phrase best characterizes Texas' reputation in terms of taxes and services?
a policy of minimizing the cost to Texas while maximizing the use of federal dollars.
  • Describe the water policy in Texas.
  • In the 1960's, welfare policy in Texas reflected this.
  • In Edgewood ISD v. Kirby, what was the key constitutional issue?
  • In the case of Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Burrell Day and Joel McDaniel (2012), farmers argued that...
Water rights are a complicated matter balancing private property considerations and the public good
  • What also came of the Gilmer-Aikin Laws?
  • The law of capture, as it pertains to water policy in Texas, essentially means this.
  • Describe the water policy in Texas.
  • Overall, the tax system in Texas is generally considered to be regressive, which means what?
the University of Texas and Texas A and M university systems
  • In legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court ruled like this.
  • The Permanent University Fund was established in 1876 with a land grant of 1 million acres. It contributes to the support of this.
  • The Texas legislature increased...... to help compensate for lower property tax revenues in the 2012-13 budget cycle.
  • What came of the Gilmer-Aikin Laws?


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