Sign a DoD Statement of Understanding and provide it to her APC.
  • Which item is a benefit of using the travel card?
  • Which of the statements about a lost or stolen travel card is true?
  • Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true?
  • What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card?
Hold onto vouchers from earlier trips, so she can process them all together when she returns.
  • . Patricia is preparing to go TDY. Which of the following is NOT an action she should take to prepare?
  • Which item is a benefit of using the travel card?
  • What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card?
  • Which situation will most likely result in an individual being issued a restricted travel card?
The traveler refuses to authorize a credit check.
  • Which of the statements about a lost or stolen travel card is true?
  • What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card?
  • Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true?
  • Which situation will most likely result in an individual being issued a restricted travel card?
Using it prevents travelers from having to use their own money for official travel expenses.
  • Which of the statements about a lost or stolen travel card is true?
  • Which is a reason for account suspension?
  • Which item is a benefit of using the travel card?
  • Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true?
Regardless of the status of the traveler's reimbursement, they must pay their bill on time.
  • Which item is a benefit of using the travel card?
  • Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true?
  • Which of the statements about a lost or stolen travel card is true?
  • What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card?
The cardholder is responsible for authorized charges made before losing the card.
  • Which situation will most likely result in an individual being issued a restricted travel card?
  • Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true?
  • What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card?
  • Which of the statements about a lost or stolen travel card is true?


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