Explain how humans react and adapt to the limited availability of water.
  • Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock with a high amount of carbon and hydrocarbons.Coal is classified as a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form. Coal contains the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago in swampy forests.The plants were covered by layers of dirt and rock over millions of years. The resulting pressure and heat turned the plants into a substance now known as coal.
  • One of the easiest things people can do when water is scarce is limit its use. Lawns get watered less often, or only at specific times of day. Vehicles are washed less often or not at all. In addition, when water is scarce, wastewater is reused more often if it does not contain sewage. Even blackwater gets used more, but only after processing it to remove contaminants and pathogens
  • Fossil fuels were formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. When the remains of these organisms were buried they began to undergo transformations into fossil fuels. Fuels such as coal were formed from organisms that lived long before the dinosaurs, so the length of times involved in their formation are so long as to be beyond the life span of any species. This long formation time is why they are considered nonrenewable resources.
  • Student answers will vary but may include: Potential resources are those that may be used at some future point, but are not being used now, like actual resources. Renewable resources are those that are continually replenished while nonrenewable resources are produced over such long periods of time that they are not considered replenishable. The distinctions are important because resources that are actively being used, actual resources, impact people's daily lives. And if these resources are nonrenewable, rather than renewable, they can only be used for a limited period of time.
Despite the energy crisis in the 1970s, the United States has
  • It may lead to drought.
  • increased its dependence on foreign oil sources
  • Air is a raw material for biological processes supplied by the Earth.
  • Lower demand will prevent large increases in timber prices.
The USGS estimates that the United States uses less than 200 billion gallons of water a day.
  • True
  • False
Practice: Explain how fossil fuel use in the US makes us vulnerable to the demands of foreign countries.
  • The US imports much of its petroleum from foreign countries which set the prices.
  • The tar in the La Brea Tar Pits is a fossil fuel that began forming hundreds of million years ago from the bodies of marine organisms. During the last ice age, a few tens of thousands of years ago, mammals like mammoths and sabertooth cats, became trapped in the tar, leaving their bones behind. The mammals became trapped in the tar that already existed, and were not in fact part of what created it.
  • In addition, fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum are classified as biotic because they derive from organic matter, with coal believed to have formed from land plants and petroleum from plankton. Abioticnatural resources. Abiotic natural resources are those obtained from non-living sources.
  • The United States imports much of its petroleum from foreign countries who can set the price. This leaves the United States vulnerable to price spikes and artificial shortages as happened during the 1970's oil crisis
Distinguish between the fossils of ice age mammals found in the La Brea Tar Pits and the organisms that make up the fossil fuels of the tar.
  • One of the easiest things people can do when water is scarce is limit its use. Lawns get watered less often, or only at specific times of day. Vehicles are washed less often or not at all. In addition, when water is scarce, wastewater is reused more often if it does not contain sewage. Even blackwater gets used more, but only after processing it to remove contaminants and pathogens
  • Natural gas is a gas that occurs deep beneath the earth's surface. Natural gas consists mainly of methane, a gas (or compound) with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. Natural gas also contains small amounts of hydrocarbon liquids and nonhydrocarbon gases. Natural gas can be used as a fuel or to make materials and chemicals.
  • Student answers will vary but may include: Potential resources are those that may be used at some future point, but are not being used now, like actual resources. Renewable resources are those that are continually replenished while nonrenewable resources are produced over such long periods of time that they are not considered replenishable. The distinctions are important because resources that are actively being used, actual resources, impact people's daily lives. And if these resources are nonrenewable, rather than renewable, they can only be used for a limited period of time.
  • The tar in the La Brea Tar Pits is a fossil fuel that began forming hundreds of million years ago from the bodies of marine organisms. During the last ice age, a few tens of thousands of years ago, mammals like mammoths and sabertooth cats, became trapped in the tar, leaving their bones behind. The mammals became trapped in the tar that already existed, and were not in fact part of what created it.
Explain the difference between actual and potential resources and why the distinction is important. Do the same for renewable and nonrenewable resources.
  • Student answers will vary but may include: Potential resources are those that may be used at some future point, but are not being used now, like actual resources. Renewable resources are those that are continually replenished while nonrenewable resources are produced over such long periods of time that they are not considered replenishable. The distinctions are important because resources that are actively being used, actual resources, impact people's daily lives. And if these resources are nonrenewable, rather than renewable, they can only be used for a limited period of time.
  • The tar in the La Brea Tar Pits is a fossil fuel that began forming hundreds of million years ago from the bodies of marine organisms. During the last ice age, a few tens of thousands of years ago, mammals like mammoths and sabertooth cats, became trapped in the tar, leaving their bones behind. The mammals became trapped in the tar that already existed, and were not in fact part of what created it.
  • One of the easiest things people can do when water is scarce is limit its use. Lawns get watered less often, or only at specific times of day. Vehicles are washed less often or not at all. In addition, when water is scarce, wastewater is reused more often if it does not contain sewage. Even blackwater gets used more, but only after processing it to remove contaminants and pathogens
  • Fossil fuels were formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. When the remains of these organisms were buried they began to undergo transformations into fossil fuels. Fuels such as coal were formed from organisms that lived long before the dinosaurs, so the length of times involved in their formation are so long as to be beyond the life span of any species. This long formation time is why they are considered nonrenewable resources.
The asphalt in the La Brea Tar Pits is composed of hydrocarbons, but is not considered a fossil fuel.
  • True
  • False
Wild animals are not considered a natural resource.
  • True
  • False
Explain how fossil fuels originated, and why this process results in them being considered nonrenewable resources.
  • Student answers will vary but may include: Potential resources are those that may be used at some future point, but are not being used now, like actual resources. Renewable resources are those that are continually replenished while nonrenewable resources are produced over such long periods of time that they are not considered replenishable. The distinctions are important because resources that are actively being used, actual resources, impact people's daily lives. And if these resources are nonrenewable, rather than renewable, they can only be used for a limited period of time.
  • One of the easiest things people can do when water is scarce is limit its use. Lawns get watered less often, or only at specific times of day. Vehicles are washed less often or not at all. In addition, when water is scarce, wastewater is reused more often if it does not contain sewage. Even blackwater gets used more, but only after processing it to remove contaminants and pathogens
  • Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock with a high amount of carbon and hydrocarbons.Coal is classified as a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form. Coal contains the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago in swampy forests.The plants were covered by layers of dirt and rock over millions of years. The resulting pressure and heat turned the plants into a substance now known as coal.
  • Fossil fuels were formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. When the remains of these organisms were buried they began to undergo transformations into fossil fuels. Fuels such as coal were formed from organisms that lived long before the dinosaurs, so the length of times involved in their formation are so long as to be beyond the life span of any species. This long formation time is why they are considered nonrenewable resources.
Fish, trees, and animals are important wildlife resources that we depend on for survival. Fish are a main source of food for many of the people in the world. Trees have been used to build and heat homes, make paper, and provide food for centuries. Humans hunt land animals such as deer, fox, antelope, and buffalo for food and other products. What can we do to protect wildlife resources so they will be around for future generations?
  • The US imports much of its petroleum from foreign countries which set the prices.
  • harvest fast-growing trees, impose fishing limits, and impose laws to prevent poaching and illegal hunting
  • They are organic fuels derived from ancient plants and animals.
  • Air is a raw material for biological processes supplied by the Earth.


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