A. the right of a group to express unpopular opinionsB. the right of a group to make false claimsC. the right of a group to meetD. the right of a group to protest{Correct Answer-C.}
  • What does the First Amendment's right to assemble refer to?
  • Edwards v. South Carolina protected people's right to assemble and
  • Which best describes how Tinker v. Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment?
  • The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply?
A. The government has a heavy burden to prove harm.B. The government can limit speech that causes harm.C. The government has unlimited power to limit speech.D. The government must follow the First Amendment.{Correct Answer-B.}
  • Which best describes what the government had to prove for its censorship of the New York Times to have been acceptable?
  • Though the outcomes of Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common?
  • Which action would be the least likely to be considered protected speech or a protected action?
  • When can the government restrict information released by the press?
A. talking loudly on a cell phone during a movieB. crossing against the light to protest getting a parking ticketC. banning a private firm's employees from wearing political t-shirts at workD. burning a fire in a public park as a political protest{Correct Answer-D.}
  • Though the outcomes of Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common?
  • Which action would be the least likely to be considered protected speech or a protected action?
  • When can the government restrict information released by the press?
  • Which best describes what the government had to prove for its censorship of the New York Times to have been acceptable?
A. protect protestors.B. restrict the freedom of speech.C. convict criminals.D. restrict the freedom of the press.{Correct Answer-B.}
  • The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply?
  • Edwards v. South Carolina protected people's right to assemble and
  • Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states' ability to
  • Which best describes how Tinker v. Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment?
A. if protesters were picketing on an alleged criminal's front lawnB. if protesters were marching on the statehouse in favor of marriage for allC. if protesters were inciting others to destroy restaurants serving unhealthy foodsD. if protesters were throwing rocks at police to prevent arrest{Correct Answer-B.}
  • Which best describes what the government had to prove for its censorship of the New York Times to have been acceptable?
  • Which action would be the least likely to be considered protected speech or a protected action?
  • Under which circumstances would protesters' right to assembly most likely be protected?
  • Though the outcomes of Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common?
A. The decision affirmed the protection of unpopular opinions.B. The decision affirmed the protection of symbolic speech.C. The decision affirmed the protection of all political speech.D. The decision affirmed the protection of minors' speech rights.{Correct Answer-B.}
  • The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply?
  • Which best describes how Tinker v. Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment?
  • Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states' ability to
  • Edwards v. South Carolina protected people's right to assemble and
A .The events involved symbolic speech without disruption.B. The First Amendment always applies to issues of speech.C. The events involved controversial issues.D. The protest was an act of civil disobedience.{Correct Answer-A.}
  • Which best describes how Tinker v. Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment?
  • Edwards v. South Carolina protected people's right to assemble and
  • The events surrounding Tinker v. Des Moines involved a school, so why did the First Amendment apply?
  • Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states' ability to


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