Diffusion is the net movement of molecule from a region of ...1...to region of ...2....
  • 1: lower concentration, 2: higher concentration
  • 1: higher concentration, 2: lower concentration
  • 1: lower concentration, 2: lower concentration
  • 1: higher concentration, 2: higher concentration
Two Erlenmeyer flasks are arranged as the diagram below. After several minutes, all of Erlenmeyer flasks are filled up by glucose solution. Why did it happen?
sc-5 sb-3-Diffusion,Osmosis, Active Transportimg_no 187.jpg
  • It happens because of diffusion
  • It happens because of osmosis
  • It happens because of gravitation force
  • It happens because of shaking hands
Osmosis is the passage of ...1... molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a ... 2 ... permeable membrane
  • 1: sugar, 2: completely
  • 1: sugar, 2: partially
  • 1: water, 2: completely
  • 1: water, 2: partially
The diagram shows two chambers with different concentration of molecules separated by a selectively permeable membrane. Predict what will happen to the water molecules ?
sc-5 sb-3-Diffusion,Osmosis, Active Transportimg_no 188.jpg
  • move from B to A due to diffusion
  • move from B to A due to osmosis
  • move from B to A due to active transport
  • move from A to B due to osmosis
Active transport is movement of particles through the cell membrane from a region of ...1... to a region of ...2... using energy in the form of ...3...
  • 1: lower concentration, 2: higher concentration, 3: NADPH
  • 1: higher concentration, 2: lower concentration, 3: NADPH
  • 1: higher concentration, 2: lower concentration, 3: ATP
  • 1: lower concentration, 2: higher concentration, 3: ATP
Which of the following is a sample of active transport?
  • movement of oxygen from alveoli into red blood cell
  • movement of water across cell membrane
  • plant root absorbing mineral ions from the soil
  • uptake of water by the root hair of the plant
Which of the following is a sample of osmosis?
  • plant root absorbing mineral ions from the soil
  • the scent from a bunch of flowers spreads throughout a room
  • carbon dioxide move from air into leaves through stomata.
  • plant root absorbing water from the soil
Which one is the definition of Diffusion ?
  • movement of particles through the cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration using energy in the form of ATP.
  • passage of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a partially permeable membrane
  • net movement of molecule from a region of higher concentration to region of lower concentration. Molecule down a concentration gradient
  • net movement of molecule from a region of lower concentration to region of higher concentration. Molecule down a concentration gradient
Which one is the definition of Osmosis ?
  • movement of particles through the cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration using energy in the form of ATP.
  • passage of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a partially permeable membrane
  • net movement of molecule from a region of higher concentration to region of lower concentration. Molecule down a concentration gradient
  • net movement of molecule from a region of lower concentration to region of higher concentration. Molecule down a concentration gradient
Which one is the definition of active transport?
  • movement of particles through the cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration using energy in the form of ATP.
  • passage of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a partially permeable membrane
  • net movement of molecule from a region of higher concentration to region of lower concentration. Molecule down a concentration gradient
  • net movement of molecule from a region of lower concentration to region of higher concentration. Molecule down a concentration gradient
What will be happen?
sc-5 sb-3-Diffusion,Osmosis, Active Transportimg_no 194.jpg
  • water molecule move from solution 1 to solution 2 by osmosis
  • water molecule move from solution 2 to solution 1 by osmosis
  • water molecule move from solution 1 to solution 2 by active transport
  • Sugar molecule move from solution 1 to solution 2 by osmosis
What is the other term for "diffusion of water"
  • diffusion
  • osmosis
  • active transport
  • passive transport
This plasmolysis condition happen if we put plant cell in ....solution
sc-5 sb-3-Diffusion,Osmosis, Active Transportimg_no 195.jpg
  • hypotonic
  • isotonic
  • elektronic
  • hypertonic
This red blood cell swell and burst in a ....solution
sc-5 sb-3-Diffusion,Osmosis, Active Transportimg_no 196.jpg
  • hypotonic
  • isotonic
  • elektronic
  • hypertonic


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