Which of the following would he observe?
sc-6 sb-4-Magnets and their Characteristicsimg_no 360.jpg
  • The gold ring would be pulled towards the magnet.
  • The gold ring would be pushed away from the magnet.
  • The gold ring would remain in the same position.
  • The gold ring would move to align itself in the North-South direction
Which objects could Ally be able to pick up using the magnet?
sc-6 sb-4-Magnets and their Characteristicsimg_no 361.jpg
  • Glass marble and steel key
  • Rubber band and iron nail
  • Iron nail and steel key
  • Steel key and rubber band
What would happen to the magnet?
sc-6 sb-4-Magnets and their Characteristicsimg_no 362.jpg
  • It would lose its magnetism
  • It would come to rest in the East-West direction.
  • It would become a stronger magnet.
  • It would come to rest in the North-South direction.
Which of the following statements about a magnet is not true?
  • It has two poles
  • It attracts all types of metals.
  • Its attraction is strongest as its poles
  • It can attract objects from a distance.


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