What is diffusion?
  • when molecules move from a low concentration to a high concentration 
  • when molecules move from a high concentration to a low concentration.
  • no movement 
  • molecules move everywhere
Where is there a high concentration of water?
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  • in the flower
  • cannot be determined by picture.
  • in the vase
  • in the leaves
Where is there a high concentration of bbq smoke?
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  • In the bbq pit
  • In the house
  • Two streets over
  • In the atmosphere
When a person smells something, what is actually traveling up their nose?
  • solids 
  • molecules 
  • matter
  • plasma 
What is the definition of  Selective Permeability?
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  • The movement of materials across the cell membrane that requires NO ENERGY from the cell.
  • The movement of materials through (or across) the cell membrane
  • The ability of the cell membrane to allow some things to pass through while preventing other things from passing through.
  • The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration (where the molecules are more crowded together) to a area of low concentration (where molecules are more spread apart)
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  • diffusion of water molecules through a semi-permeable mebrane from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
  • the diffusion of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  • diffusion of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  • the diffusion of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
The picture below is an example of _________________.
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  • osmosis
  • isotonic
  • diffusion
  • active transport
Osmosis is the movement of _____ across a membrane.
  • food
  • energy
  • oxygen
  • water
_______ regulates what enters and leaves a cell.  
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  • Cell Membrane
  • Nucleus
  • Mitochondria
  • Cytoplasm
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  • a large  amount of substance on  side of the cell and a small amount on the other side
  • a small  amount of substance on  side of the cell and a large amount on the otherside
  • equal amount of substance on either side of the membrane  
  • no particles on either side of the a cell membrane
What is the definition of Osmosis?
  • the movement of WATER molecules across the cell membrane.
  • the state where molecules are equally concentrated (balanced) on both sides of the cell membrane.
  • the process that brings LARGE particles INTO the cell through the cell membrane
  • he movement of molecules across the cell membrane that REQUIRES ENERGY output from the cell
What is the definition of Equilibrium?
  • the process that brings LARGE particles INTO the cell through the cell membrane
  • The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration (where the molecules are more crowded together) to a area of low concentration (where molecules are more spread apart)
  • the state where molecules are equally concentrated (balanced) on both sides of the cell membrane.
  • the movement of WATER molecules across the cell membrane.
In the given scenario what will happen to the organism: salt is poured onto eggplant.
  • Water will move out of the eggplant cells and the cells will shrink.
  • Water will move out of the eggplant cells and the cells will swell.
  • Water will move into the eggplant cells and the cells will swell.
In the given scenario what will happen?  An egg is placed in pure water for 48 hours.
  • The egg will gain water and swell.
  • Water will move in and out of the cell equally, and the cell with neither shrink nor swell.
  • The egg will lose water and shrink.
Which example(s) of cell transport does not require chemical energy
  • Drops of blue food coloring are placed in water and spread throughout the water, turning it blue.
  • A potato slice is placed in water and water molecules from outside the potato move into the potato cells.
  • Both Answers
  •  Neither answers
The diagram shows various molecules that move into and out of the cell. How does molecule C move out the cell?
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  • Active Transport
  • Diffusion
  • The use of a protein pump
  • Manipulated osmosis
An animal cell placed in a hypertonic (salty) solution will
  • Shrink
  • Swell
  • Stay the same
How many diamond molecules need to move to reach equilibrium?
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  • A net of 2 molecules move inside the cell.
  • A net of 2 molecules move outside the cell.
  • There is no net movement because the molecules are at equilibrium.
  • The molecules do not move.
Which way will the water molecules move during osmosis?
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  • Out of the cell, so the cell shrinks.
  • Out of the cell, so the cell swells.
  • Into the cell, so the cell shrinks.
  • Into the cell, so the cell swells.
Just like Coke is a type of soda, __________ is a type of ___________.
  • diffusion, osmosis
  • concentration, equilibrium
  • equilibrium, concentration
  • osmosis, diffusion


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