A tower in the inner part of a castle, where stores were usually kept and where defenders would retreat to as a last resort, was called...

The keep

William the Conqueror was crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey on Christmas DayThe shouts of approval during the service led to what?

Norman soldiers, believing their leader was under attack, setting fire to surrounding buildings, sparking a riot.

William the Conqueror died six weeks after rupturing his belly in a fall from his horse, when the animal reared up and threw him against the pommel of his saddle. What happened to William’s body as the monks of Caen attempted to put it into a stone coffin?

It wouldn’t fit, and as they attempted to squash it in it burst open.

As Richard I set off on the Third Crusade, he introduced a law by which anyone caught thieving while at sea on the way to crusade was to…

Have his head shaved and then covered with molten pitch, and the feathers of a pillow shaken over it.

What, in 1346, did the Mongols catapult into Kaffa in the hope of taking the city?

Men who had died of the plague.

Lions used to be kept in the Tower of London. The cost of keeping a prisoner in the Tower was a penny a day. The cost of keeping the lion each day was…

Six pence

At the battle of Agincourt in 1415, many of the English archers fought naked from the waist down because…

They had dysentery and could therefore go to the toilet where they stood.

At the age of seven, the son of a knight would be sent away to another castle to learn about life. He was called a...


Joan of Arc was a 17-year-old shepherdess French girl who led an army against the English. When she was eventually caught, the English sentenced her to death for...
