Which of these was a result of the fall of Rome?
  • the decline of Christianity
  • a lack of a central government
  • an end to attacks by barbarians
  • the growth of a strong economy
For which achievement is Charlemagne most remembered?
  • He declared war against England.
  • He became the first Christian ruler.
  • He united much of Europe.
  • He taught his people to write.
Which of the following best describes the Vikings?
  • Northern people who made fierce raids on European villages.
  • Muslim nomads who traded in goods from the Middle East
  • Germanic people who swept south to topple the Roman Empire
  • Central European people who originally migrated from Asia
What belongs in the empty box to complete the cause-and-effect diagram?
s-3 sb-7-Feudalism in Western Europeimg_no 260.jpg
  • Development of farming
  • Expansion of freedoms
  • Rise in prosperity
  • Increase in attacks
What was the purpose of feudalism?
  • it spread democracy by giving the people a voice in their own government
  • it provided people with protection and safety by establishing a stable social order
  • it created a fair society by balancing the powers of the monarch and the people
  • it looked after the welfare of all the people by making sure they had all the necessities of life
A king gave his most important lords fiefs, which were
  • grants of land.
  • large celebrations.
  • war horses.
  • market licenses.
Manors were self-sufficient, which means that they produced everything that people on the manor needed to live.
  • True
  • False
Which shows the correct order ranked from highest to lowest within the Feudal system of Medieval Europe?
s-3 sb-7-Feudalism in Western Europeimg_no 261.jpg
  • lords, monarch, peasants/serfs, knights
  • knights, monarch, lords, peasants/serfs
  • monarch, lords, knights, peasants/serfs
  • monarch, knights, lords, peasants/serfs


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