Which of these events occurred first?
  • Trading centers grew into cities.
  • Agricultural practices improved.
  • Not everyone was needed for farming.
  • Some people specialized in a trade.
How was Sumerian civilization structured?
  • a single city-state ruled by priests
  • a collection of many small city-states, each ruled by its own king
  • a collection of many small city-states, all ruled by one central king
  • a single city-state ruled by one king
How did the Mesopotamians create ziggurats?
  • They used epics.
  • Aliens created them.
  • They used a system of writing.
  • They used slave labor.
Why are Mesopotamians considered polytheists?
  • They worshiped by giving offerings.
  • They worshiped in a temple.
  • They all had an "Aunt Polly."
  • They believed in many gods.
How did government in Mesopotamia change after the decline of Sumer?
  • The Akkadians created the first regional empire, and all of Mesopotamia was ruled by one king.
  • The Akkadians created the world's first democracy.
  • The Akkadians created one city-state, and the Babylonians took over the rest.
  • The Akkadians created new monarchies, and a different king ruled in each city-state.
Why did Mesopotamians give offerings in their religious temples?
  • They wanted to be rewarded with peace and plentiful crops.
  • They wanted to create a new writing system.
  • They wanted to be the first empire.
  • They wanted to be on American Idol.
What principle of justice does Hammurabi's Code support?
  • Forgiveness should always be granted.
  • Executions make people obey out of fear.
  • The rights of Babylonians were above other people.
  • Punishment should fit the crime.
Which term BEST describes Hammurabi's laws?
  • religious
  • harsh
  • weak
  • unclear
Why is the Epic of Gilgamesh important?
  • It is the oldest written long poem.
  • It is the oldest religious temple.
  • It is the oldest writing system.
  • It makes me laugh when I say, "Gilgamesh."
How did Mesopotamians use cuneiform and clay tablets?
  • to record laws and important information
  • to produce a food surplus
  • for transportation of crops and people
  • to build large temples known as ziggurats
How did changes in transportation help Sumerian civilization grow?
  • The Sumerians could move into the Babylonian Empire more easily.
  • The Sumerians could move into the mountains during hot weather more easily.
  • The Sumerians could move from one farm to another more easily.
  • The Sumerians could trade goods using carts and boats more easily.
Which of these events occurred second?
  • Trading centers grew into cities.
  • Agricultural practices improved.
  • Not everyone was needed for farming.
  • Some people specialized in a trade.
Which of these events occurred third?
  • Trading centers grew into cities.
  • Agricultural practices improved.
  • Not everyone was needed for farming.
  • Some people specialized in a trade.
Which of these events occurred last?
  • Trading centers grew into cities.
  • Agricultural practices improved.
  • Not everyone was needed for farming.
  • Some people specialized in a trade.


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