The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is also known as the constitution. It is the...
  • First law of the land
  • Most supreme law of the land
  • Treaty law of the land
  • Least important law of the land
Which of the following is not an example of a fundamental freedom?
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of association
  • Freedom of citizenship
  • Freedom of expression
Every citizen has the right to enter, remain in, or leave Canada. This is an example of...
  • Mobility rights
  • Fundamental freedoms
  • Legal rights
  • Equality rights
True or false: in Canada, the harshest penalty for crimes is the death sentence.
  • True
  • False
People in Canada cannot be randomly imprisoned. This is an example of...
  • mobility rights
  • fundamental freedoms
  • legal rights
  • equality rights
An important democratic right for adult citizens in Canada is...
  • the right to attend school
  • the right to speak English or French
  • the right to move to another province
  • the right to run for a position in the government
Which of the following is NOT an example of peaceful assembly?
  • A group of people are carrying signs and chanting words that criticize the government
  • A group of people are smashing windows and chanting words that criticize the government
  • A group of people are meeting to form their own group to run for government
  • A group of people are marching in the streets
Which of the following correctly identifies the official languages of Canada?
  • All languages are official languages in Canada
  • Canadian and English
  • English and French
  • Canada has no official languages
Adult citizens being able to vote in government elections is an example of...
  • mobility rights
  • democratic rights
  • legal rights
  • equality rights
Which of the following is not an example of freedom of the press?
  • A journalist writes an article about why people shouldn't vote for someone else
  • A journalist is arrested for writing an article that criticized the government
  • A journalist is arrested for stealing a car
  • A journalist writes an article about all the great things the current government is doing
In Canada, provincial and federal governments must hold elections every five years. This is an example of...
  • mobility rights
  • fundamental freedoms
  • equality rights
  • democratic rights
Lily's dad moved to Alberta from Newfoundland a month ago, and just got a job. This is an example of...
  • mobility rights
  • fundamental freedoms
  • legal rights
  • democratic rights
Murray was arrested and the police did not inform him what his offence was. This is infringing upon his...
  • legal rights
  • fundamental freedoms
  • democratic rights
  • equality rights
Sujata just received her Canadian citizenship and is excited to exercise her democratic rights. What might Sujata be looking forward to?
  • The right to move to any province in Canada
  • The right to use either French or English in any parliamentary debates
  • The right to vote in elections
  • The right to a fair trial before a judge and jury
In Canada both boys and girls have the right to go to school. This is an example of...
  • democratic rights
  • equality rights
  • legal rights
  • mobility rights


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