Sepals form the outermost whorl of a flower. They are mostly green in colour due to the presence of chlorophyll and hence can perform photosynthesis and may supply food to other floral parts.
So, the correct answer is A - 'Sepals'.
Correct answer is option D.
Explanation for correct option:
So, the correct answer is option A.
$$\textbf{Correct option:A}$$
$$\textbf{Option (A)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Those flowers which possess both male reproductive entity stamens and female reproductive organ pistil within the same inflorescence eg;lily, rose etc. are known as Bisexual flowers.
$$\textbf{Option (B)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Those flowers which homes only any one reproductive part either a stamen or a carpel are known as unisexual flowers. Each flower is either staminate (having only functional stamens) and thus "male" or carpellate (or "pistillate") (having only functional carpels) and thus "female" eg; papaya, watermelon, cucumber, maize etc.
$$\textbf{Option (C)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Dioecious plants are those which have different male and female flowers on entirely different plants . So not only does the plant have separate male/female flowers, they have male plants (with only male flowers) and female plants (with only female flowers) eg; hollies and asparagus are dioecious.
$$\textbf{Option (D)}$$
$$\bullet$$ A flower which lacks any of these parts; sepals, petals, stamens, pistil is said to be incomplete flower. Stamens and pistils are not present together in all flowers eg; squash, sweet corn etc.
$$\textbf{Hence, the correct option is (A)}$$
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