CBSE Questions for Class 10 Chemistry Chemical Reactions And Equations Quiz 2 -

Which of the following is/are combination reaction(s)?
(i) $$2KClO_{3} \overset{Heat}{\rightarrow} 2KCl + 3O_{2}$$
(ii) $$MgO + H_{2}O \rightarrow  Mg(OH)_{2}$$
(iii) $$4Al + 3O_{2} \rightarrow  2Al_{2} O_{3}$$
(iv) $$Zn + FeSO_{4} \rightarrow  ZnSO_{4} + Fe$$
  • (i) and (iii)
  • (iii) and (iv)
  • (ii) and (iv)
  • (ii) and (iii)
Which among the following is(are) double displacement reaction(s)?
(i) $$Pb+CuCl_{2} \rightarrow PbCl_{2}+ Cu$$
(ii) $$Na_{2}SO_{4} + BaCl_{2} \rightarrow  BaSO_{4} + 2NaCl$$
(iii) $$C + O_{2} \rightarrow CO_{2}$$
(iv) $$CH_{4} + 2O_{2} \rightarrow CO_{2} + 2H_{2}O$$
  • (i) and (iv)
  • (ii) only
  • (i) and (ii)
  • (iii) and (iv)
Which of the following statements about the given reaction is/are correct?
$$3Fe(s) + 4H_{2}O(g) \rightarrow Fe_{3}O_{4}(s) + 4H_{2}(g)$$
(i) Iron metal is getting oxidised.
(ii) Water is getting reduced.
(iii) Water is acting as reducing agent.
(iv) Water is acting as oxidising agent.
  • (i), (ii) and (iii)
  • (iii) and (iv)
  • (i), (ii) and (iv)
  • (ii) and (iv)
Silver articles become black on prolonged exposure to air. 
This is due to the formation of :
  • $$Ag_{3}N$$
  • $$Ag_{2}O$$
  • $$Ag_{2}S$$
  • $$Ag_{2}S$$ and $$Ag_{3}N$$
If copper is kept open in air, it slowly loses its shining brown surface and gains a green coating. It is due to the formation of:
  • $$CuSO_{4}$$
  • $$CuCO_{3}$$
  • $$Cu(NO_{3})_{2}$$
  • $$CuO$$
On adding a drop of barium chloride solution to an aqueous solution of sodium sulphite, white precipitate is obtained. What other name can be given to this precipitation reaction?
  • Synthesis reaction
  • Double displacement reaction
  • Combination reaction
  • Decomposition reaction
Ferrous sulphate decomposes with the evolution of a gas having a characteristic odour of burning sulphur. Identify the type of reaction.
  • Combination reaction
  • Displacement reaction
  • Double displacement reaction
  • Thermal decomposition reaction
Identify the type of chemical reaction.
$$TiCl_{4}(l) + Mg(s) \rightarrow  Ti(s) + MgCl_{2}(s)$$
  • Synthesis reaction
  • Displacement reaction
  • Precipitation reaction
  • None of these
Complete the missing components/variables given as $$x$$  in the following reactions:
$$CaCO_{3}(s) \xrightarrow{x} CaO(s) + CO_{2}(g)$$
  • $$x = Heat$$
  • $$x = Catalyst$$
  • $$x = O_{2}$$
  • None of these
$$HgO(s) \xrightarrow{Heat} Hg(l) + O_{2}(g)$$
The above given reaction is:
  • combustion reaction
  • displacement reaction
  • thermal decomposition reaction
  • photolytic decomposition reaction
Identify the type of chemical reaction.
$$Mg(s) + Cl_{2}(g) \rightarrow  MgCl_{2}(s)$$
  • Decomposition reactions
  • Combination reaction
  • Displacement reaction
  • Double displacement reaction
Write the balanced equation for the reaction for the following statement:
Mg burns in presence of air.
  • $$Mg(s)+O_2(g) \rightarrow MgO_{2}(s)$$
  • $$2Mg(s)+2O(g) \rightarrow 2MgO(s)$$
  • $$2Mg(s)+O_2(g) \rightarrow 2MgO(s)$$
  • $$Mg(s)+O_2(g) \rightarrow MgO(s)$$
Which of the following oxide(s) of iron would be obtained on prolonged reaction of iron with steam?
  • $$FeO$$
  • $$Fe_2O_3$$
  • $$Fe_3O_4$$
  • $$Fe_2O_3$$ and $$Fe_3O_4$$
Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions:

Sodium hydrogen carbonate on reaction with hydrochloric acid gives sodium chloride, water and liberates carbon dioxide.
  • $$NaHCO_{3} + 2HCl \rightarrow NaCl + 2H_{2}O + CO_{2}$$
  • $$2NaHCO_{3} + HCl \rightarrow NaCl + H_{2}O + 2CO_{2}$$
  • $$NaHCO_{3} + HCl \rightarrow NaCl + H_{2}O + CO_{2}$$
  • $$2NaHCO_{3} + HCl \rightarrow 2NaCl + H_{2}O + CO_{2}$$
What type of chemical reaction does the reaction belong to?
A piece of sodium metal is added to absolute ethanol to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas.
  • Precipitation Reactions
  • Neutralization Reactions
  • Decomposition Reactions
  • Displacement Reactions
During the reaction of some metals with dilute hydrochloric acid, the following observations were made.
The reaction of sodium metal is found to be highly explosive because:
  • Heat is evolved
  • Due to the catalyst
  • It is an endothermic reaction
  • It is an exothermic reaction
Which of the following reactions is an example of endothermic reaction?
  • Burning of a candle
  • Freezing of water into ice cubes
  • Evaporation of liquid water to form water vapour
  • Acid-base neutralization reaction
A less reactive metal replaces a more reactive metal from its salt solution in water.
  • True
  • False
Which of the following is a decomposition reaction?
  • $$NaOH + HCl \rightarrow NaCl + H_{2}O$$
  • $$NH_{4}CNO \rightarrow H_{2}N CO NH_{2}$$
  • $$2KClO_{3} \rightarrow 2KCl + 3O_{2}$$
  • $$H_{2} + I_{2} \rightarrow 2HI$$
Identify the type of chemical reaction.
$$CaO(s) + SiO_{2}(s) \rightarrow  CaSiO_{3}(s)$$
  • Displacement reaction
  • Decomposition reaction
  • Reduction reaction
  • Combination reaction
Identify the type of chemical reaction.
$$H_{2}O_{2}(l) \xrightarrow{U  V} H_{2}O(l)+O_{2}(g)$$
  • Neutralization reaction
  • Combination reaction
  • Decomposition reaction
  • Double Displacement reaction
A chemical reaction in which heat is evolved is called a/an:
  • exothermic reaction
  • endothermic reaction
  • combination reaction
  • decomposition reaction
In which reaction do two compounds exchange their ions or radicals mutually to form two new compounds?
  • Displacement reaction.
  • Double displacement reaction.
  • Synthesis reaction.
  • Decomposition reaction.
Study the equation given below.

$$2 Al+ (X)  {H}_{2}{SO}_{4}\rightarrow Al_2({SO}_4)_{3}+{3H}_{2}$$

In the given equation, what does $$X$$ stand for?
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • 5
When calcium carbonate is heated, it decomposes to give ______________.
  • water
  • calcium oxide
  • carbon dioxide
  • calcium metal
In a ____________reaction, two or more substances combine to a form a new single substance.
  • decomposition
  • combination
  • displacement
  • double displacement
In the reaction, $$PbO + C \rightarrow  Pb + CO$$:
  • PbO is reduced
  • C acts as a oxidizing agent
  • PbO is oxidised
  • This reaction does not represent redox reaction
What happens when copper rod is dipped in iron sulphate solution?
  • A lot of heat will be released
  • The solution becomes blue in colour
  • No reaction takes place
  • The solution becomes pink in colour
The reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen to give ammonia is an example of :
  • decomposition reaction
  • combination reaction
  • displacement reaction
  • combustion reaction
$$Zn+H_2SO_4(dil)\rightarrow ZnSO_4+H_2\uparrow$$

The above reaction is:
  • decomposition reaction
  • displacement reaction
  • combination reaction
  • synthesis reaction

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Practice Class 10 Chemistry Quiz Questions and Answers