CBSE Questions for Class 10 Chemistry Periodic Classification Of Elements Quiz 6 -

The correct order of increasing radius of the elements Si, Al, Na and P is:
  • $$Si < Al< P < Na$$
  • $$P < Si < Al < Na$$
  • $$Al < Si< P< Na$$
  • $$Al < P < Si < Na$$
In the Modern Periodic Table, the metals among the first ten elements are
  • $$Be, Na$$
  • $$Li, Be$$
  • $$Be, Li, Na$$
  • $$Li, Na$$
The correct sequence of atomic radii is 
  • $$ Na > Mg > Al > Si $$
  • $$ Al > Si > Na > Mg $$
  • $$Si > Al > Mg > Na $$
  • $$Si > Al > Na > Mg $$
Which of the following is/are Dobereiner's triad ?
  • $$P, As, Sb$$
  • $$Cu, Ag, Au$$
  • $$Fe, Co, Ni$$
  • $$S, Se, Te$$
Based on general trends in the periodic table, predict which element in each of the following pairs has the most metallic character.
(i) Sn or Pb    (ii) Ag or Sr    (iii) Al or B    (iv) Br or As
  • (i) Pb (ii) Sr (iii) Al (iv) As
  • (i) Sn (ii) Ag (iii) B (iv) As
  • (i) Pb (ii) Ag (iii) Al (iv) Br
  • (i) Sn (ii) Sr (iii) B (iv) Br
Arrange the following elements in the order of their increasing non-metallic character:

Li, Be, C, O, F
  • F < O < C < Be < Li
  • Li < Be < C < O < F
  • F < O < C < Be < Li
  • F < O < Be < C < Li
Which of the following accounts best for the fact that fluorine atom is smaller than that of oxygen?
  • Fluorine atom has a lower nuclear charge than oxygen atom, so electrons are more spread out.
  • Oxygen atom has a higher nuclear charge that pulls electrons closer.
  • Fluorine atom has a higher nuclear charge that pulls electrons closer.
  • None of the above
Which of the following properties generally shows a decreasing trend along a period?
  • Atomic size
  • Non-metallic character
  • Both A and B
  • None of these
Which of the following element has the largest atomic radius?
  • Argon
  • Phosphorous
  • Sodium
  • Aluminum
  • Magnesium
The incorrect hydrated radius order is:
  • $$L i _ { ( a q ) } ^ { + } < B e _ { ( a q ) } ^ { 2 + }$$
  • $$N a _ { ( a q ) } ^ { + } < A l _ { ( a q ) } ^ { 3 + }$$
  • $$I _ { ( \overline { a } q ) } > C l _ { ( a q ) }$$
  • $$B a _ { ( a q ) } ^ { 2 + } < C a _ { ( a q ) } ^ { 2 + }$$

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