CBSE Questions for Class 10 Economics Money And Credit Quiz 4 -

Introduction of ___________ removed difficulties of barter system.
  • metals
  • bank
  • money
  • shares
Token coins are coins whose face value is greater than their intrinsic value.
  • True
  • False
Barter system did not have any difficulty.
  • True
  • False
The fare value is less than its intrinsic value in case of token money.
  • True
  • False
Medium of exchange is a primary function of money.
  • True
  • False
State with reasons the following statement is True or False.
Money works as a store of value.
  • True
  • False
State with reasons the following statement is True or False.
Barter system had many difficulties or disadvantages.
  • True
  • False
Representative money has $$100\%$$ backing of gold and silver.
  • True
  • False
State with reasons the following statement is True or False.
Money is the basis of credit.
  • True
  • False
State with reasons the following statement is True or False.
In Barter system there is direct exchange of goods.
  • True
  • False
State whether the following statement is True or False.
Credit Money can be refused.
  • True
  • False
The part of income which is not spent on consumption is called _______. 
  • expenditure
  • saving
  • investment
  • public debt
State True or False.
In barter transactions, goods or services are purchased for other goods or services. 
  • True
  • False
_________ is also called credit market.
  • Financial market
  • Commodity market
  • Stock market
  • Money market
SDR stands for_____.
  • Short Deposit Receipts
  • Special Drawing Rights
  • Silver Deposit Receipts
  • Small Deposit Receipts
________ is an asset which serves as a unit of value, medium of exchange, standard of deferred payment and store of value.
  • Money
  • Currency
  • Monetary unit
  • Rupee
Who said money is what money does ________.
  • Prof. Walker
  • Prof. Amrit Sen
  • Dr. Man Mohan Singh
  • Adam Smith
Money made of something of value is known as ________.
  • commodity money
  • bank money
  • common money
  • fiat money
Which of the following is called credit market?
  • Money market
  • Super market
  • Bombay Stock Exchange
  • RBI
Limited legal money is the one no one can refuse to accept upto ________.
  • Rs.100
  • Rs.25
  • Rs.50
  • Rs.10
Which of the following is the oldest system of money?
  • Barter
  • Plastic money
  • Credit card
  • Electronic money
If the conversion period is $$6$$ months, the amount due at the end of $$n$$ years $$=$$?
  • $$P \left [\dfrac {1 - \dfrac {r}{2}}{100}\right ]^{2n}$$
  • $$P \left [\dfrac {1 - \dfrac {n}{2}}{100}\right ]^{2r}$$
  • $$P \left [\dfrac {1 + \dfrac {r}{2}}{100}\right ]^{2n}$$
  • None of above
If the periodic payments are made at the end of each period; the annuity is called _________________.
  • annuity due
  • an immediate annuity
  • ordinary annuity
  • (B) or (C)
Saving deposit does not form part of _________________.
  • Demand deposit
  • Time deposit
  • Board money
  • None of the above
If the conversion period is one year, the amount due at the end of $$n$$ years $$=$$?
  • $$P \left [1 - \dfrac {r}{100}\right ]^{n}$$
  • $$P \left [1 - \dfrac {n}{100}\right ]^{r}$$
  • $$P \left [1 + \dfrac {r}{100}\right ]^{n}$$
  • None of above
Who designed the symbol of Indian rupee?
  • Rakesh kumar
  • Udit Raj
  • D. Uday kumar
  • Dr. Raj kumar
An annuity which continues forever (an infinite number of years) is called a _______________.
  • contingent annuity
  • deferred annuity
  • perpetual annuity
  • annuity certain
The person who provides loan is known as a _______________.
  • money lender
  • borrower
  • payer
  • drawee
An annuity is _______________.
  • a fixed sum paid
  • paid at regular intervals
  • paid under certain stated conditions
  • All of above
What are the factors responsible for the change in the form of money?
  • Political factors
  • Economic factors
  • Government factors
  • All of the above

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