CBSE Questions for Class 9 Maths Triangles Quiz 6 -

In the figure,  ABC is a triangle in which AB = ACand are points on AB and AC such that AX =AY. Then $$\Delta ABY \cong \Delta ACX$$
  • True
  • False
In $$\Delta ABC$$, and  are the two points on BC such that CE = DB  and $$\angle AEC= \angle ADB$$. Then the statement $$\Delta CAD \cong \Delta BAE$$ is
  • True
  • False

Two line segments are congruent if they have the same length.

  • True
  • False
In right triangle ABC, the right angle is at C, M is the mid-point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and produced to a point D such that DM = CM. Point D is joined to point) B (see figure). 

State whether the statement is true/false 

$$\Delta AMC \cong \Delta BMD$$
  • True
  • False
In the above figure, $$ \text AD $$ = $$ \text  DC $$= $$ \text CB $$ and the measure of  $$\angle DAC$$ = $$40^o$$ . What is the measure of $$\angle DCB$$?
  • $$ 80^o$$
  • $$ 40^o$$
  • $$ 20^o$$
  • $$ 300^o$$
In, $$\triangle DEF$$ , if $$\angle $$ $$\text D$$ $$\equiv$$ $$\angle F$$, then:
  • $$\text DE$$ $$\equiv$$ $$ \text EF $$ $$\equiv$$ $$ \text DF $$
  • $$\text DE$$ $$\equiv$$ $$ \text DF $$
  • $$\text DE$$ $$\equiv$$ $$ \text EF $$
  • All the above
$$ABCD$$ is a square and $$\Delta PAD $$ is equilateral then $$PB = 2PC$$.
  • True
  • False
PQR is a right angled triangle in which $$\angle R=90^{\circ}$$.  If RS $$ \perp $$PQ, PR=3 cm, and RQ=4 cm, then what is the value of RS(in cm)?
  • $$\dfrac {12} 5$$
  • $$\dfrac {36} 5$$
  • $$5$$
  • $$2.5$$
In the given figure, $$ABC$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$AB = AD$$. Also, $$D$$ is a point such that $$BD = CD$$. then "$$AD$$ bisects $$\angle A$$ and $$\angle D$$." is ?
  • True
  • False
State the whether given statement is true or false
In the Fig. below, $$\angle B < \angle A$$ and $$\angle C < \angle D$$. Show that $$A D < B C$$.

  • True
  • False
In the given figure if $$AB = AC = DC$$, then
$$\angle BAD = \angle CAD$$     

  • True
  • False
State true or false.
In the given figure,  $$AB=AC$$ , then $$\begin{array} { l } { \text {} \mathrm { DP } = \mathrm { DQ } } \end{array}.$$
  • True
  • False
Which of the following will form the sides of a triangle?
  • $$23\,cm,\,17\,cm,\,8\,cm$$
  • $$12\,cm,\,10\,cm,\,25\,cm$$
  • $$6\,cm,\,7\,cm,\,16\,cm$$
  • $$8\,cm,\,7\,cm,\,16\,cm$$
In $$\Delta PQR$$ and $$\Delta SQR$$, $$\overline{PQ}$$  =$$\overline{SR}$$ and $$\angle PQR = \angle QRS$$  then:
  • $$\Delta PQR \sim \Delta SRQ$$
  • $$\Delta PQR \equiv \Delta SRQ$$
  • $$\Delta PQR = \Delta SRQ$$
  • None of these
The bisectors of the base angle of an isosceles triangle are equal.
  • True
  • False
Take any point O in the interior of a triangle XYZ. Which option is/are correct?
  • $$OX+OY>XY?$$
  • $$OY+OZ>YZ?$$
  • $$OZ+OX>XZ?$$
  • All of the above.
In the given figure, $$\triangle A B C$$ is an isosceles triangle in which $$A B = A C$$ . If $$A B$$ and $$A C$$ are produced to $$D$$ and $$E$$ respectively such that $$B D = C E$$.
Is $$B E = C D$$ ?

  • True
  • False
In a triangle $$ABC, \angle ABC=50^{o}, \angle BAC=30^{o}$$, then the shortest sides is 
  • $$AB$$
  • $$BC$$
  • $$CA$$
  • $$None$$
If $$\Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta XYZ$$ are equilateral triangles and $$AB = XY,$$ the condition under which $$\Delta ABC \cong\Delta XYZ$$ is 
  • $$ASA$$
  • $$RHS$$
  • $$SSS$$
  • $$AAS$$
In $$\Delta ABC,BC$$ is the greatest side. Then,
  • $$\angle A$$ must be greater that $${60^o}$$
  • $$\angle A$$ must be greater than $${75^0}$$ but less than $${90^0}$$
  • $$\angle A$$ must be greater than $${45^0}$$ but not necessarily greater than $${60^0}$$
  • none of these
Which of the following statements are true (T) and which are false (F)?
Sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.
  • True
  • False
State the congruency of these triangles
  • True
  • False
Are the triangles congruent?
  • True
  • False
State the congruency of these triangles.
  • True
  • False
State the congruency for these triangles
  • True
  • False
The difference between the length of any two sides of a triangle is smaller than the length of third side.
  • True
  • False
In $$\Delta ABC$$,
  • $$AB + BC > AC$$
  • $$AB + BC < AC$$
  • $$AB + AC > BC$$
  • $$AC + BC > AB$$
In $$\Delta PQR$$,
  • $$PQ - QR > PR$$
  • $$PQ + QR < PR$$
  • $$PQ - QR < PR$$
  • $$PQ + PR > QR$$
If $$\Delta PQR$$ in congruent to $$\Delta STU$$, then what is the length of $$TU$$?
  • $$5 \,cm$$
  • $$6 \,cm$$
  • $$7 \,cm$$
  • cannot be determined
Which of Which of the following statements is not correct?
  • The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side
  • A triangle can have all its angles acute
  • A right-angled triangle cannot be equilateral
  • Difference of any to sides of a triangle is greater than the third side

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