CBSE Questions for Class 11 Engineering Maths Mathematical Reasoning Quiz 1 -

The contrapositive of the following statement, "If the side of a square doubles, then its area increases four times"' is:
  • If the area of a square increases four times, then its side is not doubled
  • If the area of a square increases four times, then its side is doubled
  • If the area of a square does not increase four times, then its side is not doubled
  • If the side of a square is not doubled, then its area does not increase four times
Consider the following two statements:
P: If $$7$$ is an odd number, then $$7$$ is divisible by $$2$$.
Q: If $$7$$ is a prime number, then $$7$$ is an odd number.
If $$V_{1}$$ is the truth value of the contrapositive of P and $$V_{2}$$ is the truth value of contrapositive of Q, then the ordered pair $$(V_{1}, V_{2})$$ equals:
  • $$(F, F)$$
  • $$(T, T)$$
  • $$(T, F)$$
  • $$(F, T)$$
The Boolean expression  $$( ( p \wedge q ) \vee ( p \vee \sim q ) ) \wedge ( \sim p \wedge \sim q )$$  is equivalent to :
  • $${ p }\wedge (\sim { q })$$
  • $${ p }\vee (\sim { q })$$
  • $$(\sim { p })\wedge (\sim { q })$$
  • $$p\wedge q$$
The negation of $$\sim s \vee (\sim r\wedge s)$$ is equivalent to
  • $$S\wedge\ r$$
  • $$S\wedge \sim\ (r\wedge \sim s)$$
  • $$S\vee \sim\ (r\ \wedge \sim s)$$
  • $$None\ of\ These$$
The contrapositive of the statement 'If I am not feeling well, then I will go to the doctor' is:
  • If I am feeling well, then I will not go to the doctor
  • If I will go to the doctor, then I am felling well
  • If I will not go to the doctor, then I am feeling well
  • If I will go to the doctor, then I am not feeling well.
The contrapositive of the statement 'I go to school if it does not rain' is:
  • If it rains, I do not go to school.
  • If I do not go to school, it rains.
  • If it rains, I go to school.
  • If i go to school, it rains.
The contrapositive of the statement "If it is raining, then I will not come", is :
  • If I will come, then it is not raining.
  • If I will not come, then it is raining.
  • If I will come, then it is raining.
  • If I will not come, then it is not raining.
The contrapositive of "If $$x\in A\cup B$$, then $$x\in A$$ or $$x\in B$$", is
  • If $$x\in A$$ or $$x\in B$$, then $$x\in A\cup B$$.
  • If $$x\not\in A\cup B$$, then $$x\not\in A$$ and $$x\not\in B$$.
  • If $$x\not\in A$$ and $$x\not\in B$$, then $$x\not\in A\cup B$$.
  • If $$x\not\in A$$ and $$x\not\in B$$, then $$x\in A\cup B$$.
Earth is a planet. Choose the option that is a negation of this statement.
  • Earth is round
  • Earth is not round
  • Earth revolves round the sun
  • Earth is not a planet
The converse of "if $$x\in A\cap B$$ then $$x\in A$$ and $$x\in B$$", is
  • If $$x\in A$$ and $$x\in B$$, then $$x\in A\cap B$$.
  • If $$x\not\in A\cap B$$, then $$x\not\in A$$ or $$x\not\in B$$.
  • If $$x\not\in A$$ or $$x\not\in B$$, then $$x\not\in A\cap B$$.
  • If $$x\not\in A$$ or $$x\not\in B$$, then $$x\in A\cap B$$.
How many buses are there for Suryapet from Hyderabad?

  • $$7$$
  • $$17$$
  • $$12$$
  • $$15$$
The converse of "if in a triangle $$ABC, AB>AC$$, then $$\angle C=\angle B$$", is
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, \angle C=\angle B$$, then $$AB>AC$$.
  • lf in a triangle$$ABC, AB\not\simeq AC$$, then $$\angle C\not\simeq \angle B$$.
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, \angle C\not\simeq \angle B$$, then $$ AB\not\simeq AC$$.
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, \angle C\not\simeq \angle B$$, then $$AB>AC$$.
The converse of "If $$x$$ has courage, then $$x$$ will win", is
  • If $$x$$ wins, then $$x$$ has courage.
  • If $$x$$ has no courage, then $$x$$ will not win.
  • If $$x$$ will not win, then $$x$$ has no courage.
  • If $$x$$ will not win, then $$x$$ has courage.
The contrapositive of "if $$x$$ has courage then $$x$$ will win", is
  • If $$x$$ will in, then $$x$$ has courage.
  • If $$x$$ has no courage, then $$x$$ will not win.
  • If $$x$$ will not win, then $$x$$ has no courage.
  • If $$x$$ will not win, then $$x$$ has courage.
The contrapositive of "if in a triangle $$ABC, AB > AC$$, then $$\angle C>\angle B$$", is
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, \angle C>\angle B$$, then $$AB>AC$$.
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, AB\ngtr AC$$, then $$\angle C\ngtr \angle B$$.
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, \angle C\ngtr \angle B$$, then $$AB > AC$$.
  • lf in a triangle $$ABC, \angle C\ngtr \angle B$$, then $$ AB\ngtr AC$$ .
Here are some words translated from an artificial language
$$ mie \ pie \ is \ blue \ light$$
$$ mie \ tie \ is \ blue \ berry$$
$$ aie \ tie \ is \ rasp \ berry$$
Which words could possibly mean "light fly"?
  • pie zie
  • pie mie
  • aie zie
  • aie mie
Denial of a statement is called its
  • negation
  • converse
  • inverse
  • truth value
$$(p\wedge\sim p)\wedge(p\vee q)$$ is a
  • contradiction
  • tautology
  • negation
  • none
$$(\sim p\wedge q)\wedge q$$ is
  • a tautology
  • a contradiction
  • neither a tautology nor a contradiction
  • none of these
$$\sim(p\wedge q)\equiv$$
  • $$\sim p\vee\sim q$$
  • $$ p\vee\sim q$$
  • $$\sim p\vee q$$
  • None
Mary says "The number I am thinking is divisible by 2 or it is divisible by 3". This statement is false if the number Mary is thinking of is 
  • 6
  • 8
  • 11
  • 15
What is true about the statement "If two angles are right angles the angles have equal measure" and its converse "If two angles have equal measure then the two angles are right angles"?
  • The statement is true but its converse is false
  • The statement is false but its converse is true
  • Both the statement and its converse are false
  • Both the statement and its converse are true
If statement $$p \rightarrow (q \vee r)$$ is true then the truth values of statements p, q, r respectively
  • T, F, T
  • F, T, F
  • F, F, F
  • all of these
Consider the sentence: x<5 
Which of the following integers makes this open sentence true?
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • none of the above
Which of the following statements is logically equivalent to "If you live in a mansion, then you have a big heating bill."?
  • If you have a big heating bill, then you live in a mansion.
  • If you do not live in a mansion, then you do not have a big heating bill.
  • If you do not have a big heating bill, then you do not live in a mansion.
  • None of these
Which of the following statements is the inverse of "If you do not understand geometry, then you do not know how to reason deductively."?
  • If you reason deductively, then you understand geometry.
  • If you understand geometry, then you reason deductively.
  • If the do not reason deductively, then you understand geometry.
  • None of these
Which of the following is the converse of the statement: "If x>4 then x+2>5"?
  • If x+2<5 then x<4
  • If x is not greater than 4 then x+2 is not greater than 5
  • If x+2>5 then x>4
  • If x+2 is not greater than 5 then x is not greater than 4
When $$y=3$$ which of the following is FALSE?
  • $$y$$ is prime and $$ y$$ is odd
  • $$y$$ is odd or $$y$$ is even
  • $$y$$ is not prime and $$y$$ is odd
  • $$y$$ is odd and $$2y$$ is even
"If Deb and Sam go to the mall then it is snowing" 
Which statement below is logically equivalent?
  • If Deb and Sam do not go to the mall then it is not snowing
  • If Deb and Sam do not go to the mall them it is snowing
  • If it is snowing then Deb and Sam go to the mall
  • If it is not snowing then Deb and Sam do not go to the mall
Which of the following statements is the converse of "If the moon is full, then the vampires are prowling."?
  • If the vampires are prowling, then the moon is full.
  • If the moon is not full, then the vampires are prowling
  • If the vampires are not prowling, then the moon is not full.
  • None of these

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Practice Class 11 Engineering Maths Quiz Questions and Answers