A. Tracheary elements are the conducting cells, are the part of xylem concerned in the transportation of water and minerals.
B. Vascular tissues are the conducting tissues, concerned in the transportation of water, minerals, and food.
C. Vessel elements are the conducting cells, are the part of xylem concerned in the transportation of water and minerals.
D. Phloem is complex, conducting vascular tissue concerned in the translocation of organic solutes or food.
So the correct answer is ‘Tracheary and Vessels’
A. sclerenchyma fibers are long, narrow spindle-shaped sclerenchyma cells having tapering end walls.
B. phloem fibers are sclerenchyma fibers present in the phloem, also called bast fibers.
C. libriform fibers are the typical xylem fibers with thick walls and simple pits.
D. fiber tracheids are xylem fibers intermediate between tracheids and typical sclerenchyma fibers.
So the correct option is B.
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