Correct answer is option D.Explanation for correct option:
Correct answer is option A.Explanation for correct option:
Even, if there is more than one tunica layer in the stem apex, only the outer layer will develop into the epidermal cells. The stem has three simple cell types, i.e. the parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells which are responsible for the metabolic functions, repairing and healing wounds and storing starch.
The correct option is B.
Schmidt has postulated tunica- corpus theory on the basis of studies of shoot apices of angiosperm. This theory is concerned with planes of cell division in the apex. In contrast to apical cell theory, the tunica-corpus theory is applicable only to shoot apex and not to root. There are three types of meristematic tissues like apical (at the tips), intercalary (in the middle) and third as lateral (at the sides).
Schmidt distinguished two tissue zones in the shoot apex and termed as tunica and corpus.
The correct answer is B.
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