Correct option: (D)
Explanation for correct option:
The fish heart contains and pumps only deoxygenated blood since the blood does not return to the heart after being oxygenated from the gills. Instead, it is supplied to the different parts of the body directly.
So, the correct answer is option A.
Correct Option: A
Explanation :
The tetrapod vertebrae which are reptile, bird, and mammal have a clade called amniotes.
They are characterized by having the property of laying eggs with an amnio within.
Reptiles are cold-blooded or poikilotherms.
Reptiles are Reptiles that have non-glandular skin types.
It has very dry and scaly skin.
Sexes are separate.
fertilization is internal.
Hence, Reptiles are Poikilotherms and Amniotes.
Which of the following fishes has a skeleton made of cartilage only?
Thus, the correct answer is option A.
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