Blood vessels entering the liver are known as
The aorta is the largest artery, in which left ventricle pumps blood for distribution to the whole body. The aorta breaks into arteries and finally to a very fine structure known as arterioles. A blood vessels entering the liver is hepatic artery. So, the correct answer is option A.
The veins starting from the stomach and intestines do not directly convert the blood to the posterior vena cava. Instead, they first enter the ........... as a combined hepatic portal vein.
White blood cells (WBCs), also called leukocytes, are an important part of the immune system. These cells help fight infections by attacking bacteria, viruses, and germs that invade the body. White blood cells originate in the bone marrow but circulate throughout the bloodstream. There are five major types of white blood cells:
Superior and inferior vena cava carries deoxygenated blood into the heart. Inferior vena cava carries blood from the lower body and superior vena cava carries blood from the upper part of the body. Both vena cava then transfers all the blood to the right atrium of the heart which is then passed into the right ventricle of the heart through tricuspid valves. Blood from the heart is then transported into lungs via pulmonary artery where blood is purified (becomes oxygenated from deoxygenated) and again transports back to left atrium of the heart via pulmonary vein which is then transported back to the whole body with the help of aorta. So, the correct answer is 'Vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, pulmonary vein'.
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