Correct option: D.
· It is a sphenoid bone called Sella turcica. Latin for the term “Turkish saddle” is shaped like a saddle.
· Sella turcica: it means Turkish saddle and the reason Turkish saddle looks different from the western saddle is that the Turkish saddle is meant for comfort not for roping that means it's very deep.
· In the sella front part is followed by a flat part, this is called the planum sphenoid alley, there's a bulge right before the flat part which looks tuber-like, this is the tuberculum sella and then the back part which is the dorsal part is the dorsum sella and then that slopes on down to the clivus what lives in a sella is the pituitary gland.
Hence, Sella turcica is a depression in the skull which lodges the pituitary gland.
$$\textbf{Correct option:D}$$
$$\textbf{Option (A)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Renin is an enzyme secreted from the juxtaglomerular kidney cells ,it is essential for the regulation of blood pressure and fluid balance.
$$\textbf{Option (B)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Oxytocin promotes the contraction of uterine muscle and helps inducing labour at the later stages of pregnancy .Oxytocin also contracts myoepithelial cells of the lactating breast ,bringing milk from the alveoli to mammary ducts.
$$\textbf{Option (C)}$$
$$\bullet$$ It promotes reabsorption of water from distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of nephrons in the kidneys which results in the excretion of hypertonic urine and maintain the fluid contents in the body.
$$\bullet$$ Contraction of involuntary muscles in the walls of the intestine,gall bladder and blood vessels and urinary bladder which creates a pressure effect that is controlled by vasopressin/ADH.
$$\textbf{Option (D)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Anti Natriuretic factor is secreted from heart cells in response to increased deoxygenated blood so it dilates the blood vessels (vasodilation) and thus, decreases the blood pressure.
$$\bullet$$ It inhibits the secretion of renin from the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney which results in decreased reabsorption of NaCl from collecting duct and reduced secretion of aldosterone(sodium homeostasis) from adrenal cortex.
$$\textbf{Hence, the correct option is (D)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Gastrin is a gastrointestinal tract hormone secreted from the mucosa of the pyloric region in the stomach that stimulates secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen.
$$\bullet$$ Secretin is a gastrointestinal tract hormone, it is secreted from intestinal mucosa of duodenum and jejunum which promotes the release of enzymes and bicarbonates from the exocrine parts of pancreas ,decreases secretions and movements of the stomach but promotes bile secretion from gallbladder.
$$\bullet$$ Estradiol is the principal estrogens that promotes development of secondary sexual characters , uterine epithelium and mammary glands.
$$\bullet$$ Erythropoietin,a glycoprotein, is secreted from the kidney cells when there is a shortage of oxygen in the circulation. It stimulates the production of RBCs from bone marrow.
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