$$\textbf{Correct option:D}$$
$$\textbf{Option (A)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Adrenal glands are a pair of endocrine glands situated over the two kidneys in the abdomen. Adrenal is divided into two regions ;cortex and medulla. Cortex secretes three types of hormones aldosterone which regulates sodium homeostasis in the body,cortisol regulates sugar homeostasis and sex corticoids. Adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and epinephrine at the time of emergency.
$$\textbf{Option (B)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Parathyroid hormones are two pairs of glands,situated on the anterior side of the thyroid lobes which secretes parathormone in reponse to low level of calcium in the body. It increases the release of calcium from bones and reabsorption of calcium from nephrons and intestines.
$$\textbf{Option (C)}$$
$$\bullet$$ There are two pairs of testes in males and two pairs of ovaries ,they secrete testosterone and estrogen respectively.Testosterone is required for secondary sexual character and organ development,sperm formation and growth of tissues and bones. Estrogens are primary sexual hormones in females that is required for the secondary sexual characters development, formation of endometrium lining and mammary gland growth.
$$\textbf{Option (D)}$$
$$\bullet$$ Pituitary forms basal part of the diencephalon ,which secretes trophic hormone from adenohypophysis, melatonin from intermediate lobe of pituitary and release of oxytocin and vasopressin from posterior lobe of pituitary under the stimulation of hypothalmic hormones.
$$\textbf{Hence, the correct option is (D)}$$
$$\textbf{Correct option:C}$$
$$\bullet$$ PTH indirectly stimulates osteoclast (which stores calcium) activity within the bone matrix (osteon), in an effort to release more calcium ions in the blood in order to increase the low serum calcium level.
$$\bullet$$ Parathormone is secreted by the parathyroid gland which promotes reabsorption of calcium from intestines and nephrons,excrete potassium via urine,it increases the release of calcium from bones to blood.
$$\bullet$$ Parathormone is secreted from the cheif cells of parathormone glands in response to lower calcium levels in the blood ,thus it helps increasing the calcium content in the blood.
$$\bullet$$ When the calcium level falls due to inadequate amounts of PTH due to which it increases the excitability of nerves causing cramps ,convulsions and prolonged contraction of muscle are produced in the face,hands,feet etc.This disease due to deficiency in PTH is called tetany.
$$\textbf{Hence, the correct option is (C)}$$
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