Correct Option: C
Argentaffin is found in the deep fundus part of the stomach. It secretes hormone-like gastrin, serotonin, histamine.
Goblet cells are mucus-producing cells.
Pepsinogen is an inactive zymogen that is secreted by chief cells. It is formed in the acidic environment of the stomach.
Parietal cells are present in the fundus-body region. It secretes hydrochloric acid and some intrinsic factors.
Hence, pepsinogen is secreted from the chief cells.
Correct Option: B
Hence, just as hydrochloric acid acts on pepsinogen, so does enterokinase act on trypsinogen.
Parietal cells of the gastric glands are located in the fundus-body region.
they secrete hydrochloric acid.
this hydrochloric acid is required to create an acidic environment in the stomach.
in presence of HCL, inactive pepsinogen is converted into active enzyme pepsin. .
this pepsin will further be involved in some other conversation.
Hence, if parietal cells of gastric glands are blocked with an inhibitor, it will not be able to secrete HCL, and inactive pepsinogen will not convert into the active enzyme pepsin.
The daily secretion of saliva is 1.5lts.
It has salivary amylase which is ptyalin and has lysozymes.
Hence, the enzyme secreted by saliva is ptyalin.
Correct answer is option A.
Explanation for correct option:
Correct answer is option C.
Correct answer is option B.
$$\textbf{Correct answer: D}$$
$$\textbf{Option (D):}$$
1. Incisors c. Cutting teeth
$$\bullet$$ The incisors act as the cutting teeth because they are responsible for cutting the food.
$$\bullet$$ While eating, incisors cut the food into fragments.
$$\bullet$$ Canines are called tearing teeth because they help with the steering of muscles.
$$\bullet$$ Canines are important for flesh-eating animals.
$$\bullet$$ Premolars are called cracking teeth as it cracks the food into small fragments.
$$\bullet$$ The molars are called grinding teeth because it helps in grinding the food and mastication.
$$\bullet$$ Therefore the correct sequence of teeth with their specific function will be: 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - b, 4 - a
Hence, the correct answer is option (D).
$$\bullet$$ The number of teeth in an adult human is 32.
$$\bullet$$ There are different types of teeth including 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars. All the types of teeth are present in the two jaws.
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