Lens culinaris
Arachis hypogea
Trifolium alexandrium
Phaseolus mungo
Peanut or groundnut, taxonomically classified as Arachis hypogaea is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seed and oil present in the seed. It is widely grown in tropics and subtropics, is important to both small and large commercial producers. It is classified both as a grain legume and as an oil crop. Peanut oil is used in cooking. So, the correct answer is 'Arachis hypogaea'.
In the raceme peduncle is elongated, flowers are pedicellate. In spike, the central axis is elongated but flowers are sessile.
In dichasial cyme, the peduncle bears two bracts at a node from which two branches arise.
In the monochasial cyme, the single lateral branch will arise from the peduncle of the old flower. The lateral branch also terminates in the flower.
Therefore, the correct answer will be A-raceme, B-spike, C-monochasial cyme, D-dichasial cyme.
The correct option is C.
Jackfruit belongs to the genus of Artocarpus, which bears the largest fruit i.e. longest inflorescence of all trees. It can be as much as 55 kg in weight, 90 cm in length, and 50 cm in diameter. A mature jack tree will produce some 200 fruits per year. With older trees bearing up to 500 fruits in the year.
So the correct option is A.
The flowers of Cassia fistula are grouped in the axillary and many-flowered racemes. These inflorescences are large in size and up to 15-40 cm long, pendulous and bright yellow. Long inflorescence of Cassia fistula from Sri Lanka and reaching up to 238 cm. It can be considered as the longest recorded legume inflorescence.
So the correct option is B.
Aeschynomene belongs to family
Medicago sativa
Melilotus indica
Trifolium alexandrinum
Medicago sativa, commonly known as Alfalfa is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the family Fabaceae. It is cultivated as an important fodder plant in many countries around the world.
Melilotus indicus is a yellow-flowered herb native to northern Africa, Europe and Asia. It is an annual and perennial herb. It is used as a source of nectar, fodder and soil improver.
Trifolium alexandrinum, commonly known as Egyptian clover or Berseen clover is an annual clover cultivated mostly in irrigated subtropical regions. It is used as fodder mainly for cattle and milk buffalo.
So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.
Physalis is a genus of flowering plants belonging to family Solanaceae. It grows in warm, temperate and subtropical regions in the world. All Physalis species do not bear edible fruit. Selected species are cultivated for their edible fruit. The fruit is small and orange in colour, similar to size, shape and structure of tomato. Many Physalis species are known as ground cherries. So, the correct answer is 'Physalis'.
Cajanus cajan
Vigna unguiculata
Phaseolus vulgaris
Vigna radiata
So, the correct answer is ''.
Dalbergia sisso and Albizzia lebbek
Butea monosperma and Xylia xylocarpa
Dalbergia sisso and Intisia hookeri
Dalbergia sisso and Pterocarpus marsupium
Butea monosperma, commonly known as flame of the forest and bastard teek is native to tropical and subtropical parts of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It is used for timber, resin, fodder, medicine and dye.
Xylia xylocarpa is a perennial tree belonging to family Fabaceae. It produces timber, medicine and the seeds are edible.
So, the correct answer is 'Butea monosperma and Xylia xylocarpa'.
Cestrum nocturnum belongs to family
Cestrum nocturnum, commonly known as night blooming jasmine, night blooming Cestrum, raatrani is the native to West Indies belongs to family Solanaceae. It is grown in subtropical regions as an ornamental plant for its flowers that are heavily perfumed at night. So, the correct answer is 'Solanaceae'.
Sesbania grandiflora
Abrus precatorius
Psoralea corylifolia
Abrus precatorius, commonly known as jequirity bean, rosary pea, crab eye seed is a herbaceous flowering plant belonging to Fabaceae. It is a slender perennial climber with long, pinnate leafleted leaves that twines around trees, shrubs and hedges. The seeds of Abrus precatorius are much valued in native jewellery for their bright colouration and are very consistent in weight. Formerly, these seeds were used to weigh gold. So, the correct answer is 'Abrus precatorius'.
Vicia faba
Cicer arietinum
Glycine max
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