The pappus is the modified calyx, the part of individual floret that surrounds the base of the corolla tube in flower heads of the plant family Asteraceae. The Asteraceae pappus may be composed of feathery bristles, scales. In Helianthus, the calyx is converted into hairy pappus. So, the correct answer is 'Helianthus'.
Cestrum nocturnum
Solanum suratiense
Brunfelsia hopeana
Datura stramonium
Cestrum nocturnum, commonly known as night-blooming jasmine, night-blooming cestrum and raatrani is a species of flowering plant belonging to family Solanaceae. It is an evergreen woody shrub native to West Indies. It is grown in subtropical regions as an ornamental plant for its flowers that emits high fragrance during the night. So, the correct answer is 'Cestrum nocturnum'.
Allium cepa is a member of
Allium cepa, commonly known as bulb onion or common onion is a species of flowering plant belonging to family Liliaceae or lily family. It is used as a vegetable and it is the most widely cultivated species. It is a biennial plant but it is usually grown as an annual. Onions are toxic to dogs, cats and many other animals. So, the correct answer is 'Liliaceae'.
Asparagus is a member of
Asparagus officinalis, commonly known as Asparagus or Garden Asparagus is a herbaceous, perennial flowering plant genus belonging to family Liliaceae. It is native to Europe and western temperate Asia It is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop. Young asparagus shoots are commonly edible. So, the correct answer is 'Liliaceae'.
Smilax is a genus of flowering plants belonging to family Liliaceae. In most of the plants belonging to family Liliaceae, the leaves are exstipulate (stipules are inconspicuous or entirely absent) and the venation is usually parallel (the veins present within the leaves are parallel to each other). But in Smilax, the leaves are stipulate i.e stipules are present. Stipules are outgrowths present on either side of the base of a petiole. In smilax, the venation is reticulate (veins are interconnected and forms web-like structure). So, the correct answer is 'Smilax'.
Oryza sativa belongs to family
Oryza sativa, commonly known as Asian rice or rice is the plant species belonging to family Poaceae. It has been cultivated since ancient times. It is one of the most important grains since it is consumed by half of the world population. The oil deriving from rice, namely rice bran oil (RBO), is one of the most commonly used cooking oils in Asia, and the major by-product of the rice milling industry. So, the correct answer is 'Poaceae'.
Cicer arietinum, commonly known as chickpea, gram or Bengal gram is an annual legume belonging to family Fabaceae or Papilionaceae. The chickpea seeds are rich in protein. It is one of the earliest cultivated legumes and it is native to Middle East countries. It is used for human consumption and it is also used as animal fodder because it is rich in protein content. So, the correct answer is 'Papilionaceae'.
Allium cepa, Aloe vera and Tamarindus indica
Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Aloe Vera
Tamarindus indica, Allium cepa and Allium sativum
Allium cepa, commonly known as bulb onion or common onion is a vegetable which is the most widely cultivated species belonging to family Liliaceae. Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic is the species of flowering plant belonging to family Liliaceae. Aloe vera is a succulent plant belonging to family Liliaceae. Allium cepa, Allium sativum and Aloe vera are familiar examples of family Liliaceae. So, the correct answer is 'Allium sativum, Allium cepa and Aloe vera'.
Allium cepa
Helianthus annuus
Brassica juncea
Arachis hypogea
Allium cepa, commonly known as the onion is the species of an economically important family of monocotyledonous flowering plant (Liliaceae). Helianthus annuus, commonly known as the sunflower is a dicot belonging to family Asteraceae. Brassica juncea is the species of flowering plants belonging to family Brassicaceae and it is also a dicot. Arachis hypogaea, commonly known as groundnut is a dicot and belongs to the family Fabaceae. Hence, Helianthus annuus, Brassica juncea and Arachis hypogea are dicotyledonous; whereas, Allium cepa is a monocot. So, the correct answer is 'Allium cepa'.
Crotalaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum
Calotropis procera and Phyllanthus niruri
Saccharum munja and Lantana camara
Dichanthium annulatum and Azolla nilotica
In agriculture, green manure is created by leaving uprooted or sown crop parts to grow on the field so that they improve soil properties. In green manure, quick-growing crops such as Crotolaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum which are cultivated and ploughed into the soil which increases crop yield by 30-50%. Crotolaria juncea, commonly known as Indian hemp is a tropical Asian plant belonging to family Fabaceae. Alhagi camerolum, commonly known as camelthorn belongs to family Fabaceae. So, the correct answer is 'Crotolaria juncea and Alhagi camelorum'.
Arachis hypogaea, commonly known as groundnut or peanut is a legume crop which is grown mainly for its edible seeds and oil present in the seeds i.e in cotyledons. It belongs to family Fabaceae. In groundnut, the cotyledons are the source of food and oil. Peanut oil is often used in cooking. Due to its monounsaturated content, it is considered more healthful than saturated oils and it is resistant to rancidity. So, the correct answer is 'Cotyledons'.
Arachis is a genus of many species of annual or perennial flowering plants belonging to family Fabaceae. Arachis exhibit geocarpy. Geocarpy is an extremely rare means of plant reproduction in which plant produce diaspores within the soil. It occurs in flowers which penetrate into the soil after flowering.
Cichorium is a genus of plants within the family Asteraceae. In Cichorium, the root is fasciculate adventitious root which occurs in a cluster at the base of the stem and usually become thick and fleshy to store food.
Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbils and all are with large prominent flowers. It belongs to family Liliaceae.
Physalis is a genus of flowering plants belonging to family Solanaceae. The swollen placenta is characteristic of family Solanaceae.
So, the correct answer is 'a-4, b-3, c-5, d-1'.
Colchicum autumnale, commonly known as autumn crocus or meadow saffron is a toxic autumn-blooming flowering plant belonging to the family Liliaceae. It is a perennial herb and it is commonly cultivated as an ornamental in temperate areas, in spite of its toxicity. The bulb-like corms of Colchicum autumnale contain colchicine, a drug which is used in the treatment of gout. It is also used in plant breeding to produce polyploid strains. So, the correct answer is 'Liliaceae'.
Liliaceae or lily family is an economically important family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. Allium is a genus of species of flowering plants belonging to family Liliaceae. In Liliaceae, the gynoecium is tricarpellary, syncarpous (carpels fuse), ovary superior (ovary attached to the receptacle above the floral parts), trilocular with two ovules, axile placentation. So, the correct answer is 'Allium'.
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