$$\textbf{Correct option: A}$$
Option A:
$$\bullet$$ $$Clerodendron$$ is the genus of flowering plants belonging to $$Lamiaceae$$ family (Mint family).
$$\bullet$$ The flowers of genus $$Clerodendron$$ exhibit cymose type of inflorescence in which the older flowers are present at the top position whereas the younger flowers are present at the inflorescence base.
$$\bullet$$ The main axis stops growing when a flower is born at the tip of this axis.
$$\bullet$$ Peripheral flowers open first in the plants belonging to $$Clerodendron$$ genus.
Hence the correct option is option A.
Brassica oleracea var. capitata, the common name is cabbage. Cabbage is a typical cool season crop grown for the thickened vegetative bud called as head. It is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetables and has occupied second position in production after potato. It is a rich source of vitamin A, C and mineral including potassium, calcium, sodium and iron.
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