CBSE Questions for Class 11 Medical Biology Neural Control And Coordination Quiz 15 -

Parts A, B, C and D of the human eye are shown in the diagram. Select the option which gives correct identification along with its functions/characteristics.
  • A- Retina - contains photo receptors rods and cones
  • B- Blind spot - has only a few rods and cones
  • C- Aqueous chamber - reflects the light which does not pass through the lens
  • D- Choroid - its anterior part forms ciliary body
In mammals, the middle ear ossicles from inside to outside are in the sequence of
  • Stapes, incus, malleus
  • Stapes, malleus, incus
  • Incus, malleus, stapes
  • Malleus, incus, stapes
The thin covering which lines the inside of the eyelids is called as
  • Cornea
  • Retina
  • Conjunctiva
  • Optic nerve
Which statement is incorrect for anatomy of ear?
  • Outer ear consist of the pinna and external auditory meatus.
  • The external auditory meatus leads inwards and extends up to the tympanic membrane.
  • The malleus is attached to the oval window and the stapes is attached to the tympanic membrane.
  • Eustachian tube connects the middle ear cavity with pharynx.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the human sympathetic nervous system?
  • Prepares the person for fight or flight
  • Has ganglia near the spinal cord
  • Increases heart beat
  • Is a craniosacral division of the autonomic nervous system
The vascular layer of the eye is
  • Choroid
  • Sclera
  • Cornea
  • Retina
The inhibitory effect of vagus nerve on the heart is due to the secretion of
  • Acetylcholine
  • Norepinephrine
  • Glycine
  • Dopamine
In the eye, colour vision is due to the presence of
  • Choroid coat
  • Sclerotic coat
  • Rods
  • Cones
Part of the eye, which is devoid of blood vessel, is
  • Retina
  • Choroid
  • Cornea
  • Sclera
Find out the incorrect statement.
  • The organ of corti is present on the basilar membrane in the cochlea.
  • Rods contain pigmented protein called rhodopsin which helps in dim light vision.
  • The tongue contains gustatory receptors for sweet, salt, sour and bitter.
  • Macula and cristae are present in the inner ear which function in hearing.
Select the wrong paired match from the following.
  • CNS - Site of information processing and control
  • PNS - Transmission of impulses to and from the CNS
  • SNS - Relays impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles
  • ANS - Transmission of impulses from the CNS to voluntary organs
Nissl's granules are found in cyton of nerve cells. These have an affinity for basic dyes. The granules are made up of
  • Proteins
  • DNA
  • Amino acids
  • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
The diagram shows a neurone. Which structures could be found at X and Y?

  • X- brain, Y - intestine
  • X- brain, Y - brain
  • X- eye, Y - hand
  • X- skin, Y - spinal cord
Sympathetic nervous system induces
  • Heart beat
  • Secretion of digestive juice
  • Secretion of saliva
  • All of the above
A person is wearing spectacles with concave lenses for correcting vision. While not using the glasses, the image of a distant object in his case will be formed
  • On the blind spot
  • Behind the retina
  • In front of the retina
  • On the yellow spot
Match the items of column I with column II and choose the correct option from the codes given below.
Column IColumn II
BBone-matrix2Nissl's bodies
CRBCs of man3Antibodies
  • A- 4, B- 1, C- 2, D- 3
  • A- 2, B- 1, C- 4, D- 3
  • A- 3, B- 4, C- 1, D- 2
  • A- 2, B- 3, C- 4, D- 1
Given below are comparing the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system for four features.
Which one feature is correctly described?
  • Feature- Salivary glands, Sympathetic nervous system- Stimulates secretion, Parasympathetic nervous system- Inhibits secretion
  • Feature- Pupil of the eye, Sympathetic nervous system- Dilates, Parasympathetic nervous system- Constricts
  • Feature- Heart rate, Sympathetic nervous system- Decreases, Parasympathetic nervous system- Increases
  • Feature- Intestinal peristalsis, Sympathetic nervous system- Stimulates, Parasympathetic nervous system- Inhibits
In eye donation, which one of the following parts of donor's eye is utilized?
  • Cornea
  • Lens
  • Iris
  • Retina
The nerve that carries messages to brain from the eyes is 
  • Optic nerve
  • Auditory nerve
  • Motor nerve
  • Sensory nerve
Which one of the following tissues gives rise to nervous system and is formed during gastrulation phase of embryonic development?
  • Archenteron
  • Blastopore
  • Ectoderm
  • Endoderm
  • Mesoderm
Which of the following systems slows the heart rate, constricts the pupil and stimulates pancreatic activity during emergency conditions?
  • Enteric nervous system
  • Somatic nervous system
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Parasympathetic division
  • Sympathetic division
Read the statements about human neural system and find the wrong one.
  • CNS includes the brain and spinal cord.
  • PNS is divided into somatic and autonomic neural systems.
  • Somatic neural system is classified into sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
  • Autonomic neural system transmits impulses from CNS to involuntary organs and smooth muscles.
  • Somatic neural system relays impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles.
The heart rate is increased by a nerve which belongs to the following division of nervous system.
I. Autonomic
II. Central
III. Peripheral
IV. Sympathetic
  • I and IV only
  • II and III only
  • I, II, and III
  • I, III, and IV
  • II, III, and IV
In the following diagram showing axon terminal and synapse A, B, C, D and E respectively represents.
  • A-axon terminal, B-synaptic cleft, C-synaptic vesicles, D-neurotransmitters, E-receptors
  • A-axon terminal, B-synaptic vesicles, C-synaptic cleft, D-receptors, E-neurotransmitters
  • A-synaptic cleft, B-synaptic vesicles, C-axon terminal, D-neurotransmitters, E-receptors
  • A-synaptic cleft, B-axon terminal, C-synaptic vesicles, D-neurotransmitters, E-receptors
  • A-synaptic vesicles, B-axon terminal, C-synaptic cleft, D-receptors, E-neurotransmitters
A typical neuron has a myelin sheath insulating its axon. It is formed from cells known as Schwann cells. Some nervous system disorders, such as adrenoleukodystrophy result from the deterioration of the myelin sheath.
Why is the myelin sheath important to the correct functioning of the neuron?
  • The surface of the myelin sheath carries many receptors for neurotransmitters, allowing the neuron to receive chemical signals
  • Gaps in the myelin sheath allow for saltatory conduction, where electrical impulses jump from one covered area to another
  • The myelin sheath blocks external signals that originate outside the neuron, preventing interference with nervous signal transmission
  • None of these
Corpus callosum occurs in the brain of
  • Pigeon
  • Frog
  • Crocodile
  • Elephant
Dorsal root of a spinal nerve contains
  • Motor nerve fibres
  • Sensory nerve fibres
  • Mixed nerve fibres
  • No nerve fibres
Birds, bees and bacteria are able to navigate their path with the help of
  • Brain
  • Hormones
  • Intuition
  • Magnetoreception
Purely motor nerve is
  • Optic
  • Abducens
  • Ophthalmic
  • Palatinus
Spinal cord and sympathetic ganglion of autonomous nervous system are connected by    
  • Ramus ventralis
  • Ramus communicans
  • Ramus dorsalis
  • Connective
Iter is present between
  • Two cerebral hemispheres
  • Cerebrum and diencephalon
  • Diencephalon and medulla oblongata
  • Medulla oblongata and spinal cord
The direction of light reaching retina will be.
  • Photosensory cells $$\rightarrow$$ Bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ Ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ Sensory nerves
  • Sensory nerves $$\rightarrow$$ Bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ Ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ Photosensory cells
  • Sensory nerves $$\rightarrow$$ Ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ Bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ Photosensory cells
  • Photosensory cells $$\rightarrow$$ Ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ Bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ Sensory nerves
Parasympathetic nervous system develops from region
  • Thoracolumbar
  • Craniosacral
  • Cervical
  • Lumbar
In a resting neuron, the axon membrane is
  • Impermeable to both N$$a^+$$ and $$K^+$$ ions
  • Comparatively more permeable to N$$a^+$$ and nearly impermeable to $$K^+$$ ions
  • Comparatively more permeable to $$K^+$$ and nearly impermeable to N$$a^+$$ ions
  • Equally permeable to both N$$a^+$$ and $$K^+$$ ions
Match the following. Identify the correct match between Set-I and Set-II.
A) CaloreceptorsI) Cold receptors
B) ProprioceptorsII) Body surface receptors
C) FrigidoreceptorsIII) Heat receptors
D) ExteroceptorsIV) Receptors found in muscles
  • A- I, B- II, C- III, D- IV
  • A- III, B- IV, C- I, D- II
  • A- IV, B- III, C- II, D- I
  • A- III, B- IV, C- II, D- I
The direction of light striking the retina will be-
  • Photosensory cells $$\rightarrow$$ bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$sensory nerves
  • Sensory nerves $$\rightarrow$$ bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ Photosensory cells
  • Sensory nerves $$\rightarrow$$ ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ photosensory cells
  • Photosensory cells $$\rightarrow$$ ganglionic cells $$\rightarrow$$ bipolar neurons $$\rightarrow$$ sensory nerves
Which one of the following is not a refractive medium of the eye?
  • Lens
  • Vitreous humour
  • Aqueous humour
  • Pupil.
Which of the following organ in man is not vestigial ___________.
  • Pinna
  • Wisdom tooth
  • Fossa ovalis
  • Ileum
The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system:
  • arises from the cranial and sacral spinal cord segments
  • is concerned with conserving and restoring energy H
  • has ganglia near or within visceral effectors
  • all of the above
Nissl's bodies are composed of
  • RNA + DNA
  • Ribosomes + RER
  • SER + RER
  • Ribosomes
Which of the following options correctly identifies the effect of sympathetic and parasympathetic neural system on given features or organs?
  • Feature/organ - Salivary glands
    Sympathetic neural system - Stimulates secretion
    Parasympathetic neural system - Inhibits secretion
  • Feature/organ - Pupil of the eye
    Sympathetic neural system - Dilates
    Parasympathetic neural system - Constricts
  • Feature/organ - Heart rate
    Sympathetic neural system - Decreases
    Parasympathetic neural system - Increases
  • Feature/organ - Intestinal Peristalsis
    Sympathetic neural system - Stimulates
    Parasympathetic neural system - Inhibits
Select the correct option:
Blood-brain barrier in adults has ........... junctions between cells.
  • Tight
  • Adhering
  • Gap
  • Occluding
Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
Column IColumn II
A. Pinna(i) Collects vibrations in the air which produces sound
B. Ear canal(ii) Passage for sound wave from pinna to ear drum
C. Tympanic membrane(iii) Transfers sound wave to ear ossicles
D. Ear ossicles(iv) Increases the efficiency of transmission of sound waves to the inner ear
E. Cochlea(v) Has hearing receptors
F. Eustachian tube(vi) Equalises the pressure on both sides of ear drum
G. Auditory nerves(vii) Impulse transfer from organ of Corti to auditory cortex in temporal lobe of cerebrum

  • A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv), E - (v), F - (vi), G - (vii)
  • A - (vii), B - (vi), C - (v), D - (iv), E - (iii), F - (ii), G - (i)
  • A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iv), D - (iii), E - (v), F - (vi), G - (vii)
  • A - (i), B - (ii), C - (iii), D - (iv), E - (v), F - (vii), G - (vi)
Which of the following human parasympathetic function is not under the control of a cranial nerve?
  • Contraction of bladder
  • Constriction of pupil
  • Increase of salivation
  • Stimulation of gall bladder activity
Overall nerves slow down the body and divert energy to digestion and other basic housekeeping tasks; and nerves slow down housekeeping tasks and increase overall activity, in times of heightened awareness or excitement.
  • Autonomic; Somatic
  • Sympathetic; Parasympathetic
  • Parasympathetic; Sympathetic
  • Peripheral; Central
A nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another through junctions called synapses. Which one is not part of synapse?
  • Presynaptic membrane
  • Synaptic cleft
  • Post synaptic membrane
  • Nissl's granules
Which of the following is correct statement for the neuroglial cells?
  • Neuroglial makes up one half of the volume of the neural tissue in our brain.
  • It protects and supports the neurons.
  • It is of two types, macroglia and microglia.
  • All the given options are correct
If myelin sheath is continuous in myelinated nerve fibre than what will happens in neuronal conduction?
  • Velocity is increased
  • Conduction is slow
  • Conduction is stopped
  • No effect
Retina is most sensitive at?
  • Optic disc
  • Periphery
  • Macula lutea
  • Fovea centralis
The shape of the outer part of the ear is like a ________.
  • Cone
  • Cube
  • Funnel
  • Bowl

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Practice Class 11 Medical Biology Quiz Questions and Answers