$$\textbf{Correct option: }$$ B
$$\textbf{ Solution: }$$
$$\textbf{ Option (A): }$$
$$\bullet$$NAA stands for Naphthaleneacetic acid that is a synthetic plant hormone in the auxin family.
$$\bullet$$it is used in vegetative propagation of plants from stem and leaf cuttings.
$$\bullet$$It also plays a functional role in plant tissue culture.
$$\textbf{ Option (B): }$$
$$\bullet$$ Zeatin is a type of cytokinin which is the plant hormone that promotes the growth of the plant.
$$\bullet$$ Cytokinins promote the ageing of leaves and also help in breaking the dormancy of seeds and buds.
$$\textbf{ Option (C): }$$
$$\bullet$$ The compound 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is a synthetic auxin.
$$\bullet$$ It is a kind of herbicide that is used to kill any dicot plant tissue.
$$\textbf{ Option (D): }$$
$$\bullet$$ 6-Benzyladenine, also called 6-benzylaminopurine, is a synthetic cytokinin.
$$\bullet$$ This hormone stimulates the cell division in plants.
Hence, the correct option is (B)
The xylem which differentiates has a thick secondary wall made of
In maize seed, which is moncot and endospermic seed. The embryo consists of an upper shield shaped scutellum which is actually a reduced cotyledon. It secretes certain hormones (ABA and gibberellin) into the endosperm which synthesize enzyme responsible for the breakdown of reserve food materials into soluble forms.
A. Auxin- Responsible for shoot elongation.
B. Cytokinin- promotes cell division.
C. Gibberellin- Stimulate cell elongation,
D. Ethylene- Stimulate and regulate rioening of fruit.
So, the correct answer is 'Giberrellin'.
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