A.Prothorax – It is the foremost of the three segments in the thorax of an insect, and bears the first pair of legs and wings(elytra).
B.Mesothorax - is the middle of the three segments in the thorax of an insect, and bears the second pair of legs. Its principal sclerites (exoskeletal plates) are the mesonotum (dorsal), the mesosternum (ventral), and the mesopleuron (lateral) on each side. All adult insects possess legs on the mesothorax.
C.Metathorax – is the posterior of the three segments in the thorax of an insect, and bears the third pair of legs. Its principal sclerites (exoskeletal plates) are the metanotum (dorsal), the metasternum (ventral), and the metapleuron (lateral) on each side.
D.Abdomen – lower part of the body.
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