A scientist is included in which of the following resources?
When people are considered as a resource it is called human resource. Human resource form an important part because any resource can be turned into a useful resource through human resource.
Scientist is a human resource.
Which of the following can be attributed to population growth?
Population growth is nothing but the increase in the number of individuals in an area. Among the given options, a decline in infant mortality rate results in population growth and rest of the options like an increase in infant mortality rate and the decline in health attributes result in the decline of population.
The money spent on food is not a part of the opportunity cost of going on holiday.Opportunity cost of production of a commodity refers to the cost which has to be sacrificed in terms of the next best alternative which could be produced out of that cost. Therefore, food is part of our everyday expense which will not be considered as the sacrifice of any other commodity.
Some of the most important characteristics of population are as follows:
The population has the following characteristics:
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