CBSE Questions for Class 9 Maths Linear Equations In Two Variable Quiz 3 -

Graph of linear equation $$4x = 5$$ in a plane is:
  • Parallel to $$x -axis$$
  • Parallel to $$y- axis$$
  • Lies along $$x - axis$$
  • Passes through origin
A bag with total $$10$$ balls contains $$x$$ blue and $$y$$ red balls. If the number of blue balls is four times the number of red, then write the two equations.
  • $$x+y=10, x=4y$$
  • $$x-y=10, x=4y$$
  • $$xy=10, x+4y=0$$
  • None of these
Which of the following is not a linear equation in two variables?
  • $$x=3y-1$$
  • $$y=2x+3$$
  • $$x^2 - 5 =0$$
  • $$x-y =0$$
Draw the graphs of linear equations $$y = x$$ and $$y =-  x$$ on the same cartesian plane. What do you observe?
  • Graph of each equation is a line passing through $$(1, 1)$$.
  • Graph of each equation is a line passing through $$(0, 1)$$.
  • Graph of each equation is a line passing through $$(0, 0)$$.
  • Graph of each equation is a line passing through $$(1, 0)$$.
 Draw the graph for the linear equation $$3y+5=0$$ and select the correct option:
  • The line is parallel to the $$x$$-axis and passes through $$\left (0, -\dfrac{5}{3}\right)$$
  • The line is parallel to the $$y$$-axis and passes through $$\left (0, -\dfrac53\right)$$
  • The line is parallel to the $$x$$-axis and passes through $$\left (0, \dfrac53\right)$$
  • The line is parallel to the $$y$$-axis and passes through $$\left (0, \dfrac53\right)$$
State true/false:
Two years hence, father's age will be twice the son's age then, it can be represented by $$x\, -\, 2y\, =\, 2$$.
  • True
  • False
The graph of $$x =8 $$ represents:
  • line parallel to $$y$$-axis and at a distance of $$8$$ units. 
  • line parallel to $$x$$-axis and at a distance of $$8$$ units. 
  • line parallel to $$y$$-axis and at a distance of $$0$$ units. 
  • None of these
Write a linear equation in two variables to represent the following statement.
In a one-day International cricket match between India and Sri Lanka, the two teams together scored 679 runs.
  • $$x + y = 679,$$ where $$x =$$ runs scored by india and $$y =$$ runs scored by sri lanka
  • $$x - y = 679, $$ where $$x =$$ runs scored by india and $$y = $$ runs scored by sri lanka
  • $$2x + y = 679, $$ where $$x =$$ runs scored by india and $$y =$$ runs scored by sri lanka
  • $$x + 2y = 679,$$ where $$x =$$ runs scored by india and $$y =$$ runs scored by sri lanka
Say true or false:
The following equation is an example of a linear equation in two variables:
$$\displaystyle \frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y} = \frac{1}{7}$$
  • True
  • False
Express the given information in mathematical form using two variables:
One number is 5 more than seven times the other number.
  • $$x\, +\, 5y\, =\, 7$$
  • $$7x\, -\, y\, =\, 8$$
  • $$x\, -\, 7y\, =\, 5$$
  • Insufficient data
Any point on $$y$$ axis is of the form
  • $$(x,y)$$
  • $$(0,y)$$
  • $$(y,y)$$
  • $$(x,0)$$
The equation $$x=7$$ can be written in two variables $$x,\,y$$ as
  • $$1.x+1.y=7$$
  • $$1.x+0.y=7$$
  • $$0.x+1.y=7$$
  • $$0.x+0.y=7$$
Frame simultaneous linear equations in two variables representing the following information:
Sum of the ages of Monali and Sonali is 29 years. Monali is younger than Sonali by 3 years. 
  • $$x+y=29, \, \, x-y=3$$
  • $$x+y=29, \, \, x-y=-3$$
  • $$x-y=29, \, \, x+y=3$$
  • None of these
$$y = 2$$ is a line
  • parallel to $$x$$-axis
  • parallel to $$y$$-axis
  • passing through origin
  • none
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(-5, -3)$$ and is parallel to the $$x$$-axis?
  • $$x = -5$$
  • $$y = -5$$
  • $$x = -3$$
  • $$y = -3$$
Consider the equation:
$$\displaystyle y+7x=3x-2y+28$$
If the equation is written in the form of $$\displaystyle ax+by=c$$, then what is the value of a?

  • $$1$$
  • $$7$$
  • $$3$$
  • $$4$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(-2, 3)$$ and is parallel to the $$x$$-axis?
  • $$x = 3$$
  • $$y = 0$$
  • $$x = 0$$
  • $$y = 3$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(2, 3)$$ and is parallel to the $$y$$-axis?
  • $$x = 2$$
  • $$y = 3$$
  • $$x = 3$$
  • $$y = 2$$
Which of the following is a linear equation in $$2$$ variables?
  • $$\displaystyle { x }^{ 2 }+{ y }^{ 2 }=9$$
  • $$\displaystyle { x }^{ 2 }+{ y }^{ 2 }=0$$
  • $$\displaystyle 2x+3=y$$
  • $$\displaystyle x>y$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(1, 3)$$ and is parallel to the $$x$$-axis?
  • $$y = 3$$
  • $$y = 1$$
  • $$x = 1$$
  • $$x = 3$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(0, 3)$$ and is parallel to the $$x$$-axis?
  • $$x = 3$$
  • $$y = 0$$
  • $$x = 0$$
  • $$y = 3$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(2, 1)$$ and is parallel to the $$ x$$-axis?
  • $$y = 2$$
  • $$y = 1$$
  • $$x = 1$$
  • $$x = 2$$
Identify the linear equation in two variables.
  • $$2x + 3y = 1$$
  • $$2x^2 - 1 = y$$
  • $$3x^2 + 5 = y^2$$
  • $$6x^3 - 1 = 0$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(5, -3)$$ and is parallel to the $$y$$-axis?
  • $$x = -3$$
  • $$y = -3$$
  • $$x = 5$$
  • $$y = 5$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(6, 2)$$ and is parallel to the $$y$$-axis?
  • $$y = 6$$
  • $$x = 2$$
  • $$x = 6$$
  • $$y = 2$$
Choose the correct equation that represents the graph above.

  • $$x = 1$$
  • $$y = 1$$
  • $$y = 2$$
  • $$x = 2$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(-1, 4)$$ and is parallel to the $$y$$-axis?
  • $$y = -1$$
  • $$x = -1$$
  • $$x = 4$$
  • $$y = 4$$
What is the equation for the graph shown above?

  • $$y = 2$$
  • $$y = -4$$
  • $$x = 2$$
  • $$x = -4$$
Which equation represents the line that passes through the point $$(-5, -4)$$ and is parallel to the $$y$$-axis?
  • $$x = -5$$
  • $$x = -4$$
  • $$y = -5$$
  • $$y = -4$$
Identify the equation for the above graph.

  • $$x = 2$$
  • $$x = 4$$
  • $$y = 4$$
  • $$y = 2$$

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