CBSE Questions for Class 9 Maths Triangles Quiz 11 -

Which of the following is congruent to the above figure?
  • None of these
Which of the following sides are equal if $$\angle RPQ$$ and $$\angle RQP$$ are similar?
  • $$RP=RQ$$
  • $$RP=PQ$$
  • $$RQ=PQ$$
  • None of these
Converse of isosceles triangle theorem states that ...........
  • The two angles that lie opposite to the two congruent sides of the isosceles triangle would also be congruent
  • If two angles of a triangle are congruent then the sides opposite to these angles are congruent.
  • If two angles of a triangle are congruent then the sides opposite to these angles are notcongruent.
  • None of these
State if True or  False:
If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite to these angles are congruent.
  • True
  • False
A triangle with two congruent sides and congruent base angles is termed as?
  • Equilateral triangle
  • Isosceles triangle
  • Scalene triangle
  • None of these
Which of the following is congruent to the above figure?
  • None of these
Consider isosceles triangle $$ABC$$, in which $$AB=AC$$ and$$\angle ABC =50^o$$. Find the $$\angle BAC$$.
  • $$50^o$$
  • $$65^o$$
  • $$80^o$$
  • $$130^o$$
In the given figure, $$PA$$ $$\perp$$ $$AB$$, $$QB$$ $$\perp$$ $$AB$$ and $$\Delta$$ $$OAP$$ $$\cong \Delta$$ $$OBQ$$, then:
  • $$PA$$ $$=$$ $$OB$$
  • $$AP$$ $$=$$ $$QB$$
  • $$OP$$ $$=$$ $$BQ$$
  • $$OA$$ $$=$$ $$OQ$$
If for $$\triangle$$ABC and $$\triangle$$DEF, the correspondence CAB $$\leftrightarrow$$ EDF gives a congruence, then which of the following is NOT true?
  • AC = DE
  • AB = EF
  • $$\angle$$A = $$\angle$$D
  • $$\angle$$C = $$\angle$$E
The ________ criterion is used to construct a triangle congruent to another triangle whose length of three sides are given.
  • $$SAS$$
  • $$SSS$$
  • $$RHS$$
  • $$ASA$$
In $$\triangle ABC$$, if $$AB = 7$$ cm, $$\angle A= 40^o$$ and $$\angle B = 70^o$$, which criterion can be used to construct this triangle?
  • ASA
  • SSS
  • SAS
  • RHS
Which congruence criterion can be used to conclude $$\triangle$$ $$XYZ$$ $$\cong$$ $$\triangle$$ $$QPR$$?
  • SAS
  • SSS
  • RHS
  • None of these
If $$a, b$$ and $$c$$ are the sides of a triangle, then __________.
  • $$a-b > c$$
  • $$c > a +b$$
  • $$c =a+b$$
  • $$b< c+a$$
Which of the following pair of triangles are congruent by RHS criterion?
  • (i) and (ii)
  • (iii) and (iv)
  • (i) and (iii)
  • (ii) and (iv)
Direction (14 - 15) : Study the figure and information given below carefully and answer the following questions.
CF and AE are equal perpendiculars on BD, BF = FE = ED.
$$\triangle$$ABE is congruent to

  • $$\triangle$$AED
  • $$\triangle$$BFC
  • $$\triangle$$CDF
  • $$\triangle$$BCD
By which congruency criterion, $$\triangle$$PQR $$\cong$$ $$\triangle$$PQS?
  • RHS
  • ASA
  • SSS
  • SAS
In the given figure, triangles $$ABC$$ and $$DCB$$ are right angled at $$A$$ and $$D$$ respectively and $$AC$$ $$=$$ $$DB$$, then $$\Delta$$ $$ABC$$ $$\cong\Delta$$ $$DCB$$ of from.
  • $$AAA$$
  • $$SAS$$
  • $$RHS$$
  • None of these
State True or False. If false, give reasons for that:
If two triangles are congruent, their corresponding angle are equal.
  • True
  • False
State True or False. If false, give reasons:
A 1-rupee and a 5-rupee coins are congruent.
  • True
  • False
If $$ \triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DBC$$ are on the same base BC,AB=DC and AC=DB,then which of the following gives a CORRECT congruence relationship?
  • $$\triangle ABC=\triangle DBC$$
  • $$\triangle ABC=\triangle CBD$$
  • $$\triangle ABC=\triangle DCB$$
  • $$\triangle ABC=\triangle BCD$$
Which of the following triangles is congruent to the given triangle?
Two triangles are congruent, if two angles and the side included between them in one triangle is equal to the two angles and the side included between them of the other triangle.This is known as
  • RHS congruence criterion
  • ASA congruence criterion
  • SAS congruence criterion
  • SSS congruence criterion
Sum of the length of any two sides of a triangle is always greater than the length of third side.
  • True
  • False
D is a point on side BC of $$\Delta$$ABC such that AD$$=$$AC then AB $$>$$ AD.
  • True
  • False
State True or False:
In $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle PQR$$, $$AB=PQ,BC=QR$$ and $$CB$$ and $$RQ$$ are extended to $$X$$ and $$Y$$ respectively and $$\angle ABX=\angle PQY$$ then $$\triangle ABC \cong \triangle PQR$$.
  • True
  • False
In right triangle $$ABC$$, right-angled at $$C, M$$ is the mid-point of hypotenuse $$AB.\ C$$ is joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$.Which of the following is correct.  
  • $$ \Delta \mathrm { AMC } \cong \Delta \mathrm { BMD } $$
  • $$ \angle D B C $$ is a right angle.
  • $$ \Delta D B C \equiv \Delta A BC $$
  • $$ \mathrm { CM } = \dfrac { 1 } { 2 } \mathrm { AB } $$
In any triangle, the side opposite to the larger (greater) angle is longer
  • True
  • False
In a triangle ABC , if AB , BC and AC are the three sides of the triangle , then which of the following statements is necessarily true ?
  • $$\displaystyle AB + BC < AC$$
  • $$\displaystyle AB + BC > AC$$
  • $$\displaystyle AB + BC = AC$$
  • $$\displaystyle AB^2 + BC^2 = AC^2$$
Two right angles are congruent.
  • True
  • False
If two legs of a right triangle are equal to two legs of another right triangle. then the right triangles are congruent.
  • True
  • False

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