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Alternating Current Quiz Question | Answer |
In A.C circuit having only capacitor, the current _____ | leads the voltage by $$\cfrac { \pi }{ 2 } $$ in phase |
Find the maximum value of current when inductance of two henry is connected to $$150V,50$$ cycle supply | $$\cfrac { 3 }{ 2\sqrt { 2 } A } $$ |
In an A.C circuit, a resistance of R ohm is connected in series with an indutance L.If phase angle between voltage and current be$${ 45 }^{ 0 }$$, the value of inductive reacatance will be | R |
The average power of A.C. lost per cycle is given by? | $$\dfrac{1}{2}E_0i_0\cos\phi$$ |
The impedance of coaxial cable, when its inductance is 0.40 $$\mu H$$ and capacitance is 1$$\times { 10 }^{ -11 }$$ F can be | $$2\times { 10 }^{ 2 }{ \Omega }$$ |
Equivalent inductance of the circuit shown in the figure is![]() |
$$1.0 H$$ |
Above the resonant frequency, | the frequency of the body is exactly equal to the frequency of the external periodic force. |
In an electric circuit applied ac emf is $$e = 20 \sin 300 \ t$$ volt and the current is $$i = 4 \sin 300 \ t$$ ampere.The reactance of the circuit is | $$5 \Omega$$ |
The frequency of A.C mains in India is |
$$50Hz$$ |
The impedance of a series $$L-C-R$$ circuit in an $$AC$$ circuit is |
None of these |
Atoms Quiz Question | Answer |
The wavelength of the first member of the Balmer series is $$656.3\ nm$$. The wavelength of the second line of the Lyman series is | $$121.6\ nm$$ |
The $$H_{a}$$-line of hydrogen | has a wavelength 6562$$\overset {0}{A}$$ |
According to Bohr modal, magnetic field at the centre (at the nucleus) of a hydrogen atom due to the motion of electron in $$n^{th}$$ orbit is proportional to: | 1/$$n^5$$ |
Which of the following is inversely proportional to the square of principal quantum number in Bohr's atomic model? | Total energy of the electron in $$n^{th}$$ orbit. |
Choose the correct statements for hydrogen and deuterium atoms ( considering motion of nuclie as ) | The radius of first Bohr orbit of deuterium is less than that of hydrogen |
According to the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom electrons starting in the $$4^{th}$$ energy level and eventually ending in the ground state could produce a total of how many lines in the hydrogen spectra ? | 6 |
An element has number of proton =Then what will be its atomic number? | 7 |
The spectral series of the hydrogen spectrum that lies in the ultraviolet region is the | Lyman series |
To explain his theory, Bohr-used | Conservation of angular momentum |
In the Bohr's hydrogen atom model, the radius of the stationary orbit is directly proportional to ($$n=$$ principle quantum number) | $$n^{2}$$ |
Current Electricity Quiz Question | Answer |
The length of a potentiometer wire is $$l$$. A cell of emf E is balanced at a length $$\dfrac{l }{ 3}$$ from the positive end of the wire. If the length of the wire is increased by $$\dfrac{l} { 2}$$. At what distance will the same cell give a balance point? |
$$ \dfrac{l}{2} $$ |
The color coding of earth, live and neutral wire respectively is |
Green, Red, black |
A uniform wire is cut into $$10$$ equal parts and all the equal parts are connected in parallel. The effective resistance |
decreases $$100$$ times |
Five resistors each of 1 ohm are connected in parallel. The resultant resistance of the combination is : | $$ 0.2 \Omega$$ |
Wheatstones’s bridge cannot be used for measurement of very _______ resistances. |
low |
Unit of e.m.f. of a cell is |
volt |
Which one of the following is different from the others? | Watt |
If a wire is stretched to make it $$0.1\%$$ longer, its resistance will | increase by $$0.2\%$$ |
The resistance of wire is 5 ohm at 50C and 6 ohm at 100C. The resistance of the wire at 0C willbe | 4 ohm |
In the circuit shown, a four-wire potentiometer is made of a $$400 cm$$ long wire, which extends between A and B. The resistance per unit length of the potentiometer wire is $$r = 0.01 \Omega/cm$$. If an ideal voltmeter is connected as shown with jockey J at 50 cm from end A, the expected reading of the voltmeter will be :-![]() |
$$0.25 V$$ |
Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter Quiz Question | Answer |
A proton moves on a circular path of radius $$6.6\times 10^{-3}m$$ in a perpendicular magnetic field of $$0.625\ tesla$$. The De broglie wavelength associated with the proton will be | $$1\overset {\circ}{A}$$ |
The time taken by a photoelectron to come Out after the photon strikes is approximately. | $$10^{-10}s$$ |
Kinetic energy with the electrons are emitted from the metal surface due to photoelectric effect is | Independent of the intensity of illumination |
The work function Al, K and pt is 4.28e V, 2.30e V and 5.65 eV respectively. Their respective threshold frequencies would be then | $$Pt > Al > K$$ |
$$ {\lambda }_{ e } $$, $$ { \lambda }_{ p} $$ and $$ { \lambda }_{a } $$ are the de broglie wavelengths of electrons , proton and $$ \alpha $$ particles. If all are accelerated by same potential , then. | $$ { \lambda }_{ e }>{ \lambda }_{ p } >{ \lambda }_{ a } $$ |
If $$a$$ be the radius of first Bohr`s orbit of H-atom, then the de-Broglie`s wavelength of an electron revolving in the $$2^{nd}$$ Bohr`s orbit will be | $$4\pi {a}$$ |
Calculate energy of one mole of photons of radiation whose frequency is $$5\times 10^{14}Hz$$. | 199.5 kJ $$mol^{-1}$$ |
A certain metal when irradiated by light ($$(v=3.2 \times 10^{16}HZ)$$ emits photoelectrons with twice K. E. as did photoelectrons when the same metal is irradiated by light $$(v=2 \times 10^{16}HZ)$$. The $$V_{0}$$ of the neutral is |
$$v= 8 \times 10^{15}Hz$$ |
The de-Broglie wavelength associated with a hydrogen molecule moving with a thermal velocity of $$3\ km/s$$ will be | $$0.66\ A^o$$ |
Calculate the wavelength of electron moving with a velocity of $$2.05 \times {10^7}m/\sec $$ | $$3.552 \times {10^{ - 11}}m$$ |
Electric Charges And Fields Quiz Question | Answer |
In the figure distance of the point from $$A$$, where the electric field is zero is:- |
$$33cm$$ |
The force between two charges 0.06$$\mathrm { m }$$ apart is 5$$\mathrm { N }$$ . If the charges are moved towards each other by 0.05$$\mathrm { m }$$ , then the force between them is | 7.2$$\mathrm { N }$$ |
The force between two charges $$0.06m$$ apart is $$5N$$. If each charge is moved towards the other by $$0.01m$$, then the force between will become | $$11.25N$$ |
The force between two electrons when placed in air is equal to 0.5 times the weight of an electron find the distance between two electrons (mass is electron= $$9.1\times 10^{-31}kg)$$ | 7.2 m |
A charge q is located at the center of a cube . The electric flux through any face is | $$\dfrac { 4\pi q }{ 6(4\pi \epsilon _{ 0 }) } $$ |
A solid metallic sphere has a charge +3Q concentric with this sphere is a conducting spherical shell having charge O. The radius of the sphere is a and that of the spherical shell is b(>a). What is the electric field at a distance r(a < r < b) from the centre? |
$$\frac { 1 }{ 4{ \pi \epsilon_{0} } } \frac {3Q }{ r^2 }$$ |
A capacitor is a perfect insulator for: | constant direct current |
A charge q is divided into two parts $${ q }_{ 1 }$$ and ($${q} - { q }_{ 1 }$$) What is the ratio q /$${ q }_{ 1 }$$ so that the force between the two parts when placed a given distance apart is maximum: |
$$1:2$$ |
A closed switch has a resistance of : |
zero ohm |
What is the value of electric flux in SI unit in the Y-Z plane of area $$2{m^2}$$ , if intensity of electric field is $$\overrightarrow {\text{E}} {\text{ = }}\left( {{\text{5}}\widehat {\text{i}}{\text{ + 2}}\widehat {\text{j}}} \right){\text{N/C}}$$ |
$$10$$ |
Electromagnetic Induction Quiz Question | Answer |
.................. gave the principle of Electromagnetic Induction. | Faraday |
The self inductance of a straight conductor is. |
Zero |
The magnetic induction at any point due to a long straight wire carrying a current is | Inversely proportional to the distance from wire |
The average self-induced emf in a $$25 m H$$ solenoid when the current in it falls from $$0.2 A$$ to $$0 A$$ in $$0.01$$ second, is |
$$0.5 V$$ |
What is the SI unit of self-inductance ? |
Henry |
The coefficient of self inductance and the coefficient of mutual inductance have |
same units and same dimensions |
When current is coil changes from 5 A to 2 A in 0.1 s, an average of 50 V is produced. The self-inductance of the coil is. | 1.67 H |
A $$10 \,m$$ long horizontal wire extends from North East to South West. It is falling with a speed of $$5.0 \,ms^{-1}$$, at right angles to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field, of $$0.3 \times 10^{-4} \,Wb/m^2$$. The value of the induced emf in wire is: | $$1.1 \times 10^{-3} V$$ |
A varying current in a coil change from $$10A$$ to $$0$$ in $$0.5$$sec. If the average emf induced in the coil is $$220V$$, the self inductance of the coil is : |
$$11H$$ |
At time $$t = 0$$ magnetic field of $$1000$$ Gauss is passing perpendicularly through the area defined by the closed loop shown in the figure. If the magnetic field reduces linearly to $$500$$ Gauss, in nest $$5s$$, then induced EMF in the loop is:![]() |
$$56\mu V$$ |
Electromagnetic Waves Quiz Question | Answer |
The displacement current was first populated by | Maxwell |
In Maxwell's velocity distribution curve area under the graph | Remains same at all temperature |
The electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave is given by $$E=E_{0}\sin (kz-\omega t)[\hat i+\hat j]$$. Which of the following gives the direction of the associated magnetic field? | $$\hat K$$ |
If $$\vec{E}$$ and $$\vec{B}$$ are electric and magnetic field vectors of electromagnetic waves, then the propagation of electronic wave is along | $$\vec{E}\times \vec{B}$$ |
If a plane electromagnetic wave satisfies the equation $$\dfrac{\partial ^2E_x}{\partial^2z}= C^2 \dfrac{\partial^2E_x}{\partial^2t},$$the wave propagates in | $$z$$-direction |
What is the displacement current between the square plate of side 1 cm of a capacitor, if electric field between the, plates is changing at the rate of 3 x $$10^6 V_m^{-1}S^{-1}$$? | 2.7 x $$10^{-9}$$ A |
An electromagnetic wave is radiated by a $$100W$$ bulb. If efficiency of the bulb is $$20$$% then the amplitude of magnetic field at a distance of $$1m$$ is (consider bulb as a point source) | $$\sqrt { \cfrac { 4 }{ 3 } } \times{10}^{-7}T$$ |
Choose the correct equation of maxwell ampere circuital law: | $$\oint \vec { B } \cdot \overline { d l } = \mu _ { 0 } \left( i _ { c } + \varepsilon _ { 0 } \frac { d \phi _ { E } } { d t } \right)$$ |
Magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by $$ \overrightarrow{B} = B_0 sin (kx + \omega t) \hat{j} T $$ Expression for corresponding electric field will be : Where c is speed of light. |
$$ \overrightarrow {E} = B_0 c\sin (kx + \omega t) \hat{k} V/m $$ |
Consider an electromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum. Choose the correct statement : | For an electromagnetic wave propagating in +x direction the electric field is $$\overset{\rightarrow}{ E } = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}E_{yz} (x, t) (\hat{y}-\hat{z})$$ and the magnetic field is $$\overset{\rightarrow}{B} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}E_{yz} (x, t) (\hat{y}+\hat{z})$$ |
Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance Quiz Question | Answer |
At any point on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining two equal and opposite charges. | The electric potential is zero |
A capacitor with very large capacitance is in series with another capacitor with very small capacitance. What is the equivalent capacitance of the combination? |
slightly less than the capacitance of the small capacitor |
what is the series combination of condenses and $$\dfrac { 1 }{ c } =\dfrac { 1 }{ { c }_{ 1 } } +\dfrac { 1 }{ { c }_{ 2 } } +\dfrac { 1 }{ { c }_{ 3 } } $$ farad | True |
$$75\%$$ of the distance $$d$$ between the parallel plates of a capacitor is filled with a meterial of dielectric constant $$K$$. Find the changed capacitance if original capacitance was $$C_{0}$$..................... | $$\left(\dfrac{4K}{K+3}\right) C_{0}$$ |
The potential at a point x (measured in $$\mu m$$ ) due to some charges situated on the x -axis is given by $$V(x) =\dfrac{20}{(x^{2} -4)}$$ volt. The electric field $$E$$ at $$x = 4\mu m$$ is given by | $$\left(\dfrac{10}{9}\right) V\mu m^{-1}$$ and in the +ve x direction |
An infinite number of charges each equal to Q are placed along the x-axis at x=1,x=2,x=4,x=8,.......... and so on.Find the potential and electric filed at the point x=0 , due to this set of charges: | $$\dfrac{Q}{2 \pi \varepsilon_0},\dfrac{Q}{3 \pi \varepsilon_0}$$ |
Calculate potential energy of the system as shown in the figure![]() |
$$\dfrac{3kq^2}{d}$$ |
The electric potential in a certain region is expressed by $$V = 6x-8xy^2-8y + 6yz - 4z^2$$ volts. The magnitude of the force acting on a charge of $$2C$$ sityuated at the origin wil be:- | $$20N$$ |
Two capacitors of $$4\ \mu F$$and $$2\ \mu F$$ are connected in series with the battery. If total potential difference across the two capacitors is $$200$$ volts then the ratio of potential difference across one capacitor to another is |
$$1:2$$ |
A fully charged parallel-plate capacitor remains connected to a battery while you slide a dielectric between the plates. Then the capacitance : | Increase |
Magnetism And Matter Quiz Question | Answer |
Space around a magnet in which the magnetic pole experiences a force is called | Magnetic field |
The magnetic moment of a diamagnetic atom is | equal to zero |
The inherent property of all materials is | Diamagnetism |
The hysteresis cycle for the material of permanent magnet is | Tall and wide |
Materials suitable for permanent magnet, must have which of the following properties? | High retentivity, high coercivity and high permeability |
Which one of the following is correct statement about magnetic forces? | Magnetic forces do not obey Newton's third law |
The hysteresis cycle for the material of a transformer core is? | Tall and narrow |
The magnetic induction at any point due to a long straight wire carrying a current is | Inversely proportional to the distance from wire |
The cause of dimegnetism is : | orbital motion of electrons |
Relative permittivity and permeability of a material are $$\epsilon_{\mathrm{r}}$$ and $$\mu_{\mathrm{r}}$$, respectively. Which of the following values of these quantifies are allowed for a diamagnetic material? |
$$\epsilon_{\mathrm{r}}=1.5,\ \mu_{\mathrm{r}}=0.5$$ |
Moving Charges And Magnetism Quiz Question | Answer |
Two parallel wires in free space are $$10cm$$ apart and cach carries a current of 10 $$ \mathrm{A} $$ in the same direction. The magnetic force per unit length of cach wire is. |
$$ 2 \times 10^{-4} \mathrm{N}, $$ attractive |
An electron moves with velocity $$v$$ in uniform traverse magnetic field $$B$$ on circular path of radius $$'r'$$, then $$e/m$$ for it is | $$\frac{v}{{Br}}$$ |
The magnetic field due to current flowing in a ling straight conductor is directly proportional to the current and inversely proportional to the distance of the point of observation from the conductor. What is this law known as? | Biot-Savart's law |
An electron, a proton and an alpha particle having the same kinetic energy are moving in circular orbits of radii $$r_e, r_p, r_{\alpha}$$ respectively in a uniform magnetic field B. The relation between $$r_e, r_p, r_{\alpha}$$ is? | $$r_e < r_p = r_{\alpha}$$ |
The AC voltage across a resistance can be measured using a |
hot wire voltmeter |
A particle of charge $$-16\times 10^{-18}$$ coulomb moving with velocity 10 $$\mathrm{m}\mathrm{s}^{-1}$$ along the x-axis enters a region where a magnetic field of induction $$\mathrm{B}$$ is along the $$\mathrm{y}$$ -axis, and an electric field of induction $$\mathrm{B}$$ is along the $$\mathrm{y}$$-axis, and an electric field of magnitude $$10^{4}\mathrm{V}/\mathrm{m}$$ is along the negative $$\mathrm{z}$$-axis. lf the charged particle continues moving along the $$\mathrm{x}$$-axis, the magnitude of $$\mathrm{B}$$ is |
$$10^{3}\mathrm{W}\mathrm{b}/\mathrm{m}^{2}$$ |
A charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to its direction. Then | the momentum changes but the kinetic energy is constant |
A particle of mass M and charge Q moving with velocity $$\vec v$$ describe a circular path of radius R when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of induction B. The work done by the field when the particle completes one full circle is | $$zero$$ |
A proton and an alpha particle are separately projected in a region , where a uniform magnetic field exists. The initial velocities are perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field . If both the particles move along circles of equal radii , the ratio of momentum of proton to alpha particle( $$\dfrac{P_p}{P_a}$$) | 1/2 |
A particle of mass $$\mathrm{M}$$ and charge $$\mathrm{Q}$$ moving with velocity $$\vec{V}$$ describes a circular path of radius $$\mathrm{R}$$ when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of induction B. The work done by the field when the particle completes one full circle is |
zero |
Nuclei Quiz Question | Answer |
The nucleus with highest binding energy per nucleon is: | $$^{56}_{26}Fe$$ |
Atomic weight of boron is 10.81 and it has two isotopses $$ _5B^{10} and _5B^{11} $$ . then the ratio of $$ _5B^{10} : _5B^{11} $$ in nature would be | 19 : 81 |
The average binding energy of the nucleon is | $$8.5$$ MeV |
Energy in the sun is due to |
Fusion |
The temperature necessary for fusion reaction is | $$3\times10^{6}$$ |
The Sun's mean density is | $$1.4\times10^{3} kg/m^{3}$$ |
Which one of them is a radioisotope? | Cobalt-60 |
According to binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve, which is not correct? | Two light nuclei fuse to form medium sized nuclei. |
Which of the following is used in cancer treatment ? | $$^{60}_{27}Co$$ |
Which of the following nucleus is fissionable by slow neutrons: | $$-{92}U^{238}$$ |
Ray Optics And Optical Instruments Quiz Question | Answer |
The distance between the pole and centre of curvature of a spherical mirror is called _________ . | radius of curvature |
The maximum magnification which can be obtained with the help of a simple microscope is $$6$$. If a point object is placed at distance $$3$$ cm from the microscope, then what was be the position of the image? | -7.5 cm |
For which of the following colour, the magnifying power of a microscope will be maximum | Violet colour |
The time taken by sunlight to cross a $$5\ mm$$ thick glass plate $$(\mu =3/2)$$ is | $$0.25\times 10^{-10}S$$ |
Finger prints are observed by the use of | Microscope |
A person using a lens as a simple microscope sees an | Upright virtual image |
The working of optical instruments like camera, microscope, telescope, etc. having glass lenses is based on a phenomenon of light. Identify the phenomenon. |
Reflection |
A plano-convex lens fits exactly into a plano-concave lens. Their plane surface are parallel to each other. If lenses are made of different materials of refractive indices $$\mu _{1}$$ and $$\mu _{2}$$ and R is the radius of curvature of the curved surface of the lenses, then the focal length of the combination is |
$$\displaystyle \frac{R}{(\mu _{1}-\mu _{2})}$$ |
An astronomical refracting telescope will have large angular magnification and high resolution, when it has an objective lens of : | Large focal length and large diameter |
Two lens of focal lengths $$-20 cm$$ and $$+10 cm$$ are put in combination. Find the power of the combination. | $$+5 D$$ |
Semiconductor Electronics: Materials,Devices And Simple Circuits Quiz Question | Answer |
In a $$p$$-type semi-conductor, the majority carriers are | Holes |
The Fermi level of an intrinsic semiconductor is pinned at the centre of the band gap. The probability of occupation of the highest electron state in valence band at room temperature, will be | Half |
The logic circuit shown in figure has the input wavefrom A and B as shown pick out from figure![]() |
None of these |
Figure shows the particle realization of a logic gate. Identify the logic gate![]() |
The adjoining logic symbol is equivalent to |
$$AND$$ gate |
A reverse-biased diode is | |
What is the order of the reverse saturation current before breakdown in a Zener diode | micro-ampere |
Write down the boolean expression for output $$Y$$ of system in figure![]() |
$$ \overset {-}{A} \overset {-}{B} + AB$$ |
If output in a logic gate is low for either output to be high | NOR gate |
In the given circuit the current through the zener diode is. ![]() |
3.33 mA |
Wave Optics Quiz Question | Answer |
A screen is at a distance of 2 m from a narrow slit illuminated with light of 600 nm. The first minimum lies 5 mm on either side of the central maximum. The width of slit is. | 0.24 mm |
Before insertion of plate, mid-point of screen in YDSE (assuming mid point of screen is aligned with the mid point of slits) is a location of | A point of central maxima |
Who amongst the following used corpuscular theory to explain the nature of light? | Newton |
The shape of wave front at a very large distance from source is ______ | Plane |
Which of the following is wrong for interference fringes? | Fringes are due to limited portion of wave front |
In Young's double slit experiment performed with a source of white light, only black and white fringes are observed. | False |
Light of wavelength $$\lambda $$ from a point source falls on a small circular obstacle of diameter 'd'. Dark and bright circular ring around a central bright pot are formed on a screen beyond the obstacle is D, then the condition for the formation of ring is : | $$\lambda \approx \dfrac { { d }^{ 2 } }{ 4D } $$ |
In the interference of waves from two sources of intensities $$I_{0}$$ and $$4I_{0}$$. The intensity at a point where the phase difference is $$\pi$$ is | $$I_{0}$$ |
The intensity of light from a source is 500 / $$\pi W/m^{2}$$. Find the amplitude of electric field in this wave - | $$2\sqrt{3}\times 10^{2}N/C$$ |
To demonstrate the phenomenon of interference we require two soruces which emit radiation of | the same frequency and having a definite phase relationship. |
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