Buildings Paintings And Books - Class 6 History - Extra Questions

What was the story mentioned in Tamil epic"Manimekalai"? Discuss it in brief.

Write a short note on Tamil book "Silappadikaram"?

What are epics? Give examples.

Write a short note on Purana in 50 words? 

Give an example of the skill of Indian crafts persons. Discuss in brief. 

Write a short note on Aryabhata? 

Why are the epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana so popular even today?

Write in brief about Kalidasa's Meghaduta.

Tell a story from one of the epics.

Both the ____ and the  ____ are supposed to have been composed by Vyasa.

Describe the two Sanskrit epics the Mahabharata and Ramayana.

What is the Brihaddharma Purana?

What did the Puranic stories consist of?

Class 6 History Extra Questions