Conjunction - Class 8 English - Extra Questions

It is a great loss to a man .......... he cannot laugh.

It is the common doom of man .......... he must eat his bread by the sweat of his brow.

Small service is true service ......... it lasts.

Consider the lilies .......... they grow

He makes no friend, .......... never made a foe.

Fit words are better ........... fine ones.

Fill up the blank with correct alternative.
It is nothing else ______ (than/but) pride.

We there met a boy .......... had lost his way.

My grandfather died before I was born.

Be just ____ fear not.

Take a lamp, ____ the night is dark.

As soon as Sir Roger had seated himself, he called for wax candles. (Use 'no sooner' for 'as soon as'.)

I am sure ____ he said so.

____ duty calls us we must obey.

We arrived after you had gone.

He has succeeded better ____ he hoped

He finished first ____ he began late.

Passengers are warned .......... it is dangerous to lean out of the window .......... the train is in motion.

You may go. I will stay.

Catch me ____ you can.

This ____ that must suffice.

Rustum is slow ____ sure.

The train was derailed ____ no one was hurt.

My brother is well. My sister is iII.

He is witty ____ vulgar.

He was punished, ____ he was guilty.

I believe him ____ he is truthful.

Rama reads for pleasure. Hari reads for profit.

My brother was not there. My sister was not there.

I lost the prize. I tried my best.

The sheep are grazing. The oxen are grazing.

I will bring your umbrella. You wish it.

It is autumn. The leaves are falling.

He must start at once. He will be late.

Hari does not write fast. He writes very well.

I know. He does not think so.

He is slow. He is sure.

He sat down. He was tired.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
Her grandfather gifted her a paint box. He knew she was good at art.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
He has learnt to cycle. He has yet to learn to swim.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
The child helped her mother to make breakfast. She washed the tomatoes.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
They bought a new car. They can travel long distances.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
Mona has been ill for a month. She stood first in the examination.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
He is good at gymnastics. His handwriting must improve.

I awoke one morning ____ found myself famous.

We shall go, but you will remain.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
Ravi fractured his arm. He insisted on playing the match.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
Sunita opened her purse. She found the money missing.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
I finished my homework. I switched on the TV.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
She complained that her brother did not know anything. Her brother claimed he knew everything.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but, or so.
The coffee isn't strong. It won't keep us awake.

He is intelligent ____________ lazy.[Use a suitable link word]

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so:
The children were delighted. The exams had been cancelled.

Class 8 English Extra Questions