New Questions And Ideas - Class 6 History - Extra Questions
The first sermon of Buddha is called _______.
Write a note on Tripitakas.
Which is the event known as 'Mahapari nirvana'?
How did worship of images of Buddha start?
Very Short Answer Type Question. What did the Buddha do after his enlightenment?
What are the main beliefs of Jainism?
What are Angas?
Describe the life of Mahaveera.
What were the teachings of Mahaveera?
Which are the triratnas of Jainism?
Describe the early life of Gautama Buddha.
Which are the Noble Truths? What is meant by Eight fold path?
What is Kalachakra?
Who were the famous Jain poets by Kannada?
What were the main teachings of the Mahavira?
Describe the ways in which the Buddha tried to spread his message to the people.
Why do you think Anagha’s mother wanted her to know the story of the Buddha?
Fill in the blank with appropriate word to complete the sentence. The Buddha belonged to a small 'gana' called _________.
Make a List of at least five ideas and question mentioned in this lessen. Choose three from the List and discuss why you think they are important even today.
Find out more about men and women who renounce the world today. Where do they live, what kinds of clothes do they wear, what do they eat? Why do they renounce the world?
Fill in the blank with appropriate word to complete the sentence. The earliest 'Viharas' were made of __________ and of ___________.
Fill in the blank with appropriate word to complete the sentence. Jainism was initially supported by only the ___________.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the sentence. The teachings of Mahavira were written down for the first time about _______ years ago.
Very Short Answer Type Question. What was the 'Karma' according to the Buddha?
What did Mahavira do to attain enlightenment?
Very Short Answer Type Question. How did the Buddha connect to everyone in the society?
Very short answer type question:
Which category of people was excluded from the rituals?
Very Short Answer Type Question. How did monks take shelter in the rainy season?
Short Answer Type Question. Describe how Jainism spread in other parts of India.
Long Answer Type Question. Describe Buddha's life in brief.
Short Answer Type Question. Write a short note on the Buddha's teachings.
Very Short Answer Type Question. Name the book which gives the rules of the Buddhist 'Sangha'.
Very Short Answer Type Question. State two basic rules of Jainism.
Short Answer Type Question. Write a short note on Mahavira's teachings.
What great lessons did the Buddha teach his followers?
What great lessons did the Buddha teach his followings?