Prepositions - Class 8 English - Extra Questions

This is a matter ___ little importance.

He yielded ___ superior force.

He acceded ___ my request.

The man walked round the house

By the Nine Gods he swore.

He hid behind the door.

He is sensible ___ your kindness

The dog ran ___ the road

They drove ___ Mumbai ___ Pune.

The auditor is entitled ___ his remuneration

He is not likely to do anything detrimental ___ our interests

There is no exception ____ this rule.

I am obliged ____ you ____ your kindness.

I purposely refrained ____ saying more.

I prefer tea ___ coffee.

Even the enemies admit that he is endowed ____ rare talents.

His views do not accord ____ mine.

Our path is beset ___ difficulties

He is willing to make a concession ______ the demands of his employees.

Pavlova excels ____ dancing.

We should live in a style suited ____ our condition.

This state is committed ____ the policy ottotal prohibition.

One is sure ____ what one sees.

A brave boy rescued the child ____ danger.

He has reverted ___ his former post.

Alcohol is injurious ____ health.

Long indulgence ____ vice impaired his once robust constitution.

Only when persuasions failed the police resorted ____ force.

He scoffed ____ the idea of revolution.

History, as well as daily experience, furnishes instances of men endowed ____ the strongest capacity ____ business and affairs, who have all their lives crouched under slavery to the grossest superstition.

Measure yourself ____ your equals; and learn ____ frequent competition the place which nature has allotted, ____ you.

The hippopotamus feeds chiefly ____ aquatic plants, but also seeks its food on land and is sometimes destructive ____ cultivated crops.

Methylated spirit is spirit of wine made undrinkable by mixing it ____ methyl to exempt it ____ duty.

The title Master was originally prefixed ____ the name of a person of rank or learning; it is now restricted ____ boys.

We are accountable ____ God ____ our actions.

It is difficult to agree ___ those critics who ascribe the work of Shakespeare ____ Bacon.

He is negligent ____ whatever he does. He is negligent ____ his duties. (in, of) 

Samudragupta was known ____ his skill ____ music and song; he was equally proficient ____ the allied art of poetry.

He responded ____ the ladies in a humorous speech. The boy immediately responded ____ a blow. He responded ____ his toast in a neat little speech. (for, to, with)

Blank (c):
(i) on (ii) upon (iii) down (iv) up

Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: 
He is dishonest; you must not entrust any important job ___________ him.

Blank (a):
(i) upon (ii) to (iii) for (iv) on

Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: 
Ramesh has taken _____________ computers like a duck to water.

Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: 
The Headmaster will look ___________ the cheating case.

Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: 
Will you entrust him __________ that message?

Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: 
After the argument, his friends turned _____________ him.

Complete the sentence with the most suitable word: 
Ramesh turned ______________ his father for help.

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word:

The children spoke _________ a whisper as they were scared.

The police ___________ Monday arrested five men __________ cheating city businessmen.
(Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.)

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word:
The soccer player was shown a yellow card for arguing _________ the referee.

Use a suitable preposition to fill in the blank.

He deals _____ sugar. 

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word:
This rule does not apply ____________ you as you are less than eighteen yeas old.

Complete the sentence with the most appropriate word:
Rashi has applied _____ a scholarship in an American university.

Rewrite the following sentence using the appropraite prepositions.
One of the things that distinguishes man ___________ other animals is the power _______ speech.

Class 8 English Extra Questions