Simple Equations - Class 7 Maths - Extra Questions



Solve: $$3y+5=44$$

If $$x-12=9$$, then find the value of $$x$$.

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

$$2\left( {5x - 3} \right) - 3\left( {2x - 1} \right) = 9$$

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation by elimination method:

Solve the following equation:

If $$15p=45$$ then $$p^2+5$$

Find $$d$$ if $$5x+8y-z+d=0$$ passes through $$(2,3,4)$$

The value of $$x$$ if $$\dfrac{x-1}{x+1}=3$$

Solve  $$\sqrt { 2 x + 5 } = 7$$

$$y=\dfrac 1x$$ find $$x$$ if $$y=5$$

If $$x=3$$ find $$y$$ when $$x^2=y-7$$

A line passes through $$\left(-4,6\right)$$ and it is parallel to $$y-$$axis.Find its equation.

If $$8x+2=42$$ find $$x^2$$

If $$2x-3=x+2$$, then find $$x$$.

Convert $$2km$$ by taking $$200 cm$$ as a unit

Find a number such that when $$5$$ is a subtracted from $$5$$ times, the result is $$4$$ more then twice the number.

Radhika bought $$2\ kg\ 340\ g$$ of sweets. If she distributed the sweets among $$9$$ people, then how many sweets will each get.

A line passes through $$\left(4,-3\right)$$ and it is parallel to $$y-$$axis.Find its equation.

The sum of $$3$$ consecutive numbers is $$123$$ find the numbers 

By what number should $$2^{ -8 }$$ be multiplied so that the product is $$4096$$

Find $$x.$$ if $$ \dfrac{x}{2}=\dfrac{x}{3}+1 $$

Solve the equation $$\frac {x}{2}=-6$$

Solve the equation $$7x=14$$

Solve $$x + 3 = 11$$ anf find the value of $$x$$

Solve $$\dfrac{s}{7}= 4$$ for the value of $$s$$.

Solve $$y - 9 = 21$$ for the value of $$y$$.

Find the value of $$'x'$$

$$\dfrac{x}{2} - 6 = \dfrac{x}{3}$$

Find the value of $$x$$ if :
$$7x - 9 = 16$$

Simplify and solve the following equation

Solve for x:  2x+24=34

The value of $$x$$ if $$x-3=8$$

Solve $$\cfrac { 1 }{ 2 } x-3=5+\cfrac { 1 }{ 3 } x$$.

Solve the following equations .$$4x -\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } =\dfrac { 9 }{ 2 } $$

Solve for x:

Solve :

Solve for $$x:$$  $$2x+36=48$$

Subtract $$3a-2b+4c$$ from the sum of $$-2a+b-5c$$ and $$3a-2b+c$$


Construct 3 equations starting with $$x = 2$$.


A number is added to 3 ,5 times to give 88 Find the number 

Evaluate :
$$\dfrac { { x }^{ 2 }-\left( x+1 \right) \left( x+2 \right)  }{ 5x+1 } =6$$

Find the value of $$a$$ and the value of $$b$$ when $$x^{2} - 16x + a = (x + b)^{2} $$.

Make $$x$$ the subject of the formula 
$$A - x = \dfrac{xr}{t} $$

$$\textbf{Fill in the blanks to make the statements true.}$$
Any term of an equation may be transposed from on side of the equation to the other side of the equation by changing the ________ of the term.

What value of $$n$$ satisfies the equation $$\displaystyle \dfrac { 7 }{ 8 } \left( n-6 \right) =\dfrac { 21 }{ 2 } $$  ?

Solve $$10x = 30$$ for the value of $$x$$.

Solve the following equations 
$$2 + y = 7$$

A number subtracted by $$30$$ gives $$14$$ subtracted by $$3$$ times the number. Find the number.

Solve the equation: $$3y+39=8$$

Leela is Radha's younger sister. Leela is $$4$$ years younger than Radha. Can you write Leela's age in terms of Radha's age? Take Radha's age to be $$x$$ years.

The sum of three number isIf the second number is subtracted from the sum of first and third number then we get 5 an if twice of first number is added to second and if the third number is subtracted from the sum we get 4.

The  sum of the digits of a 2-digit number isWhen 18 is added to the number, its digits are reversed. Find the number

A truck runs $$8$$ km using $$1$$ litre of petrol. How much distance will it cover  using $$10\dfrac { 2 } { 3 }$$ litre of petrol.

Find the value of $$x:-$$
$$\displaystyle \frac{{x + 1}}{{x + 2}} = \frac{8}{2}$$

Identify the operations ( addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) in forming the following expressions and tell how the expressions have been formed.

Identify the operations ( addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) in forming the following expressions and tell how the expressions have been formed.
$$7m, -7m+3, -7m-3$$

The present age of woman is $$3$$ years more than three times the age of her daughter. Three years hence, the woman age will be $$10$$ years more than twice the age of her daughter. Find their present ages.

Identify the operations ( addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) in forming the following expressions and tell how the expressions have been formed.
$$z+1, z-1, y+17,y-17$$

If $$29$$ workers were paid $$Rs\ 3335$$ as wages, then how many workers can be paid with $$Rs4830$$ at the same rate?

When Raju multiplies a certain number by $$17$$ and adds $$4$$ to the product, he gets $$225$$. Find that number.

The cost of $$2\dfrac{3}{4}$$ metres of cloth is Rs. $$583$$. Find the cost of the cloth per meter.

Solve for x:  2x+54=4x-46

The cost of 5 kilogram of sugar is 72 rupees. Find out the cost of 15 kilogram of sugar

Some plants have to be planted in a plantation program. If four plants are planted into each row, then find the number of plants in terms of rows.

Transform $$x-2y+3=0$$ to the parallel axes through the point $$\left(2,-5\right)$$

Evaluate:$$3$$ times $$4$$ is divided by $$2$$ times $$y$$

Solve :
$$\dfrac{x+1}{2x+3} = \dfrac{3}{8}$$

A train travelling at a uniform speed $$360$$ km would have taken $$48$$ minutes less to travel the same distance if its speed were $$5$$ km/h more. Find the original speed of the train. 

Form the mathematical expression:
If the breadth is subtracted from twice the length, the answer is $$27$$.


Find the value of $$x$$
$$9\dfrac { 1 }{ 3 } +x=19$$

A circular park of radius 20 m is situated in a colony. Three boys Ankur, Syed and David are sitting at equal distance on its boundary each having a toy telephone in his hands to talk each other. Find the length of the string of each phone.

From the choices given below, choose the equation whose graph is given in Fig.
(i) $$y = x$$
(ii) $$x + y = 0$$
(iii) $$y = 2x$$
(iv) $$2 + 3y = 7x$$.

Mohini is $$x$$ years old. Express the following in algebraic form:
Four times Mohini's age $$3$$ years ago.

Raju's father's age is $$2$$ years more than $$3$$ times Raju's age. If Raju's present age is $$y$$ years, then what is his father's age?

Find $$x$$ ? $$10=\frac{x}{1.3}$$

Draw the graph of the equation $$2x + 3y = 12$$. From the graph, find the coordinates of the point:
(i) whose y-coordinates is $$3$$.
(ii) whose x-coordinate is $$-3$$.

From the choices given below, choose the equation whose graph is given in Fig.
(i) $$y = x + 2$$
(ii) $$y = x - 2$$
(iii) $$y = -x +2$$
(iv) $$x + 2y = 6$$.

$$\textbf{choose a letter x,y,z,p etc...., wherever necessary, for the unknown (variable) and}$$ $$\textbf{write the corresponding expressions:choose a letter x,y,z,p etc...., wherever}$$ $$\textbf{necessary, for the unknown (variable) and write the corresponding expressions:}$$
Write an equation for which $$0$$ is a solution.

Write two equations for which $$2$$ is the solution.

If $$*$$ is an operation such that for integers $$a$$ and $$b$$ we have $$a^{*} b=a \times b+(a \times a+b \times b)$$ then find
(i) (-3)$$*(-5)$$
(ii) (-6)$$* 2$$

Write an equation whose solution is not a whole number.

If the temperature of a liquid can be measured in Kelvin units as $$x$$ K or in Fahrenheit units as y $$F$$, the relation between the two systems of measurement of temperature is given by the linear equation
(i) Find the temperature of the liquid in Fahrenheit if the temperature of the liquid is $$313$$ $$K.$$
(ii) If the temperature is $$158$$ $$F$$, then find the temperature in Kelvin.

Solve: $$\dfrac{2x-3}{4x+5}=\dfrac{1}{3}$$

Baichung's father is $$26$$ years younger than Baichung's grandfather and $$29$$ years older than Baichung. The sum of the ages of all the three is $$135$$ years. What is the age of each one of them?

Huma, Hubna and  Seema received a total of Rs. 2,016 as monthly allowance from their mother such that Seema gets $$\frac{1}{2}$$ of what Huma gets and Hubna gets $$2\frac{1}{3}$$ times Seema's share. How much money do the three sister get individually?

If you subtract $$\dfrac{1}{2}$$ from a number and if the obtained number is multiplied by the by $$\dfrac{1}{2}$$, you get $$\dfrac{1}{8}$$ What is the number. ? 

If 105 kg corn is enough to feed 9 houses in a day,  how much corn will be needed to feed 12 horses ? 



The length of the minute hand of a clock is $$14\ cm$$. Find the area swept by the minute hand is $$5$$ minutes.

Class 7 Maths Extra Questions