Triangles - Class 10 Maths - Extra Questions

In  the given  figure you find two triangles. Indicate whether the triangles are similar. Give reasons in support of your answer.


In fig  $$PQ = 5, XY = 7.5, QR = 4,YZ =PR = 6, XZ = 9.$$ Are $$\Delta PQR$$ and $$\Delta XYZ$$ similar? If yes, state the test and the correspondence of similarity.

Without drawing exact triangles, state, giving reasons, whether the given pairs of triangle are congruent or not :
In $$ \Delta  ABC \,\,\, and \,\,\, \Delta PBC; AB=BP, AC=PC$$

BP = 2AC
If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false


In the figure above, straight lines $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ intersect at $$P$$, and $$AC \ || \ BD$$. Then $$\Delta\,APC$$ and $$\Delta\,BPD$$ are similar.If true enter 1 else 0.


A vertical stick $$12$$m long casts a shadow $$8$$m long on the ground. At the same time a tower casts the shadow of length $$40$$m on the ground. Determine the height of the tower.

In the figure $$DE\parallel BC$$ , $$DE=4\,cm$$, $$BC=8\,cm$$, $$A\displaystyle(\triangle ADE)=25\,{ cm }^{ 2 }$$, find $$A\displaystyle(\triangle ABC)$$

If $$\triangle ABC\sim \triangle DEF$$ and if $$A\,\triangle ABC=\,9\,{ cm }^{ 2 }$$, $$A\,\triangle DEF=\,64\,{ cm }^{ 2 }$$, $$DE=5.6\,cm$$, then find $$AB$$.

In $$\Delta ABC$$, the bisector of $$\angle A$$ intersects the base $$BC$$ at the point $$D$$. Prove that $$AB\times AC=BD\times DC+AD^2$$.

In the given figure if, line $$PY$$ $$\parallel$$ side $$BC$$, $$AP=3$$, $$PB=6$$, $$AY=6$$ and $$YC=x$$, then find $$x$$.

Write the conditions that are required for "Two polygons to be similar to each other".

In $$\triangle PQR  \   2PM = 3PN$$ and $$2PQ = 3PR$$. Prove that MQRN is a trapezium

In the following figure drawn, line $$PY$$ $$\parallel$$ side $$BC$$, $$AP=5, PB=10, AY=8, YC=x$$, then find $$x$$.

In $$\triangle ABC, \angle ABC = \angle DAC, AB = 8\ cm, AC = 4\ cm, AD = 5\ cm$$.
Find $$\dfrac{\text{area of}\, \triangle ABC}{\text{area of}\, \triangle ACD}$$


What is similar triangles?

Prove that "In a trapezium, the line joining the mid points of non-parallel sides is (i) parallel to the parallel sides and (ii) Half of the sum of the parallel sides"

In the figure, line $$PQ$$ is parallel to side $$BC$$. Find the value of '$$x$$'. If $$AP=3$$, $$PB=6$$, $$AQ=5$$, $$QC=x$$.

In $$\triangle ABC$$, line $$PQ \parallel$$ side $$BC$$. Find the value of $$x$$ from the information given in the following figure.

In the figure, it is given that $$BR = PC$$ and $$\angle ACB = \angle QPR$$ and $$AB \parallel  PQ$$. Prove that $$
AC= QR$$.

State the converse of Pythagorean Theorem.

Prove that
"If two triangles are equiangular then their corresponding sides are in proportion"

In the following figure, $$DE \parallel AB$$. If $$AD = 7\ cm, CD = 5\ cm$$ and $$BC = 18\ cm$$, find $$CE$$.

$$\triangle {ABC}\sim \triangle{DEF}$$. Their areas are $$64\ {cm}^{2}$$ and $$121\ {cm}^{2}$$.
Then ratio of corresponding sides $$=$$

In $$\triangle ABC, DE\parallel BC$$ and $$\dfrac {AD}{DB} = \dfrac {2}{3}$$. If $$AE = 3.7\ cm$$, find $$EC$$

State Thale's theorem.

If the ratio of corresponding medians of two similar triangles are $$9:16$$, then  find the ratio of their areas.

Fill in the blanks using the correct word given in brackets:
All .......... triangles are similar (isosceles, equilateral).

The corresponding sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 1 :If the area of the smaller triangle in 40 $$\text{ cm }^{ 2 }$$, find the area of the larger triangle.

Prove that, in a right-angled triangle, the square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the square of remaining two sides.

The corresponding altitudes of two similar triangles are 6 cm and 9 cm respectively find the ratio of their areas.

What values of x will make DE $$\parallel$$ AB in the given figure?

The area of two similar triangles $$ABC$$ and $$PQR$$ are in the  ratio $$9 : 16$$. If $$BC = 4.5 cm$$, find the length of $$QR$$.

In $$\Delta$$PQR, MN is parallel to QR and $$\displaystyle\frac{PM}{MQ}=\frac{2}{3}$$. Find, Area of $$\Delta$$OMN:Area of $$\Delta$$ORQ.

Given $$\Delta$$ ABC $$\sim$$ $$\Delta$$ PQR, if $$\displaystyle\frac{AB}{PQ}=\frac{1}{3}$$, then find $$\displaystyle\frac{ar \Delta ABC}{ar \Delta PQR}$$.

$$ABC$$ is a triangle in which $$\angle A= 90^{o}$$, $$AN \bot BC$$, $$BC=12\ cm$$ and $$AC=5\ cm$$. Find the ratio of the areas of $$\triangle ANC$$ and $$\triangle ABC$$.

In the given Figure, $$\triangle ABC \sim\triangle$$ $$PQR$$ and quad $$ABCD$$ $$\sim$$ quad $$PQRS$$.  Determine the values of $$x, y, z$$ in each case.


Give two different examples of pair of
(ii) non-similar figures.

Give two different examples of pair of (i) similar figures

In the figure, $$DE \parallel BC$$
(i) Prove that $$\triangle ADE$$ and $$\triangle ABC$$ are similar


In the figure $$PS=3,SQ=6.QR=5,PT=x$$ and $$TR=y$$.Give any two pairs of value of $$x$$ and $$y$$ such that line $$ST||QR$$

Area of similar triangles are in the ratio $$25:36$$ then ratio of their similar sides is _________?

Write the properties of similar triangles.

In figure if $$AD=6\ cm, DB=9\ cm, AE=8\ cm$$ and $$EC=12\ cm$$ and $$\angle ADE=48^{o}$$. Find $$\angle ABC$$.

Given that $$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta DEF,BC = 3\,cm,EF = 4\,cm$$ ans the area of $$\Delta ABC$$ is $$54\,$$Then find the area of  $$\Delta DEF.$$

In figure $$\angle 1=\angle 2$$ and $$\Delta NSQ\cong \Delta MTR$$, then prove that $$\Delta PTS\sim \Delta PRQ$$.

$$DA,CB,OM$$ are each perpendicular to line segment $$AB$$ where $$O$$ is the point of intersection of $$AC$$ and $$DB$$.If $$OA=2.4$$cm,$$OC=3.6$$cm then find the ratio of $$AM:BM$$


In $$\Delta ABC, \bar{PQ} || \bar{BC}$$ and $$AP = 3x - 19, PB = x - 5, AQ = x - 3, QC = 3 \,cm$$. Find $$x$$.

Ler $$\Delta A B C \sim \Delta D E F$$ and their areas be respectively, 64$$\mathrm { cm } ^ { 2 }$$ and 121$$\mathrm { cm } ^ { 2 } .$$ If EF $$=15.4 $$ find BC

In figure, $$AC\parallel BD$$ and $$CE\parallel DF$$ Find CD,where OD=7,OA=10.5,AB=4.5

Prove that the ratio of the area of two similar triangle is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.

If D and E are points on sides AB and AC respectively of ABC and AB- 12 cm, AD= 8 cm,AE = 12 cm, AC =18 cm, then prove that $$DE \parallel BC$$.

State whether the following pair of triangle is similar or not.

In the adjoining figure,$$DE \parallel BC$$,find x.

State whether the following pair of triangle is similar or not. Write the similarity criterion used and write it in symbolic form.

In the adjoining figure, $$P$$ and $$Q$$ are points on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of mix such that $$PQ \parallel BC$$ and $$AP = 8\ cm, AB =12\ cm,AQ = 3x\ cm, QC = (x+2)\ cm.$$
Find x.


P and Q are points on sides AB and AC respectivelyof $$\triangle $$ ABC. For each of the following cases, statewhether PQ$$\parallel $$BC.
AB = 5 cm, AC =10 cm, AP: 4 cm, AQ = 8 cm.

State whether the following pair of triangle is similar or not. Write the similarity criterion used and write it in symbolic form.

If DE has been drawn parallel to side BC of ABC cutting AB and AC at points D and E respectively , such that $$\frac{AD}{DB}  = \frac {3}{4}$$ then and the value of $$\frac {AE}{EC}$$ 

P and Q are points on sides AB and AC respectivelyof $$\triangle $$ ABC. For each of the following cases, statewhether PQ$$\parallel $$BC.
AP: 8 cm, PB = 3 cm, AC = 22 cm and AQ =16 cm.

State whether the following pair of triangle is similar or not. Write the similarity criterion used and write it in symbolic form.

Give two different examples of pair of similar figures.

In the following figure , $$ABCD$$ is a trapezium with AB || DC. If $$AB = 9 $$$$cm$$, $$DC = 18$$ $$cm$$, $$CF = 13.5$$ $$cm$$, $$AP = 6$$ $$cm$$ and $$BE = 15$$ $$cm$$. Find the value of $$AF$$

In triangle $$ABC, D$$ and $$E$$ are points on side $$AB$$ such that $$AD=DE=EB$$. Through $$D$$ and $$E$$ lines are drawn parallel to $$BC$$ which meet side $$AC$$ at points $$F$$ and $$G$$ respectively.
Through $$F$$ and $$G$$, lines are drawn parallel to $$AB$$ which meet side $$BC$$ at points $$M$$ and $$N$$ respectively. Prove that : $$BM=MN=NC$$.

In the given figure, $$XY \parallel BC$$. Find the length of XY, given BC = 6 cm


In the figure given below, AB EF CD. If $$AB = 22.5\,cm$$, $$EP = 7.5\,cm$$,$$PC = 15\,cm$$ and $$DC = 27\,cm$$. Calculate EF. 

In a $$ \Delta ABC , BD $$ is the median to the side AC , BD is produce to E such that BD = DE
Prove that AE is parallel to BC.

The following figure shows a triangle ABC in which AB = AC . M is a point on AB and N is a point AC such that BM = CN
Prove that

Statements in the List I have to be matched with statements in the List II.

In trapezium $$ ABCD $$, sides $$ AB $$ and $$ DC $$ are parallel to each other. $$ F $$ is mid-point of $$ AD $$ and $$ E $$ is mid-point of $$ BC $$. Can it be concluded that $$ AB + DC= 2EF $$ ?
If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false

In figure, $$\Delta$$UVW is right angled triangle and $$\angle$$UVW $$=$$ 90$$^o$$, UV $$=$$ 6cm, and UW $$=$$ 8 cm, $$\sin$$ W = $$p:m$$, then $$p+m$$ = 

In the given figure; $$\displaystyle \angle BAC= 90^{\circ}$$ and $$\displaystyle AD\perp BC.$$ Show that $$\displaystyle \Delta ADC$$ and $$\displaystyle \Delta BAC$$ are similar.


In a triangle,$$\displaystyle \angle BAC= 90^{\circ}$$ and $$\displaystyle AD\perp BC.$$
If AC=13.5 cm and CD =4.5cm; calculate the length of 2BC

Find whether the sides of the triangle as given below form a right-triangled or not: $$9$$ cm, $$12$$ cm and $$15$$ cm

If a line parallel to $$BC$$ intersects side $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of triangle $$ABC$$ at $$P$$ and $$Q,$$ then prove that $$\dfrac {AP}{AB}=\dfrac {AQ}{AC}.$$ 

In  the given  figure you find two triangles. Indicate whether the triangles are similar. Give reasons in support of your answer.


In the following figure, $$\displaystyle \angle ABC=90^{\circ},AB =\left ( x+8 \right )\ cm, BC=\left ( x+1 \right )\ cm$$ and $$\displaystyle AC=(x + 15)\ cm$$.
Find the value of $$x$$.


$$\displaystyle \Delta ABD\equiv \Delta ADC$$
If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false


O is mid-point of AP
If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false


In the given figure, $$DE//BC$$, $$AE$$ = $$15$$ cm, $$EC$$ = $$9$$ cm, $$NC$$ = $$6$$ cm and $$BN$$ = $$24$$ cm.Find lengths of $$ME(in\ cm)$$.


Two angles of one triangle are $$85^{\circ}$$ and $$65^{\circ}$$ is equal to  angles of the other. Are they similar? Prove it.

$$\Delta\,APB$$ is similar to $$\Delta\,CPD$$.

Enter 1 if true , else 0

Prove: 3DF = EF

Write all possible pairs of similar triangles. 

In the figure given below, straight lines $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ intersect at $$P$$, and $$AC || BD$$. If $$BD = 2.4\ cm$$, $$AC=4.8\ cm$$; find the value of $$\cfrac { AP }{ PB } $$.


In parallelogram ABCD, the bisector of angle A meets DC in P and $$AB = 2AD.$$ Find  $$\angle APB $$.


$$\displaystyle\,\dfrac{CP}{PA}=\dfrac m{3}$$.Find $$m$$




$$DE$$ is parallel to $$FB$$

$$DEBF$$ is a parallelogram.



In the given figure, AD = AE and $$AD^{2}\,=\,BD\,\times\,EC$$.

Hence , $$\triangle ABD$$ $$\sim$$ $$\triangle CAE $$. 

If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false


DE = 2.4 cm, find the length of BC.


BC = 4.8 cm, the length of DE = 1.8cm (Enter 1 f true otherwise 0)


PQR is a right-angle triangle right angled at Q. XY is parallel to QR. PQ  = 6 cm and PX : XQ = 1:Calculate the lengths of PR and QR.

In the following figure, $$XY$$ is parallel to $$BC$$, $$AX = 9\ cm$$. $$XB = 4.5  cm $$ and $$BC =  18\ cm$$.  

What is the value of $$\displaystyle\,\dfrac{AY}{YC}$$?


$$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle PQR$$. If AD and PM are corresponding medians of the two triangles , then $$\frac{AB}{PQ}\,=\,\frac{AD}{PM}$$.

In triangle $$ABC$$, the bisector of angle $$BAC$$ meets opposite side $$BC$$ at point $$D$$. If $$BD = CD$$, prove that $$\Delta ABC$$ is isosceles.

In the given figure , $$ABCD$$ is a trapezium with AB || DC. If $$AB = 9 $$$$cm$$, $$DC = 18$$ $$cm$$, $$CF = 13.5$$ $$cm$$, $$AP = 6$$ $$cm$$ and $$BE = 15$$ $$cm$$. .What is the value of $$EC$$ in mm?

In the following figure, $$XY$$ is parallel to $$BC$$, $$AX = 9\ cm$$. $$XB = 4.5  cm $$ and $$BC =  18\ cm$$.  Find $$XY$$ in cm.

In the following figure , $$ABCD$$ is a trapezium with $$AB \parallel DC.$$ If $$AB = 9 $$ $$cm$$, $$DC = 18$$ $$cm$$, $$CF = 13.5$$ $$cm$$, $$AP = 6$$ $$cm$$ and $$BE = 15$$ $$cm$$. Find the value of $$PE.$$

In the given figure, $$\Delta \,ABC\,\sim\,\Delta\,ADE$$. If 
$$AE : EC = 4 : 7$$ and $$DE = 6.6\ cm,$$ find $$BC$$. If x be the length of the perpendicular from $$A$$ to $$DE$$, find the length of perpendicular from $$A$$ and $$BC$$ in terms of $$x.$$


ABCD a parallelogram. $$E$$ is a point on $$AD$$ and $$CE$$ is produced to meet $$BA$$ at $$F$$. If $$AE = 4 $$ $$cm$$,  $$AF = 8$$ $$cm$$ and $$AB = 12$$ $$cm$$. Find the perimeter (in $$cm$$) of parallelogram $$ABCD$$.

Calculate $$AF$$. 

ABCD is a trapezium. Further if CD = 4.5 cm; find the length of 2AB in cm.

Area $$(\Delta AGB) = \frac{2}{3} \times\, Area (\Delta ADB)$$

Show that a  diagonal divides a parallelogram into two triangles of equal area.

In the figure, given alongside, $$\angle \,APQ\,=\,\angle\,C$$. Hence, If AQ = 9 cm, BP = 3 cm and AP = 15 cm; find AC in cm

If the above statement is true then mention answer as 1, else mention 0 if false

$$D$$ is a point on the side $$BC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$\angle ADC=\angle BAC.$$ Prove that $$\displaystyle \frac{CA}{CD}=\frac{CB}{CA}$$ or $$CA^{2}=CB\times CD$$


In $$\Delta ABC,\;AN\;\bot\;BC\;and\;BM\;\bot\;AC$$ if $$AC=8\;cm\;and\;BC=7.5\;cm$$, If $$AN=8.0\;cm$$, and length of $$BM$$ is given by $$\dfrac pq$$, where p and q are co-primes, then find the value of $$p - 7q$$.

PQ = 1.28 cm; PR = 2.56 cm,
PM =0.16 cm; PN =0.32 cm.

In the following figure, LM $$\parallel$$ AB. If  AL = x - 3, AC = 2x, BM = x - 2, BC = 2x + 3, then find the value of x.

If in fig. (i) and (ii), PQ $$\parallel$$ BC, find QC in (i) and AQ in (ii).

PM =4 cm; QM =4.5 cm;
PN = 4 cm; NR = 4.5 cm

In triangle $$ABC,\;\angle BAC=90^{\circ},$$ and $$AD$$ is its bisector. If $$DE$$ is drawn $$\bot\;AC$$, prove that $$DE\times (AB+AC)=AB\times AC$$.

In the given fig. DE $$\parallel$$ BC. If AD = x, DB = x - 2, AE = x + 2 and EC = x - 1, find the value of x.

The ratio of the corresponding sides of similar triangles $$ABC$$ and $$A'B'C'$$ is $$2 : 1$$. Also, the altitudes $$CD$$ and $$C'D',$$ that we have drawn in these triangles are also in the same ratio $$2: 1$$. Then, prove that the ratio of their areas is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.

In a trapezium ABCD, O is the point of intersection of AC and BD, AB $$\parallel$$ CD and $$AB = 2 CD$$. If the area of $$\Delta AOB = 84 cm^2$$, find the area of $$\Delta COD$$.

$$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR$$. Also, $$ar(\Delta ABC) = 4 ar(\Delta PQR)$$. If $$BC = 12\ cm,$$ then find $$QR$$.

$$\Delta ABC$$ is similar to $$\Delta PQR$$, ar($$\Delta ABC$$) = 36 sq. cm. and ar($$\Delta PQR$$) =49 If BC = 12 cm, find QR.

Prove that the line segments joining the midpoints of the sides of a triangle from four triangles each of which is similar to the original triangle.

If three or more parallel lines are intersected by two transversals prove that the intercepts made by them on the transversals are proportional 

In Fig., $$DE\,||\,OQ$$ and $$DF\,||\,OR$$. Show that $$EF\,||\,QR$$.


In given figure, $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ are points on $$OP, OQ$$ and $$OR$$ respectively such that $$AB\,||\,PQ$$ and $$AC\,||\,PR$$. Show that $$BC\,||\,QR$$.

Using Theorem $$6.1,$$ prove that a line drawn through the mid-point of one side of a triangle parallel to another side bisects the third side. (Recall that you have proved it in Class IX).

Theorem 6.1: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

In Fig., (i) and (ii), $$DE \,||\, BC$$. Find $$EC$$ in (i) and $$AD$$ in (ii).

In Fig., $$DE\, ||\, AC$$ and $$DF\, ||\, AE$$. Prove that $$\dfrac{BF}{FE}=\dfrac{BE}{EC}$$.

In Fig., if $$LM \,||\, CB$$ and $$LN\, ||\, CD$$, prove that $$\dfrac{AM}{AB}=\dfrac{AN}{AD}$$.

State which pairs of triangles in Fig. are similar. Write the similarity criterion used by you for answering the question and also write the pairs of similar triangles in the symbolic form :

$$E$$ and $$F$$ are points on the sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ respectively of a $$\triangle PQR$$. For each of the following cases, state whether $$EF \,|| \,QR$$ :
(i) $$PE = 3.9$$ cm, $$EQ = 3$$ cm, $$PF = 3.6$$ cm and $$FR = 2.4$$ cm
(ii) $$PE = 4$$ cm, $$QE = 4.5$$ cm, $$PF = 8$$ cm and $$RF = 9$$ cm
(iii) $$PQ = 1.28$$ cm, $$PR = 2.56$$ cm, $$PE = 0.18$$ cm and $$PF = 0.36$$ cm

Using Theorem 6.2, prove that the line joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side. (Recall that you have done it in Class IX).

Theorem 6.2: If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel to the third side.

The diagonals of a quadrilateral $$ABCD$$ intersect each other at the point $$O$$ such that $$\dfrac{AO}{BO}=\dfrac{CO}{DO}$$. Show that $$ABCD$$ is a trapezium.

Diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ of a trapezium $$ABCD$$ with $$AB\,||\,DC$$ intersect each other at the point $$O.$$ Using a similarity criterion for two triangles, show that $$\dfrac{OA}{OC}=\dfrac{OB}{OD}$$.

In Fig, altitudes $$AD$$ and $$CE$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ intersect each other at the point $$P. $$ Show that:
(i) $$\triangle AEP \sim \triangle CDP$$ 
(ii)  $$\triangle ABD \sim  \triangle CBE$$
(iii)  $$\triangle AEP \sim  \triangle ADB$$
(iv)  $$\triangle PDC \sim  \triangle BEC$$

$$E$$ is a point on the side $$AD$$ produced of a parallelogram ABCD and $$BE$$ intersects $$CD$$ at $$F.$$ Show that $$\triangle ABE \sim \triangle CFB$$.

A guy wire attached to a vertical pole of height $$18\ m$$ is $$24\ m$$ long and has a stake attached to the other end. How far from the base of the pole should the stake be driven so that the wire will be taut?

In Fig., $$ABC$$ and $$AMP$$ are two right triangles, right angled at $$B$$ and $$M$$ respectively. Prove that:
(i) $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle AMP$$
(ii) $$\dfrac{CA}{PA} = \dfrac{BC}{MP}$$


In the given figure., if $$\triangle ABE \cong \triangle ACD$$, show that $$\triangle ADE \sim \triangle ABC.$$

Prove that the sum of the squares of the sides of a rhombus is equal to the sum of the squares of its diagonals.

An aeroplane leaves an airport and flies due north at a speed of $$1000\ km$$ per hour. At the same time, another aeroplane leaves the same airport and flies due west at a speed of $$1200\ km$$ per hour. How far apart will be the two planes after $$1\dfrac{1}{2}$$ hours?

In Fig.,$$\dfrac{QR}{QS}=\dfrac{QT}{PR}$$ and $$\angle 1 = \angle 2$$. Show that $$\triangle PQS \sim \triangle TQR$$.

In given figure $$E$$ is a point on side $$CB$$ produced of an isosceles triangle $$ABC$$ with $$AB = AC.$$ If $$AD \bot BC$$ and $$EF \bot AC,$$ prove that $$\triangle ABD \sim \triangle ECF$$.

State and prove Pythagoras theorem.

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$CA$$ and $$CB$$ respectively of a triangle $$ABC$$ right angled at $$C.$$ Prove that $$AE^2 + BD^2 = AB^2 + DE^2$$.

In Fig., two chords AB and CD intersect each other at the point P. Prove that :
(i) $$\triangle APC \sim \triangle DPB$$
(ii) $$AP . PB = CP . DP$$


Nazima is fly fishing in a stream. The tip of her fishing rod is $$1.8$$ m above the surface of the water and the fly at the end of the string rests on the water $$3.6$$ m away and $$2.4$$ m from a point directly under the tip of the rod. Assuming that her string (from the tip of her rod to the fly) is taut, how much string does she have out (see Fig.)? If she pulls in the string at the rate of $$5$$ cm per second, what will be the horizontal distance of the fly from her after $$12$$ seconds?

In an equilateral triangle, prove that three times the square of one side is equal to four times the square of one of its altitudes.


In fig., $$PS$$ is the bisector of $$\angle QPR$$ of $$\triangle PQR$$. Prove that $$\dfrac{QS}{SR}=\dfrac{PQ}{PR}$$.

In Fig., two chords AB and CD of a circle intersect each other at the point P (when produced) outside the circle. Prove that:
(i) $$\triangle PAC \sim \triangle PDB$$
(ii) $$PA . PB = PC . PD$$


In fig., $$ABC$$ is a triangle in which $$\angle ABC > 90^o$$ and $$AD \bot CB$$ produced. Prove that $$AC^2 = AB^2 + BC^2 + 2 BC . BD$$.


In Fig., $$D$$ is a point on side $$BC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$\dfrac{BD}{CD}=\dfrac{AB}{AC}.$$ Prove that $$AD$$ is the bisector of $$\angle BAC$$.

Two triangles are similar but not congruent and the lengths of the sides of the first are $$6$$ cm, $$11$$ cm and $$12$$ cm. The sides of the second also have integral lengths, and one of them is congruent to a side of the first. What is the perimeter of the second triangle?

In $$\triangle$$ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE || BC. If AD = 8 cm, AB = 12 cm, AE = 12 cm, find CE.

In $$\triangle$$PQR  2PM = 3 PN and 2PQ = 3PR. Prove that MQRN is a trapezium

In $$\triangle$$ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE || BC. If AD = $$4x-3$$, BD = $$3x-1$$, AE = $$8x-7$$ and CE = $$5x-3$$ find the value $$x$$.

Prove that: In a trapezium, the line joining the midpoints of non-parallel sides is
(i) Parallel to the parallel sides and
(ii) Half of the sum of the parallel sides.


In $$\triangle$$PQR, E and F are points on the sides PQ and PR respectively. verify EF || QR. PE = 3.9 cm, EQ = 3 cm, PF = 3.6 cm, FR = 2.4 cm.

In $$\triangle$$PQR, E and F are points on the sides PQ and PR respectively. Then verify that EF || QR if PQ = 1.28 cm, PR = 2.56 cm, PE = 0.18 cm, PF = 0.36 cm.

At a certain time of the day, a man 6 feet tall, casts his shadow 8 feet long. Find the length of the shadow cast by a building 45 feet high, at the same time which is next to the man.

In $$\triangle$$PQR, E and F are points on the sides PQ and PR respectively. Verify EF || QR. Given that PE = 4 cm, QE = 4.5 cm, PF = 8 cm and FR = 9 cm.

In $$\triangle$$ABC, D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE || BC. If AD = 6 cm, DB = 9 cm and AE = 8 cm, find AC.

Study the adjoining figure. Write the ratios in relation to basic proportionality theorem, in terms of $$a, b, c$$ and $$d$$.

In the figure, $$PR \parallel BC$$ and $$QR \parallel BD$$. Prove that $$PQ || CD$$.

In $$\triangle ABC, DE \parallel BC$$ and $$CD \parallel EF$$. Prove that $$AD^2 = AF \times AB$$.

The diagonal BD of parallelogram ABCD intersects AE at 'F'. 'E' is any point on BC.
Prove that DE.EF = FB. FA

X is any point inside $$\triangle$$ABC. XA, XB and XC are joined. 'E' is any point on AX. If EF || AB, FG || BC. Prove that EG || AC.

A girl of height 90 cm is walking away from the base of a lamp - post at a speed of 1.2 m/s. If the lamp is 3.6 m above the ground, find the length of her shadow after 4 seconds.

In the figure
$$\angle QPR = \angle UTS = 90^o$$ and PR || TS
Prove that $$\triangle PQR \sim \triangle TUS$$

In $$\triangle$$ABC, $$\angle B = \angle C$$, D and E are the points on AB and AC such that BD = CE, prove that DE || BC.

In the adjoining figure $$\angle ABC = 90^o$$ and $$\angle AMP = 90^o$$
Prove that
(i) $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle AMP$$
(ii) $$\dfrac{CA}{PA} = \dfrac{BC}{MP}$$

If the diagonals of a quadrilateral divide each other proportionally, then prove that the quadrilateral is a trapezium.

A ladder resting against a vertical wall has its foot on the ground at a distance of 6ft. from the wall. A man on the ground climbs two - thirds of the ladder. What will be his distance from the wall now?

In the trapezium $$ABCD$$
$$AB \parallel DC, EF \parallel AB, DC = 2AB$$ and $$\dfrac{BE}{EC} = \dfrac{3}{4}$$. Prove that $$7EF = 10AB$$.

$$AM = 8x^2, MC = 2x^2$$, then find BM and AB.

In $$\triangle ABC, \angle ABC = 90^o, BD \perp AC$$ If $$BD = 8$$ cm, $$AD = 4$$ cm, find $$CD$$

In $$\triangle ABC, \angle ABC = 90^o, BD \perp AC$$ If $$AB = 5.7$$ cm, $$BD = 3.8$$ cm, $$CD = 5.4$$ cm, find $$BC$$

In given figure $$\triangle $$ABC and $$\triangle$$BDC are on the same base BC

Prove that $$\dfrac{area(\triangle ABC)}{area(\triangle DBC)} = \dfrac{AO}{DO}$$


Rhombus $$PQRB$$ is inscribed in $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$\angle B$$ is one of the its angle, $$P$$, $$Q$$ and $$R$$ lie on $$AB$$, $$AC$$ and $$BC$$ respectively. If $$AB = 12 \text{ cm}$$ and $$BC = 6 \text{ cm}$$ find the sides of rhombus $$PQRB$$.

In ABC,ABC=90o,BDACABC,ABC=90o,BDAC△ABC,∠ABC=90o,BD⊥AC. If $$AB=75AB=75$$

In $$\triangle PQR, \angle PQR = 90^o, QD \perp PR$$.
If $$PD = 4DR$$. Prove that $$PQ = 2QR$$.

In the adjacent figure $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle PQR$$, and $$\angle C = 53^{\circ}$$. Find the side $$PR$$ and $$\angle P$$

In the above figure find the ratio between the $$\triangle$$AOB and $$\triangle$$COD, if $$AB = 3CD$$.

$$ABC$$ is a right angled triangle with $$\angle ABC={ 90 }^{ o }$$. $$D$$ is any point on $$AB$$ and $$DE$$ is perpendicular to $$AC$$. Prove that :
(i) $$\triangle ADE\sim \triangle ACB$$.
(ii) If $$AC=13 cm$$, $$BC=5 cm$$ and $$AE=4 cm$$. Find $$DE$$ and $$AD$$.
(iii) Find, area of $$\triangle ADE : $$ area of quadrilateral $$BCED$$.

In the given figure, $$AB$$ and $$DE$$ are perpendicular to $$BC$$.
(i) Prove that $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle DEC$$
(ii) If $$AB = 6\ cm: DE = 4\ cm$$ and $$AC = 15\ cm$$, calculate $$CD$$.
(iii) Find the ratio of the area of $$\triangle ABC$$ : area of $$\triangle DEC$$.

In the given figure drawn, seg $$BE \perp$$ set $$AB$$ and seg $$BA \perp$$ seg $$AD$$.
If $$BE=6$$ and $$AD=9$$, find $$\dfrac { A\left( \Delta ABE \right)  }{ A\left( \Delta BAD \right)  } $$

Draw two congruent figures. Are they similar? Explain

In the trapezium $$ABCD,\; AB \parallel DC$$ and $$\triangle AED \sim \triangle BEC$$. Prove that $$AD = BC.$$

In $$\triangle ABC, \angle ABC = \angle DAC, AB = 8\ cm, AC = 4\ cm, AD = 5\ cm$$. Prove that $$\triangle ACD$$ is similar to $$\triangle BCA$$

$$\Delta DEF \sim \Delta MNK$$. If $$DE=2, MN=5$$, then find the value of $$\cfrac{Area(\Delta DEF)}{Area(MNK)}$$

In $$\triangle ABC$$, $$AL, BM$$ and $$CN$$ are the altitudes which intersect at 'O'.
Prove that (i) $$\triangle AMB \sim \triangle ANC$$       (ii) $$\dfrac{AN}{BN}. \dfrac{BL}{CL}. \dfrac{CM}{AM} = 1$$

Take two similar shapes. If you slide rotate or flip one of them, does the similarity remain.

In the figure D, E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively of $$\triangle$$ABC such that $$area(\triangle DBC) = area (\triangle EBC)$$. Prove that DE || BC.

If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points then prove that the two sides are divided in the same ratio.

Prove that, if a line parallel to a side of a triangle intersect the other sides in two distinct points, then the line divides those sides in proportion.

In the given figure, line $$PY \parallel $$ side $$BC$$, $$AP=4$$, $$PB=8$$, $$AY=5$$ and $$YC=x$$. Find $$x$$.

$$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR$$ and $$A(\Delta ABC) = 144 cm^2$$ and $$A(\Delta PQR) = 100 cm^2$$. If BC = 12 cm, then find the value of QR.

Prove that "If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel to the third side".

In $$\triangle RST$$, line $$PQ\parallel  seg ST$$, $$R-P-S$$ and $$R-Q-T$$. If $$RP=4,PS=8,RQ=3$$, then find $$QT$$.

In the following figure drawn, line $$PY$$ $$\parallel$$ side $$BC$$, $$AP=6$$, $$PB=12$$, $$AY=5$$, $$YC=x$$, then find $$x$$.

If $$\triangle LMN\sim \triangle RST$$ and $$Ar\left( \triangle LMN \right) =100\,\ Ar\left( \triangle RST \right) =144\$$ and $$LM=5\ cm,$$ then find $$RS.$$

In the given figure ABC is a triangle. If $$\dfrac{AD}{AB} = \dfrac{AE}{AC}$$, then prove that DE || BC.

Prove that in a triangle, if square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, then the angle opposite to the first side is a right angle.

The points $$D$$ and $$E$$ are on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ respectively, such that $$DE\parallel BC$$. If $$AB = 3\ AD$$ and the area of $$\triangle ABC$$ is $$72\ \text{cm}^{2}$$, then find the area of the quadrilateral $$DBCE$$

State and prove the Pythagoras theorem.

State and prove Basic Proportionality theorem.

The points $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ are taken on the sides $$AB, BC$$ and $$CA$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$ respectively, such that $$DE\parallel AC$$ and $$FE \parallel AB$$.
Prove that $$\dfrac {AB}{AD} = \dfrac {AC}{FC}$$

A man of height $$1.8\ m$$ is standing near a Pyramid. If the shadow of the man is of length $$2.7\ m$$ and the shadow of the Pyramid is $$210\ m$$ long at that instant, find the height of the Pyramid

Prove that the areas of two similar acute triangles are proportional to the squares of the corresponding sides.

The perimeter of two similar triangles are $$30\ cm$$ and $$20\ cm$$ respectively. If one side of the first triangle is $$12\ cm$$, determine the corresponding side of the second triangle.

In a $$\triangle ABC, D$$ and $$E$$ are points on $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$\dfrac {AD}{DB} = \dfrac {AE}{EC}$$ and $$\angle ADE = \angle DEA$$. Prove that $$\triangle ABC$$ is isosceles

In $$\triangle PQR, AB\parallel QB$$. If $$AB$$ is $$3\ cm, PB$$ is $$2\ cm$$ and $$PR$$ is $$6\, cm$$, then find the length $$QR$$

In $$\triangle ABC$$ the points $$M$$ and $$N$$ are on $$AB$$ and $$AC$$. If $$AB = 1.3\ cm, AC = 2.6\ cm, AM =0.5\ cm, AN = 1.0\ cm$$ then show that $$MN \parallel BC$$ or not?

If for acute angled $$\Delta ABC$$ and $$\Delta PQR$$ are similar by $$ ABC \leftrightarrow PQR$$ correspondance, then prove that $$\dfrac{A(ABC)}{A(PQR)} = \dfrac{AB^2}{PQ^2} = \dfrac{BC^2}{QR^2} = \dfrac{AC^2}{PR^2}$$

If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal, then their corresponding sides are in the same ratio (or proportion) and hence the two triangles are similar.

In trapezium $$ABCD$$, side $$AB\parallel CD$$ and diagonals $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ intersect each other at $$O$$. 
Prove that: $$\cfrac { OA }{ OC } =\cfrac { OD }{ OB } $$.


Write property of side-angle-side similarity and side-side-side similarity.

The areas of two similar triangles are $$$$ and $$$$, then determine the ratio of their corresponding sides.

Write converse of Pythagoras theorem and prove it.

In $$\triangle ABC,DE\parallel BC$$, point $$D$$ lies $$AB$$ and $$E$$ lies on $$AC$$. If $$AD=3.4cm, AB=10cm, AE=5.1cm$$ then find the value of $$AC$$.

The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their corresponding sides.

For two acute angled $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle PQR$$ if $$\triangle ABC\sim \triangle PQR$$ then prove that $$\dfrac {area(\triangle ABC)}{area(\triangle PQR)} = \dfrac {AB^{2}}{PQ^{2}} = \dfrac {BC^{2}}{QR^{2}} = \dfrac {AC^{2}}{PR^{2}}$$.

In the given figure, find the value of x which will make DE || AB ?


Prove that, in a right triangle, the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.

In the given figure, $$AB\perp BC, FG\perp BC$$ and $$DE\perp AC$$. Prove that $$\triangle ADE$$ ~ $$\triangle GCF$$.

In a $$\triangle ABC, P$$ and $$Q$$ are points on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively, such that $$PQ \parallel BC$$. If 
$$AP = 2.4 cm, AQ = 2 cm,QC = 3 cm$$ and $$BC = 6 cm$$, find $$AB$$ and $$PQ.$$

In a $$\triangle ABC, D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$DE\parallel BC$$. If $$AD = 2.4\ cm, AE = 3.2\ cm, DE \parallel BC$$. If $$AD = 2.4\ cm, AE = 3.2\ cm, DE = 2\ cm$$ and $$BC = 5\ cm$$, find $$BD$$ and $$CE$$.

$$\triangle PQR$$ is right angled at $$Q, QX\perp PR, XY\perp RQ$$ and $$XZ \perp PQ$$ are drawn. Prove that $$XZ^{2} = PZ \times ZQ$$.

In fig $$\triangle ACB \sim \triangle APQ$$. If $$BC = 10\ cm,\ PQ = 5\ cm,\ BA = 6.5\ cm$$ and $$AP= 2.8\ cm$$, find $$CA$$ and $$AQ$$. Also find the area $$(\triangle ACB)$$ : area $$(\triangle APQ)$$.

ABCD is a trapezium in which AB $$\parallel$$ CD. The diagonals AC and BD intersect at O. Prove that:
(i) $$\triangle AOB \sim  \triangle COD$$  (ii) If OA = 6 cm, OC = 8cm,

(a) $$\dfrac { Area\left( \triangle AOB \right)  }{ Area\left(  \triangle COD \right)  }$$

(b) $$\dfrac { Area\left( \triangle AOD \right)  }{ Area\left(  \triangle COD \right)  }$$

Triangles $$ABC$$ and $$DEF$$ are similar.

(i) If area ($$\triangle$$ ABC)= $$16$$ $$cm^{2}$$, area($$\triangle$$ DEF)= $$25$$ $$cm^{2}$$ and BC = $$2.34$$ cm, find EF.

(ii) If area ($$\triangle$$ ABC)= $$9$$ $$cm^{2}$$, area($$\triangle$$ DEF) = $$64$$ $$cm^{2}$$ and DE= $$5.1$$ cm, find AB.

(iii) If AC = $$19$$ cm and DF=$$8$$ cm, ratio of the area of two triangles.

(iv) If area ($$\triangle$$ ABC)= $$36$$ $$cm^{2}$$, area ($$\triangle$$ DEF) =$$64$$ $$cm^{2}$$ and DE= $$6.2$$ cm, find AB.

(v) If AB= $$1.2$$ cm and DE=$$1.4$$ find the ratio of the areas of triangle ABC and DEF.

Triangles ABC and DEF are similar.

(i) If area ($$\triangle ABC$$)= 16 $$\text{cm}^{2}$$, area($$\triangle$$ DEF)= 25 $$\text{cm}^{2}$$ and $$BC = 2.3\ \text{cm}$$, find $$EF$$.

(ii) If area ($$\triangle ABC$$)= 9 $$\text{cm}^{2}$$, area($$\triangle$$ DEF) = 64 $$\text{cm}^{2}$$ and $$DE= 5.1\ \text{cm}$$, find $$AB$$.

(iii) If $$AC = 19\ \text{cm}$$ and $$DF=8\ \text{cm}$$, find ratio of the area of two triangles.

(iv) If area ($$\triangle ABC$$)= 36 $$\text{cm}^{2}$$, area ($$\triangle$$ DEF) =64 $$\text{cm}^{2}$$ and $$DE= 6.2\ \text{cm}$$, find $$AB$$.

(v) If $$AB= 1.2\ \text{cm}$$ and $$DE=1.4\ \text{cm}$$, find the ratio of the areas of triangle $$ABC$$ and $$DEF$$.


The area of two similar triangle are $$81$$ $$cm^2$$cm2 and $$49\ cm^2$$ respectively. Find ratio of their corresponding heights. What is the ratio of their corresponding medians?

The area of two similar triangles are 169 $$cm^{2}$$ and 121 $$cm^{2}$$ respectively, If the longest side of the largest triangle is 26 cm, find the longest side of the smaller triangle?

In the given figure, $$DE \parallel BC$$

(i) If DE = 4 cm, BC= 6 cm and Area ($$\triangle$$ ADE)= 16 $$cm^{2}$$, find the area of $$\triangle$$ ABC. 

(ii) If DE = 4 cm BC = 8 cm and Area ($$\triangle$$ ADE)= 25 $$cm^{2}$$, find the area of $$\triangle$$ ABC.

(iii) If DE : BC = 3 :Calculate the ratio of the areas of $$\triangle$$ ADE and the area of BCED.


Two isosceles triangles have equal vertical angles and their area are in the ratio of the $$16 : 25$$. Find the ratio of their corresponding heights.

The area of two similar triangles are $$36\ cm^{2}$$ and $$25\ cm^{2}$$. If an altitude of the first triangle is $$2.4\ cm$$, find the corresponding altitude of the other triangle.

The area of two similar triangle are 100 $$cm^{2}$$ and 49 $$cm^{2}$$ respectively. If the altitude of the bigger triangle is 5 cm, find the corresponding altitude of the other.

In each of the figure, a line segment is drawn parallel to one side of the triangle  and the lengths of certain line-segments are marked. Find  the value of $$x$$ in each of the following :

$$ABC$$ is a triangle and $$PQ$$ is a straight line meeting $$AB$$ in $$P $$ and $$AC$$ in $$Q$$. If $$AP = 1$$ cm, $$PB = 3$$ cm, $$AQ = 1.5$$ cm, $$QC =  4.5$$ m, prove that area of $$\triangle$$ $$APQ$$ is one- sixteenth of the area of $$\triangle$$ $$ABC$$.

In $$\triangle$$ ABC, points P and Q are on CA and CB,  respectively such that CA = 16 cm, AC = 10 cm, CB = 30 cm  and CQ = 25 cm. Is PQ $$\parallel$$ AB?

In $$\triangle$$ ABC, PQ is a line segment intersecting AB  at P and AC at Q such that PQ $$\parallel$$ BC and PQ  divides $$\triangle$$ ABC into two parts equal in area. Find $$\dfrac { BP }{ AB }$$.

If D is a point on the side AB of $$\triangle$$ ABC such  that AD : DB = 3:2 and E is a point on BC such that DE $$ \parallel$$ AC. Find the ratio of areas of $$\triangle$$ ABC and $$\triangle$$ BDE.

In $$\triangle$$ ABC, P and Q are points on sides AB and  AC respectively such that PQ $$\parallel$$ BC. If AP = 4  cm, PB = 6 cm and PQ = 3 cm, determine BC.

If $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle DEF$$ such that AB = 5  cm, area $$(\triangle ABC ) = 20\ { cm }^{ 2 }$$ and area  $$(\triangle DEF ) = 45\ { cm }^{ 2 }$$, determine DE.

In $$\triangle ABC ,\ \angle A$$ is obtuse, $$PB \perp AC$$ and $$QC \perp AB.$$ 
Prove that:
(I) $$AB \times AQ=AC\times AP$$
(ii) $${ BC }^{ 2 } = ( AC \times CP + AB \times BQ )$$

In $$\triangle$$ PQR, M and N are points on sides PQ and  PR respectively such that PM = 15 cm and NR = 8 cm. If PQ  = 25 cm and PR = 20 cm state whether MN $$\parallel$$ QR.

In the given figure, DE $$\parallel$$ CB. Determine AC and AE.

ABCD is a trapezium in which AB $$\parallel$$ DC. P and Q  are points on sides AD and BC such that PQ $$\parallel$$  AB. If PD = 18cm, BQ = 35cm and QC = 15cm, find AD.

Prove that if in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal then their corresponding sides are in the same ratio and hence the two triangles are similar.

In given figure, If $$EF||DC||AB$$. prove that $$\dfrac { AE }{ ED } =\dfrac { BF }{ FC } $$.

In given figure $$EF||AB||DC$$. Prove that $$\dfrac { AE }{ ED } =\dfrac { BF }{ FC } $$ 

In a given $$\triangle ABC, DE||BC$$ and $$\dfrac { AD }{ DB } =\dfrac { 3 }{ 5 } $$. If $$AC=5.6$$, find AE. 

In the given figure, $$\triangle AMB \sim \triangle CMD$$;  determine $$MD$$ in terms of $$x,\;y$$ and $$z$$.

In $$\triangle$$ ABC, P and Q are points on sides AB and  AC respectively such that PQ $$\parallel$$ BC. If AP = 3  cm, PB = 5 cm and AC = 8 cm, find AQ.

ABCD is a parallelogram, P is a point on side BC such that DP produced meets AB produced at L.. Prove that

(i) $$\dfrac { DP }{ PL } =\dfrac { DC }{ BL } $$

(ii) $$\dfrac { DL }{ DP } =\dfrac { AL }{ DC } $$


Let X be any point on the side BC of a triangle ABC. If  XM, XN are drawn parallel to BA and CA, meeting CA, BA in M, N respectively. M and N are joined and produced to meet the line passing through BC at T as shown in the figure. Prove that $${ TX }^{ 2 }=TB\times TC$$.

In given figure, (i) and (ii), $$PQ||BC$$. Find $$QC$$ in (i) and $$AQ$$ in (ii).

Any point X inside $$\triangle DEF$$ is joined to its vertices. From a point $$P$$ on $$DX,\ PQ$$ is drawn parallel to $$DE$$ meeting $$XE$$ at $$Q$$ and $$QR$$ is drawn parallel to $$EF$$ meeting $$XF$$ at $$R.$$ Prove that $$PR\parallel DF.$$

In the given figure, If PQ||BC and PR||CD. Prove that

 (i) $$\dfrac { AR }{ AD } =\dfrac { AQ }{ AB } $$ 

(ii) $$\dfrac { QB }{ AQ } =\dfrac { DR }{ AR } $$   


In given figure, $$DE||AC$$ and $$DC||AP$$. Prove that $$\dfrac { BE }{ EC } =\dfrac { BC }{ CP } $$

In given figure $$D$$ and $$E$$ are respectively the points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$AB=5.6\ cm, AD=1.4\ cm, AC=7.2\ cm$$ and $$AE=1.8\ cm$$. Then show that $$DE||BC$$.

In given figure, $$DE||BC$$ and $$CD||EF$$. Prove that $${ AD }^{ 2 }=AB\times AF$$ 

In the given figure ABC is a triangle in which AB=AC. Points D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that AD=AE. Show that the points B,C,E and D are concyclic.

In given figure, $$\angle CAB=90^0$$ and $$AD \bot BC$$. If AC=75 cm. AB=1 m and BD=1.25 m, find AD

In the figure given below, $$\angle P = \angle RTS$$.
Prove that $$\triangle RPQ \sin \triangle RTS$$.

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$BD=CE$$. If $$\angle B=\angle C$$, show that $$DE||BC$$.

Two triangles ABC and DBC lie on the same side of the base BC. From a point P on BC, PQ||AB and PR||BD are drawn. They meet AC in Q and DC in R respectively. Prove that QR||AD.

Let $$ABC$$ be a triangle and $$D$$ and $$E$$ be two points on side $$AB$$ such that $$AD=BE$$. If $$DP||BC$$ and $$EQ||AC$$, then prove that $$PQ||AB$$.

In given figure, If $$\angle A=\angle C$$, then prove that $$\triangle AOB\sim \triangle COD$$.

In given figure, If $$\dfrac { AD }{ DC } =\dfrac { BE }{ EC } $$ and $$\angle CDE=\angle CED$$, prove that $$\triangle CAB$$ is isosceles.

In $$\triangle ABC$$, if AD is the bisector of $$\angle A$$, prove that

$$\dfrac { Area(\triangle ABD) }{ Area(\triangle ACD) } =\dfrac { AB }{ AC } $$


The side BC of a triangle ABC is bisected at D; O is any point in AD. BO and CO produced meet AC and AB in E and F respectively and AD is produced to X so that D is the mid-point of OX. Prove that AO:AX=AF:AB and show that FE||BC.

In given figure D is a point on the side BC of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$\angle ADC=\angle BAC$$. Prove that 

$$\dfrac { CA }{ CD } =\dfrac { CB }{ CA } $$   or   $${ CA }^{ 2 }=CB\times CD$$.


In given figure ABC is a triangle in which AB=AC and D is a point on AC such that $${ BC }^{ 2 }=AC\times CD$$. Prove that BD=BC.

In the given figure $$P$$ and $$Q$$ are points on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of $$\triangle ABC.$$ If $$AP=3 \;cm, \;PB= 6\; cm, \;AQ=5\; cm$$ and $$QC=10\; cm,$$ show that $$BC=3 PQ.$$

In given figure, considering triangles BEP and CPD, prove that 

 $$BP\times PD=EP\times PC$$


In given figure through the vertex D of a parallelogram ABCD, a line is drawn to intersect the sides BA and BC produced at E and F respectively. Prove that

$$\dfrac { DA }{ AE } =\dfrac { FB }{ BE } =\dfrac { FC }{ CD } $$


In the figure given below, $$E$$ is a point on the side $$AD$$ produced of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ and $$BE$$ intersects $$CD$$ at $$F$$. Show that $$\triangle ABE \sim \triangle CFB$$.

In given figure the diagonal $$BD$$ of a parallelogram $$ABCD$$ intersects the segment $$AE$$ at the point $$F$$, where $$E$$ is any point on the side BC. Prove that $$DF\times EF=FB\times FA$$

In given figure two triangles BAC and BDC, right angled at A and D respectively, are drawn on the same base BC and on the same side of BC. If AC and DB intersect at P, prove that $$AP\times PC=DP\times PB$$

In a $$\triangle ABC$$ BD and CE are the altitudes. Prove that $$\triangle ADB$$ and $$\triangle AEC$$ are similar. Check whether  $$\triangle CDB\ \ and\ \triangle BEC$$ are similar.

In given figure, express x in terms of a, b and c.


In $$\Delta ABC$$, if $$EF || AB$$ and $$ar(\Delta CEF) = ar(\Box EFBA)$$, then find ratio of $$CA$$ and $$EA$$.

If the areas of two similar triangles are equal, prove that they are concurrent.

In given figure, DEFG is a square and $$\angle BAC=90^0$$. Prove that

(i) $$\triangle AGF\sim \triangle DBG$$

(ii) $$\triangle AGF\sim \triangle EFC$$

(iii) $$\triangle DBG\sim \triangle EFC$$

(iv) $${ DE }^{ 2 }=BD\times EC$$


In the given figure, $$AB||CD||EF$$ given $$AB=7.5\ cm$$ $$DC=ycm$$ $$EF=4.5\ cm$$, $$BC=x\ cm$$. Find the value of $$x$$ and $$y$$

Given $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle PQR$$, if $$\dfrac{AB}{PQ}=\dfrac{1}{3}$$, then find $$\dfrac{ar (\triangle ABC)}{ar( \triangle PQR)}$$.

Prove that the line joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side.

In given figure if a perpendicular is drawn from the right angle vertex of a right triangle to the hypotenuse, then prove that the triangle on each side of the perpendicular is similar to each other and to the original triangle. Also, prove that the square of the perpendicular is equal to the product of the lengths of the two parts of the hypotenuse.

In given figure, PB and Qa are perpendiculars to segment AB. If PO=5 cm, QO=7 cm and Area $$\triangle POB=150 {cm}^{2}$$ find the area of $$\triangle QOA$$.

In given figure, $$\dfrac { OA }{ OC } =\dfrac { OD }{ OB } $$. then prove that $$\angle A=\angle C$$ and $$\angle B=\angle D$$.

In given figure, $$\triangle FEC\cong \triangle GBD$$ and $$\angle 1=\angle 2$$. then prove that $$\triangle ADE\sim \triangle ABC$$.

State and prove pythagorus theorum.

In the given figure, $$CM$$ and $$RN$$ are respectively the medians of $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle PQR$$. If $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle PQR$$, prove that:
(i) $$\triangle AMC \sim \triangle PQR$$
(ii) $$CM/ RN = AB/ PQ$$
(iii) $$\triangle CMB \sim \triangle RNQ$$.

State and Prove the relation between areas of two similar triangles.

$$AX$$ and $$DY$$ are altitiudes of two triangles $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DEF$$. Prove that $$AX:DY=AB:DE$$.

How to prove areas of similar triangles theorem

In the Figure, if $$LM \parallel CB$$ and $$LN \parallel CD$$, prove that  $$\dfrac{AM}{AB}=\dfrac{AN}{AD}$$.

In the given figure, $$\dfrac{{QR}}{{QS}} = \dfrac{{QT}}{{PR}}\,\,and\,\,\angle 1 = \angle 2.$$ Show that $$ \Delta PQS$$ $$ \sim $$ $$\Delta TQR$$

$$E$$ and $$F$$ are points on the sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ respectively of a $$\Delta PQR$$. For each of the following cases state whether $$EF\parallel \,QR$$
(1) $$PE = 3.9\,cm,\,EQ = 3\,cm,\,PF = 3.6\,cm\,\,and\,\,FR = 2.4$$
(2) $$PE = 4\,cm,\,QE = 4.5\,cm,\,PF = 8\,cm\,\,\,and\,\,\,RF = 9\,cm$$
(3) $$PQ = 1.28\,cm\,{\mathop{\rm PR}\nolimits}  = 2.56\,cm,\,PE = 0.18\,cm\,\,\,and\,PF = 0.36\,cm$$

In A, B and C are points on OP, OQ and OR respectively such that AB$$||$$PQ and AC$$|$$ PR. Show that BC$$||$$QR.

Write the statement of Basic proportionality theorem.

Sides AB and AC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively proportional to sides PQ and PR and median PM of another triangle PQR.
Sow that $$\Delta \,ABC\, \sim \,\Delta \,PQR$$.

State converse of Pythagoras theorem.

CM and RN are respectively the medians of $$\Delta \,ABC$$ and $$\Delta \,PQR$$. If $$\Delta \,ABC \sim \Delta \,PQR$$, prove that: 

(A) $$\Delta \,AMC \sim \,\Delta \,PNR$$

(B) $$\dfrac{{CM}}{{RN}} = \dfrac{{AB}}{{PQ}}$$

In the adjoining figure $$AB \parallel CD $$, prove that $$\Delta AOB \sim \Delta DOC$$

In the figure if $$PQ \parallel RS$$, prove that $$\triangle POQ \sim \triangle SOR$$.

$$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle AMP$$ are two right triangles right angled at B and M respectively. Prove that
i) $$\triangle ABC\sim \triangle AMP$$ ii) $$\cfrac { CA }{ PA } =\cfrac { BC }{ MP } $$

In the given figure, $$\Delta$$ABC and $$\Delta$$AMP are right angled at B and M respectively.
Given AC$$=10$$cm, AP $$=15$$cm and PM$$=12$$ cm.
Prove that : $$\Delta$$ABC $$\sim\Delta$$ AMP.


In the given figure, $$\Delta$$ABC and $$\Delta$$AMP are right angled at B and M respectively.
Given AC$$=10$$cm, AP$$=15$$cm and PM$$=12$$cm. Find : AB and BC.


In $$\Delta ABC$$, $$DE\ II\ BC$$, $$AD=2.5\ cm$$,  $$DB=5\ cm$$,  $$AE=3\ cm$$ and  $$EC=x\ cm$$
Find the value of $$x$$ ?


In fig. $$S$$ and $$T$$ are the points on the sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ respectively of $$\Delta PQR$$, such that $$PT = 4$$ cm, $$TR = 4$$ cm & $$ST \parallel  QR$$. Find the ratio of areas of $$\Delta PST $$ & $$\Delta PQR$$.

If $$\triangle ABC$$ is right-angled at$$B$$. then prove that $${ AB }^{ 2 }+{ BC }^{ 2 }=AC^{ 2 }$$

In figure, the line segment XY is parallel to side AC of $$ \Delta ABC $$ and it divides the triangle into two parts of equal areas. Find the ratio $$ \dfrac{AX}{AB} $$.

Prove that the ratio of the area of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of squares on the corresponding sides.

Cut out two identical right angled triangles. Name the vertices of the A, B, C on both sides .Draw the altitude on the hypotenuse of one of the foot of the perpendicular as D. cut the triangle on its altitude an triangles. state the correspondences by which the three triangle an one another.

Corresponding sides of two similar triangles are $$3cm$$ and $$4cm$$. If the area of the larger triangle is $$48cm^{2}$$, find the area of the smaller triangle.

In figure $$\angle {1}=\angle{2}$$ and $$\triangle {NSQ}\cong \triangle{MTR}$$, then prove that $$\triangle PTS \sim \triangle {PRQ}$$

Prove that if a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersecting the other two side,then it divides the two sides in the same ratio.

In the given figure $$DE\parallel AC$$ and $$DF\parallel AE$$. Prove that.

If $$\angle{A}$$ and $$\angle {P}$$ are acute angles such that $$\sin{A}=\sin{P}$$ then prove that $$\angle {A}=\angle {P}$$

$$\triangle {ABC}$$ and $$\triangle {DBC}$$ are two isosceles triangles on the same base $$BC$$ (in figure). Show that $$\angle{ABD}=\angle{ACD}$$.

In the figure,line $$PQ|| side BC,AP=2.4cm,PB=7.2cm,QC=5.4$$cm then find $$AQ$$?

If the areas of two similar triangles are in ratio $$25 : 64 ,$$ write the ratio of their corresponding sides.

Diagonals of a trapezium $$ABCD$$ with $$AB\parallel DC$$ intersect each other at the point $$O$$. If $$AB=2CD$$, find the ratio of the areas of triangles $$AOB$$ and $$COD$$

In the figure given below, $$\angle PQR = \angle PRS$$. Prove that triangles $$PQR$$ and $$PRS$$ are similar. If $$PR = 8\ cm, PS = 4\ cm$$, calculate $$PQ$$.

Prove that the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides.

Sides $$A B$$ and $$B C$$ and median $$AD$$ of a triangle $$A B C$$ are respectively proportional to sides $$P Q$$ and $$Q R$$ and median $$P M$$ of $$\Delta P Q R .$$ Show that $$\Delta A B C$$ $$\sim \Delta P Q R$$ ?

Given  $$\Delta A B C \sim \Delta P Q R , \text { if } \dfrac { A B } { P Q } = \frac { 1 } { 3 } \text { find } \dfrac { a r \Delta A B C } { a r \Delta P Q R }$$

Area of two similar triangle are $$144\text{ cm}^2$$ and $$81\text{ cm}^2$$. If one side of the first triangle is $$6\text{ cm}$$, then find the corresponding side of the second triangle.

$$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta DEF$$, area of $$\Delta ABC=64\ cm^{2}$$ and area of $$\Delta DEF=121\ cm^{2}$$. If $$EF=15.4\ cm$$, find $$BC$$.

In the adjoining figure, DEFG is a square and $$\angle BAC = {90^0}$$.
Prove that:
$${\rm{D}}{{\rm{E}}^{\rm{2}}}{\rm{ = BD \times EC}}$$


The ratio of the corresponding altitudes of two similar triangles is $$\dfrac{3}{5}$$. Is it correct to say that ratio of their areas is $$\dfrac{6}{5}$$ ?Why ?

It is possible to draw i) an obtuse-angled equilateral triangle ii)a right-angled equilateral triangle iii)a triangle with two right angles.

In the given figure, $$ST\parallel RQ,PS=3$$ cm and $$SR=4$$cm. Find the ratio of the areas of $$\triangle{PST}$$ to the area of $$\triangle{PRQ}$$

$$A$$ and $$B$$ are respectively the points on the sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ of a triangle $$PQR$$ such that $$PQ = 12.5\ cm, PA = 5\ cm, BR = 6\ cm$$ and $$PB = 4\ cm$$. Is $$AB \parallel QR$$? Give reasons for your answer.

In the figure, it is given $$TS=TR, \angle 1=2\angle =$$ and $$\angle 4=2\angle 2\angle 3$$. Prove that $$\triangle RBT\cong \triangle SAT$$. 

$$\triangle ABC$$ is right angled at A and $$AD\bot BC$$. If $$BC=13$$cm and $$AC=5$$cm, find the ratio of the areas of $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle ADC$$.

In figure, $$ABC$$ and $$AMP$$ are two right triangles, right angled at $$B$$ and $$M$$ respectively. Prove that

In $$\triangle ABC, DE\parallel BC$$, find the value of $$x$$.

In the given figure $$AP=12$$, $$RP=4$$, $$PS=6$$. Find $$BS$$ 

In the diagrams of the following figure, same the triangles which is represent to the $$\triangle ABC$$ keeping the letters. In the right order. State the congruence conditions wise.    

In the figure, altitudes $$AD$$ and $$CE$$ of $$\triangle{ABC}$$ intersect each other at the point $$P$$.Show that $$\triangle{AEP}\sim\triangle{CDP}$$


In the adjacent figure $$XY\parallel BC$$ find the length of $$AY$$ and $$CY$$

Side $$AB$$ and $$BC$$ and median $$AD$$ of a triangle $$ABC$$ are respectively proportional to sides $$PQ$$ and $$QR$$ and median $$PM$$ of $$PQR$$.  Show that $$ABC\sim PQR$$ .

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are respectively the points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of a $$\triangle{ABC}$$ such that $$AB=2.6\ cm,AD=1.3\ cm$$ and $$AE=1.5\ cm$$,Show that $$DE\parallel BC$$

In $$\triangle{PQR},\,ST\parallel QR$$ and $$\dfrac{PS}{SQ}=\dfrac{3}{5}$$ if $$PR=6$$cm find $$PT$$

$$ABCD$$ is a rhombus . $$AC$$ is a diagonal. Is $$\angle{BAC}\cong\angle{DAC}$$? Give reason.

If the ratio of the perimeter of two similar triangles is $$4 : 25$$, then find the ratio of the areas of the similar triangles .

In the following figure you are given two triangles answer weather two triangles are similar? Give reason also. 

In figure, AD$$=$$DC and AB$$=$$BC. State the three parts of matching pairs you have used to answer.(Is $$\Delta$$ABD$$\cong\Delta$$CBD).

In the given figure, $$AD=DC$$ and $$AB=BC.$$ Is $$\Delta ABD \cong\Delta CBD?$$

In the following triangle, the lengths of the sides are indicated along sides. By applying SSS condition, determine which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

If $$\Delta$$PQR$$\cong\Delta$$EFD, which angles of $$\Delta$$PQR equals $$\angle E$$?

ABC and DBC are both isosceles triangles on a common base BC such that A and D lie on the same side of BC. Are triangles ADB and ADC congruent? Which condition do you use? If $$\angle BAC=40^o$$ and $$\angle BDC=100^o$$; then find $$\angle ADB$$.

In Fig. Prove that:
$$ CD + DA + AB > BC $$

In the following triangle, the lengths of the sides are indicated along sides. By applying SSS condition, determine which are congruent. State the result in symbolic form.

In figure, $$AB||DC$$, AB$$=$$DC and BC$$=$$AD. You have used some fact to say theat $$\triangle ADC\cong\triangle CBA$$, not given in the question, what is that?

In figure, AB$$=$$DC and BC$$=$$AD. What congruence condition have you used?

In $$DE||AC$$ and $$DC||AP$$. Prove that $$\dfrac{BE}{EC}=\dfrac{BC}{CP}$$ 


Fill in the blank.
Given $$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR$$, if $$\dfrac{AB}{PQ} = \dfrac{1}{3} , $$ then $$\dfrac{ar (\Delta ABC)}{ar (\Delta PQR)} = $$______ .

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$ such that $$DE || BC$$.  if $$\dfrac{AD}{AB} = \dfrac{8}{15}$$ and $$EC = 3.5 cm$$, find $$AE$$.  


Solve the following :
In $$\Delta PQR , \, NM || RQ$$. If $$PM = 15, MQ = 10, NR = 8$$, then find $$PN$$.

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$ such that $$DE || BC$$. Find the value of $$x$$, when $$AD = x cm, DB = (x - 2) cm, AE = (x + 2) cm$$ and $$EC = (x - 1) cm$$. 

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$ such that $$DE || BC$$. If $$\dfrac{AD}{DB} = \dfrac{4}{7}$$  and $$AC = 6.6 cm$$, find $$AE$$. 


$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$ such that $$DE || BC$$.  If $$AD = 3.6 cm, AB = 10 cm$$ and $$AE = 4.5 cm$$, find $$EC$$ and $$AC$$. 


$$BL$$ nad $$CM$$ are median of a $$\triangle ABC$$, right angled at $$A$$, Prove that $$4(BL^{2}+CM^{2})=5BC^{2}$$

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$ such that $$DE || BC$$. Find the value of $$x$$, when $$AD = 4 \text{ cm}, DB = (x - 4) \text{ cm}, AE = 8 \text{ cm}$$ and $$EC = (3x - 19) \text{ cm}$$.  

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$ such that $$DE || BC$$. If $$AB = 13.3 cm, AC = 11.9 cm$$ and $$EC = 5.1 cm$$, find $$AD$$. 


In each of the given pairs of triangles, find which pair of triangles are similar. State the similarity criterion and write the similarity relation in symbolic form: 

$$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta DEF$$ and their areas are respectively $$64 cm^2$$ and $$121 cm^2$$. If $$EF = 15.4 cm$$, find $$BC$$. 

$$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR$$ and $$ar (\Delta ABC) = 4ar (\Delta PQR)$$. If $$BC = 12 cm$$, find $$QR$$. 

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\triangle ABC$$. In each of the following cases, determine whether $$DE || BC$$ or not. $$AD = 5.7 cm, DB = 9.5 cm, AE = 4.8 cm$$ and $$EC = 8 cm$$ 

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$. In each of the following cases, determine whether $$DE || BC$$ or not.  $$AB = 10.8 cm, AD = 6.3 cm, AC = 9.6 cm$$ and $$EC = 4 cm$$. 

Show that the line segment which joins the midpoints of the oblique sides of a trapezium is parallel to the parallel sides. 

In a $$\Delta ABC,\, M$$ and $$N$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$BM = CN$$. If $$\angle B = \angle C$$ then show that $$MN || BC$$. 

In the given figure, if $$\angle ADE = \angle B$$, show that $$\Delta ADE \sim \Delta ABC$$. If $$AD = 3.8 cm, AE = 3.6 cm, BE = 2.1 cm$$ and $$BC = 4.2 cm$$, find $$DE$$. 

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are the points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$. If $$AB = 11.7 cm, AC = 11.2 cm, BD = 6.5 cm$$ and $$AE = 4.2 cm$$ then determine whether $$DE || BC$$ or not.

$$D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of a $$\Delta ABC$$. In each of the following cases, determine whether $$DE || BC$$ or not. $$AD = 7.2 \text{ cm}, AE = 6.4 \text{ cm}, AB = 12 \text{ cm}$$ and $$AC = 10 \text{ cm}$$. 

The areas of two similar triangles are $$81 cm^2$$ and $$49 cm^2$$ respectively. If the altitude of the first triangle is $$6.3 cm$$, find the corresponding altitude of the other.

The areas of two similar triangles are $$100 cm^2$$ and $$64 cm^2$$ respectively. If a median of the smaller triangle is $$5.6 cm$$, find the corresponding median of the other. 

 State the SAS-similarity criterion. 

State the SSS-criterion for similarity of triangles. 

State the AA-similarity criterion. 

In the given figure, $$O$$ is a point inside a $$\Delta PQR$$ such that $$\angle POR = 90^o,\ OP = 6 cm$$ and $$OR = 8 cm$$. If $$PQ = 24 cm$$ and $$QR = 26 cm$$, prove that PQR is right-angled. 

State the AAA-similarity criterion. 

In the given figure, $$ABC$$ is a triangle and $$PQ$$ is a straight line meeting $$AB$$ in $$P$$ and $$AC$$ in $$Q$$. If $$AP = 1 cm,\  PB = 3cm, \ AQ = 1.5 cm, \ QC = 4.5 cm$$, prove that area of $$\Delta APQ$$ is $$1/16$$  of the area of $$\Delta ABC$$.   

In the given figure, $$DE || BC$$. If $$DE = 3 cm, \ BC = 6 cm$$ and $$ar (\Delta ADE) = 15 cm^2$$, find the area of $$\Delta ABC$$.

 State the converse of Thales theorem. 

If the equal sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of an isosceles triangle be produced to $$E$$ and $$F$$ so that
$$BE\cdot CF=AB^{2}$$, show that the line $$EF$$ will always pass through a fixed point.

In the given figure, $$DE || BC$$ such that $$AD = x cm,\ DB = (3x + 4) cm,\ AE = (x + 3) cm$$ and $$EC = (3x + 19) cm$$. Find the value of $$x$$. 

In the above figure, $$CA \parallel BD$$, the lines $$AB$$ and $$CD$$ meet at $$O.$$
(i) Prove that $$\triangle ACO \sim \triangle BDO.$$
(ii) If $$BD = 2.4\text{ cm}, OD = 4\text{ cm}, OB = 3.2\text{ cm}$$ and $$AC = 3.6\text{ cm}$$, calculate $$OA$$ and $$OC.$$


State which pairs of triangles in the figure given below are similar. Write the similarity rule used and also write the pairs of similar triangles in symbolic form (all lengths of sides are in cm):

Two triangles $$ABC$$ and $$PQR$$ are such that $$AB = 3 cm, \ AC = 6 cm, \ \angle A = 70^o, \ PR = 9 cm, \ \angle P = 70^o$$ and $$PQ = 4.5 cm$$. Show that $$\Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR$$ and state the similarity criterion. 

In the given figure, $$DB \perp DC, DE\perp AB$$ and $$AC \perp BC$$. Prove that $$BE/ DE = AC/BC$$.

In the figure given below, $$PQRS$$ is a parallelogram; $$PQ = 16\ cm, QR = 10\ cm. L$$ is a point on $$PR$$ such that $$RL : LP = 2 : 3 : QL$$ produced meets $$RS$$ at $$M$$ and $$PS$$ produced at $$N$$.
Name a triangle similar to triangle $$RLM$$. Evaluate $$RM$$.

In triangles $$\text{PQR}$$ and $$\text{TSM}$$, $$\angle \text{P}=55^{\circ}, \angle \text{Q}=25^{\circ}, \angle \text{M}=100^{\circ}$$ and $$\angle \text{S}=25^{\circ} .$$ Is $$\Delta
\text{QPR} \sim \Delta \text{TSM}$$? Why?

In Figure, $$DE \parallel OQ$$ and $$DF \parallel O R,$$ Show that $$EF \parallel QR$$


S and T  are points on sides $$\mathrm{PR}$$ and $$\mathrm{QR}$$ if $$\Delta P Q R$$
such that $$\angle P=\angle R T S$$. Show that $$\Delta \mathrm{RPQ} \sim
\Delta \mathrm{RTS}$$


$$A$$ and $$B$$ are respectively the points on the sides $$P Q$$ and $$P R$$ of a $$\Delta PQR$$ such that $$\mathrm{PQ}=12.5 \mathrm{cm}, \mathrm{PA}=5 \mathrm{cm}, \mathrm{BR}=6 \mathrm{cm}$$ and $$\mathrm{PB}=4 \mathrm{cm} .$$ Is $$AB\|\mathrm{QR} ?$$ Give reason.


$$E$$ and $$F$$ are points on the sides $$P Q$$ and $$PR$$ respectively of a $$\Delta P Q R$$. Show that $$EF || QR$$. If $$P Q=1.28 \mathrm{cm}, P R=2.56 \mathrm{cm}, P E=0.18 \mathrm{cm}$$ and $$\mathrm{PF}=0.36


If it is given that $$\Delta \mathrm{ABC} \sim \Delta P Q R$$ with $$\dfrac{BC}{QR}=\dfrac{1}{3},$$ then find $$\dfrac{ar(\Delta P Q R)}{a r(\Delta A B C)}$$

In Figure, if $$\mathrm{LM} \parallel \mathrm{CB}$$ and $$\mathrm{LN} \parallel\mathrm{CD},$$ prove that $$\dfrac{A M}{A B}=\dfrac{A N}{A D}$$


$$ \Delta DEF \sim \Delta ABC,$$ if $$DE: A B=2: 3$$ and $$ar(\Delta D E F)$$ is equal to 44 square units. Find the area of $$(\Delta ABC)$$

Using converse of Basic proportionality Theorem, prove that the line joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side.


State which pairs of triangles in the following figures are similar. Write the similarity criterion used by you for answering the question and also write the pairs of similar triangles in the symbolic form.


$$\mathrm{D}$$ is a point on the side $$\mathrm{BC}$$ of a triangle $$\mathrm{ABC}$$ such that $$\angle \mathrm{ADC}=\angle \mathrm{BAC}$$. Show that $$C A^{2}=C B . C D$$


In the given figure $$, \Delta {ABC}$$ and $$\Delta{DBC}$$ are on the same base $$BC$$. If $${AD}$$ intersects $$B C$$ at $$O .$$ prove that $$\dfrac{a r(\Delta A B C)}{a r(\Delta D B C)}=\dfrac{A O}{D O}$$


In the Fig., we have 
$$BX = \frac{1}{2} AB$$
$$BY= \frac{1}{2} BC$$ and $$AB = BC$$. 
Show that $$BX = BY$$. 

In Figure $$, P$$ is the mid-point of $$B C$$ and $$Q$$ is the mid-point of $$A P .$$ If $$B Q$$ when produced meets $$A C$$ at $$R,$$ prove that $$R A=\dfrac{1}{3} C A$$

Using Basic proportionality Theorem, prove that a line drawn through the mid-point of one side of a triangle parallel to another side bisects the third side.


Sides $$A B$$ and $$A C$$ and median $$A D$$ of a triangle $$A B C$$ are respectively proportional to sides $$\mathrm{PQ}$$ and  $$PR$$ and median $$PM$$ of another triangle $$PQR$$. Show that $$\triangle A B C \sim \triangle P Q R$$

In the adjoining figure, DE ll BC, $$ AD = 2.4 cm, AB =3.2 cm, CE = 4.8 cm $$ , flnd BD.

In figure, $$DE||BC$$ . Find AD

If $$\triangle ABC \sim \triangle DEF, AB= 10 \ cm$$, area $$(\triangle ABC)= 20 \ sq. cm$$, area $$(\triangle DEF)= 45 \ sq. cm$$. Determine $$DE$$

In ABC, P and Q are two points on AB and AC. respectively such that PQ || BC and $$\dfrac {AP}{PB} = \dfrac{2}{3}$$ then find $$\dfrac{AQ}{ QC}$$. 

In a $$\triangle ABC, DE || BC$$, where D is a point on AB and E is a point on AC, then 
$$\dfrac{EC}{DB}$$ =...........

In figure, $$DE||BC$$ . Find $$AD$$

State whether the following pair of triangle is similar or not. Write the similarity criterion used and write it in symbolic form.

In figures  DE || BC. Find EC..

In the adjoining figure, $$AD = 2 cm, DB = 3 cm,AB = 5 cm$$ and $$DE || BC$$, then find $$EC$$.

In the above figure, $$DE \parallel BC.$$ Find $$x.$$

In the given $$\triangle QPR$$, $$LM$$ is parallel to $$QR$$ and $$PM: MR = 3: 4$$. Calculate the value of the ratio $$PL: PQ$$ and then $$LM : QR$$.

In the following figure, $$XY$$ is parallel to $$BC$$, $$AX = 9\ cm$$. $$XB = 4.5  cm $$ and $$BC =  18\ cm$$.  
What is the value of $$\displaystyle\,\dfrac{YC}{AC}$$?

In the following figure, $$AB=AC;BC=CD$$ and $$DE$$ is parallel to $$BC$$. Calculate:
$$\angle CDE$$

In the following figure, point D divides AB in the ratio $$3: 5$$. Find:$$BC = 4.8\,cm$$, find the length of DE.

In the following figure, AB, CD and EF are perpendicular to the straight line BDF.If AB = x and; CD = z unit and EF = y unit, prove that: 1/x + 1/y = 1/z.

A line PQ is drawn parallel to the side BC of Δ ABC which cuts side AB at P and side AC at Q. If $$AB = 9.0\,cm$$, $$CA = 6.0\,cm$$ and $$AQ = 4.2\, cm$$, find the length of AP.

In the given figure, PQ AB;$$CQ = 4.8\,cm$$ $$QB = 3.6\,cm$$ and $$AB = 6.3\,cm$$. Find:
If AP = x, then the value of AC in terms of x.


In the given figure, PQ ‖ AB;$$CQ = 4.8\,cm$$ $$QB = 3.6\,cm$$ and $$AB = 6.3\,cm$$. Find:

In the figure given below, AB EF CD. If $$AB = 22.5\,cm$$, $$EP = 7.5\,cm$$,$$PC = 15\,cm$$ and $$DC = 27\,cm$$. Calculate AC. 

In the following figure, $$\angle{AXY} =\angle{AYX}.$$ If $$\dfrac{BX}{AX} =\dfrac{ CY}{AY},$$ show that $$\triangle ABC$$ is isosceles.

In the following figure, $$OAB$$ is a triangle and $$AB\parallel DC.$$
If the area of triangle $$CAD=140\ cm^{2}$$ and the area of triangle $$ODC=172\ cm^{2},$$ find 
The area of triangle $$ODB$$

In the following figure, $$OAB$$ is a triangle and $$AB\parallel DC.$$
If the area of triangle $$CAD=140\ cm^{2}$$ and the area of triangle $$ODC=172\ cm^{2},$$ find 
The area of triangle $$OAC$$

In the following figure, $$OAB$$ is a triangle and $$AB\parallel DC.$$
If the area of triangle $$CAD=140\ cm^{2}$$ and the area of triangle $$ODC=172\ cm^{2},$$ find 
The area of triangle $$DBC$$

In the following figure, $$AB=AC;BC=CD$$ and $$DE$$ is parallel to $$BC$$. Calculate:
$$\angle DCE$$

In adjoining $$ AP \perp BC , AD || BC, $$ then find $$ A \left ( \Delta ABC \right ) : A \left (\Delta BCD  \right )$$ 

Base of a is 9 and height is 5 . Base of another triangle is 10 and height is 6 . Find the ratio of areas of these triangle .

In the following figure, $$DE$$ is parallel to $$BC$$. Shows that:
Area $$(\triangle BOD)=$$ Area $$(\triangle COE)$$

In the following figure, $$DE$$ is parallel to $$BC$$. Shows that:
Area $$(\triangle ADC)=$$ Area $$(\triangle AEB)$$

In the  given figure $$ BC \perp AB $$ and $$ AD \perp AB $$ , BC = 4 , AD = 8 , then find $$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta ABC \right )}{A\left ( \Delta ADB \right )}$$ 

In  $$ \Delta ABC $$ , ray BD bisects $$ \angle ABC $$ and ray CE bisects $$\angle ACB $$ . If seg$$ AB\cong seg AC $$ then prove that ED || BC .

In $$ \Delta PQR , $$ PM = 15 , PQ = 25 PR = 20 , NR = 8 . State whether line NM is parallel to side RQ . Give reason .

If $$ \Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR $$ and AB : PQ = 2 :3 , then fill in the blanks $$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta ABC \right )}{A\left ( \Delta PQR \right )} = \dfrac{AB^{2}}{...} = \dfrac{2^{2}}{3^{2}} = \dfrac{........}{.......} $$ 

Measure ofsome angles in the figure are given . Prove that $$ \dfrac{AP}{PB} = \dfrac{AQ}{QC} $$

If $$ \Delta ABC \sim \Delta PQR$$  $$A (\Delta ABC) = 80 (\Delta PQR)  = 125 $$ then, fill in the blanks $$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta ABC \right )}{A\left ( \Delta .... \right )} = \dfrac{80}{125} \therefore \dfrac{AB}{PQ} = \dfrac{.....}{......}$$

In adjoining figure  $$ PQ \perp BC , AD \perp BC $$ then find following ratios.
$$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta ADC \right )}{A\left ( \Delta PQC  \right )}$$ 


In adjoining figure  $$ PQ \perp BC , AD \perp BC $$ then find following ratios.
$$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta ABC \right )}{A\left ( \Delta ADC \right )} $$


In adjoining figure  $$ PQ \perp BC , AD \perp BC $$ then find following ratios.
$$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta PQB \right )}{A\left ( \Delta PBC \right )} $$


In the given figure , seg AC and BD intersect each other in point P and $$ \dfrac{AP}{CP} = \dfrac{BP}{DP} $$ Prove that , $$ \Delta ABP \sim \Delta CDP $$ 

In the given figure , X is any point in the interior of triangle . Point X is joined to vertices of triangles .Seg PQ || seg DE , sed QR || seg EF . Fill in the blanks to prove that, sef PR || seg DF .
Proof : In $$ \Delta XDE , PQ || DE $$
$$ \therefore \dfrac{XP}{[ ]} = \dfrac{[ ]}{QE} $$ ...(I)(Basic proportionality theorem)
In $$ \Delta XEE, QR || EF$$
$$ \therefore  \dfrac{[ ]}{[ ]} = \dfrac{[ ]}{[ ]}$$.......(II)_______
$$ \dfrac{[ ]}{[ ]} = \dfrac{[ ]}{[ ]} $$ ...From (I)and (II)
$$\therefore seg PR || seg DE$$........(converse of basic proportionality theorem)


$$ \Delta LMN \sim \Delta PQR ,  9 \times A \left ( \Delta LMN \right ) =16 \times A (\Delta LMN )$$ . IF QR = 20 then find MN.

Find the length of the side and perimeter of an equilateral triangle whose height  is $$\sqrt{3}cm$$

In $$ \square ABCD , seg AD || seg BC $$ .Diagonal AC and diagonal BD intersect each other in point P .Then show that $$\dfrac{AP}{PD} = \dfrac{PC}{BP}$$

In the given figure , A - D - C and B - E - C seg || side AB If AD = 5 , DC = 3 , BC = 6.4 then find BE.

Do sides 7 cm , 24 cm , 25 cm form a right angled triangle ? Give reason 

Pranali and Prasad started walking to the East and to the North respectively , from the same point and at the same speed. After 2 hours distance between them was $$15\sqrt{2}$$ km. Find their speed per hour. 

$$ \Delta MNT \sim \Delta QRS $$ .Length of altitude drawn  from point T is 5 and length of altitude drwan from point S is 9 .Find the ratio $$ \dfrac{A\left ( \Delta MNT \right )}{A\left ( \Delta QRS \right )}$$

Areas of two similar triangles are $$225 sq .cm$$  and $$81 sq. cm$$. If a side of the smaller triangle is $$12 cm$$, then find the corresponding side of the bigger triangle.

In the given figure 1.66 , seg PQ || seg DE , $$ A\left ( \Delta PQF \right ) = 20$$ units ,$$PF = 2 DP $$then find $$ A \left ( \square DPQE \right ) $$ by completing the following activity .

In $$\bigtriangleup$$PQR, PQ = $$\sqrt{8}$$, QR = $$\sqrt{5}$$ and PR = $$\sqrt{3}$$. Is $$\bigtriangleup$$PQR a right angled triangle? If yes, which angle is of 90$$^0$$?

In a $$\triangle ABC, D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$DE \parallel BC$$.
In $$AD=4x-3,AE=8x-7,BD=3x-1$$ and $$CE=5x-3$$ then find $$x$$.

Points $$D$$ and $$E$$ lie on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$, respectively. In the following questions check whether $$DE\parallel BC$$ or not.
$$AB=5.6cm$$, $$AD=1.4cm$$, $$AC=9.0cm$$ and $$AE=1.8cm$$

Points $$D$$ and $$E$$ lie on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$, respectively. In the following questions check whether $$DE\parallel BC$$ or not.
$$AD=10.5cm$$, $$BD=4.5cm$$, $$AC=4.8cm$$ and $$AE=2.8cm$$

Points $$D$$ and $$E$$ lie on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$, respectively. In the following questions check whether $$DE\parallel BC$$ or not.
$$AB=12cm$$, $$AD=8cm$$, $$AE=12cm$$ and $$AC=18cm$$

In a $$\triangle ABC, D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$DE \parallel BC$$.
If $$\cfrac { AD }{ DB } =\cfrac { 4 }{ 13 } $$ and $$AC=20.4cm$$. Then find $$EC$$.

In a $$\triangle ABC, D$$ and $$E$$ are points on the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively such that $$DE \parallel BC$$.
If $$\cfrac { AD }{ DB } =\cfrac { 7 }{ 4 } $$ and $$AE=6.3cm$$ then find $$AC$$.

In a triangle ABC , AB = AC . Suppose P is a point on AB and Q is point on AC such that AP = AQ Prove that $$\bigtriangleup  APC \cong \bigtriangleup  AQB $$

Draw the shape of any two examples of similar figures.

In given figure $$L,M$$ and $$N$$ are points on $$OA,OB$$ and $$OC$$ such that $$LM\parallel AB$$ and $$MN\parallel BC$$, then show that $$LN\parallel AC$$

Points $$D$$ and $$E$$ lie on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$, respectively. In the following questions check whether $$DE\parallel BC$$ or not.
$$AD=5.7cm$$, $$BD=9.5cm$$, $$AE=3.3cm$$ and $$EC=5.5cm$$

Solve the following questions:
In $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$DE\parallel BC$$ and $$AD:DB=2:3$$ then find the ratio of areas of $$\triangle ADE$$ and $$\triangle ABC$$

In $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DEF$$; $$\angle A=\angle D$$, $$\angle B=\angle F$$. Is $$\triangle ABC\sim \triangle DEF$$?Given reason for your answer.

In $$\triangle ABC$$, $$D$$ and $$E$$ points lie on sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ such that $$BD=CE$$. If $$\angle B=\angle C$$ then show that $$DE\parallel BC$$.

In figure $$PQ$$ and $$RS$$ are parallel then prove that: $$\triangle POQ\sim \triangle SOR$$.

Solve the following questions:
In figure, find $$x$$ in terms of $$a,b$$ and $$c$$

In $$\triangle ABC,\angle B={90}^{o}$$ and $$BD$$ is perpendicular to hypotenuse $$AC$$ then prove that
$$\triangle ADB\sim \triangle BDC$$

$$D$$ is a mid-point of side $$BC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$. A line is drawn through $$B$$ and bisects $$AD$$ at point $$E$$ and $$A$$ at $$C$$, then prove that $$\cfrac{EX}{BE}=\cfrac{1}{3}$$

In figure, $$EF\parallel DC\parallel AB$$. Then prove that: $$\cfrac{AE}{ED}=\cfrac{BF}{FC}$$.

In figure if $$EF\parallel BC$$ and $$GE\parallel DC$$ then, prove that $$\cfrac{AG}{AD}=\cfrac{AF}{AB}$$

In figure, $$DE\parallel BC$$ and $$CD\parallel EF$$ then prove that: $${AD}^{2}=AB\times AF$$

Point $$D$$ and $$E$$ lie on side $$AB$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ such that $$AD=BE$$. If $$DP\parallel BC$$ and $$EQ\parallel AC$$ then prove that $$PQ\parallel AB$$.

In fig, $$O$$ is center of circle and $$AB || CD$$, if $$\angle ADC = 25^{0}$$, then find $$\angle AEB$$.


In given figure, line segment $$XY$$ is parallel to side $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ and divides the triangle in two equal parts. Find ratio $$\cfrac{AX}{AB}$$.

Points $$E$$ and $$F$$ lie on sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ of any $$\triangle PQR$$. From the following, for each case find is $$EF\parallel QR$$
(i) $$PE=3.9cm,EQ=3cm.PF=3.6cm$$ and $$FR=2.4cm$$
(ii) $$PE=4cm,QE=4cm, PF=8cm$$ and $$RF=9cm$$
(iii) $$PQ=1.28cm,PR=2.56cm,PE=0.18cm$$ and $$PF=0.36cm$$

In figure, if $$AB || CD$$ and $$E$$ is the mid-point of $$AC$$, then show that $$E$$ is the midpoint of $$BD$$.


In right triangle $$ABC$$, right angled at $$C, M$$ is the mid-point of hypotenuse $$AB$$. $$C$$ is joined to $$M$$ and produced to a point $$D$$ such that $$DM = CM$$. Point $$D$$ is joined to point $$B$$ (see figure).
Show that:
(i) $$\Delta AMC \cong \Delta BMD$$
(ii) $$\angle DBC$$ is a right angle.
(iii) $$\Delta DBC \cong \Delta ACB$$
(iv) $$CM = \frac{1}{2}AB$$


Prove that ratio of areas of two similar triangles is equal to ratio of their corresponding medians.

In figure $$LM\parallel CB$$ and $$LN\parallel CD$$. Prove that $$\cfrac{AM}{MB}=\cfrac{AN}{AD}$$

Sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ and median $$AD$$ of a triangle and respectively proportional to sides $$PQ$$ and $$PR$$ and median $$PM$$ of another triangle. Show that $$\triangle ABC\sim \triangle PQR$$

If in $$\triangle ABCD$$ is any point on $$BC$$ such that $$\cfrac{AB}{AC}=\cfrac{BD}{DC}$$ and $$\angle B={70}^{o}$$, $$\angle C={50}^{o}$$, then find $$\angle BAD$$

In $$\triangle ABC$$, $$DE\parallel BC$$ and $$AD=6cm,DB=9cm$$ and $$AE=8cm$$, then find $$AC$$.

In figure, $$D, E$$ and $$F$$ are the mid-points of the sides $$BC, CA$$ and $$AB$$ respectively. If $$AB= 4.3 \ cm; BC= 5.6 \ cm$$ and $$AC= 3.9 \ cm$$, then find the perimeter of the following:
(i) $$ADEF$$ and
(ii) quad. $$BDEF$$

In figure, find $$ \angle x, \angle y $$ and $$ \angle A C D $$ where line $$ B A \| F E . $$

In figure, $$X$$ and $$Y$$ are the points on equal sides of $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ such that $$AX = AY$$. Show that $$XC = BY$$.


In $$\Delta ABC, D$$ is the mid-point of side $$AC$$ such that $$BD =\frac{1}{2} AC$$. Show that $$\angle ABC = 90^{0}$$.

In the figure, $$ABC$$ and $$DBC$$ are two triangles on the same base $$BC$$. If $$AD$$ intersects $$BC$$ at $$O$$, show that $$\dfrac{ar(ABC)}{ar(DBC)}=\dfrac{AO}{DO}$$


Find the height of a cone of diameter $$30m$$ and slant height $$25m$$.

Through $$A, B$$ and $$C$$ lines $$RQ, PR$$ and $$QP$$ have been drawn respectively parallel to sides $$BC, CA$$ and $$AB$$ of a $$\triangle ABC$$ as shown in figure. Show that $$BC= \dfrac12 QR$$.

In figure, $$D$$ and $$E$$ are the mid-points of the sides $$AB$$ and $$AC$$ respectively of $$\triangle ABC$$. If $$BC= 6.4\ cm$$, find $$DE$$.

Derive the formula for height and area of an equilateral triangle.

In $$\triangle ABC$$, $$a + b = 18$$ units, $$b + c = 25$$ units and $$c + a = 17$$ units. What type of triangle is $$ABC$$? Give reason.

Using basic proportionality theorem, prove that a line drawn through the midpoint of one side of a triangle and parallel to another side bisects the third side.

Prove that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides.

The corresponding altitudes of two similar triangles are 3 cm and 5 cm respectively. Find the ratio between their areas.

Two isosceles triangles are having equal vertical angles and their areas are in the ratio 9 :Find the ratio of their corresponding altitudes.

$$\triangle BAC$$ and $$\triangle$$BDC are two right-angled triangles with common hypotenuse BC. The sides $$AC$$ and $$BD$$ intersect at $$'P'$$
Prove that $$AP. PC = DP. PB$$

The shortest distance $$AP$$ from a point '$$A$$' to $$QR$$ is $$12 cm$$. $$Q$$ and $$R$$ are $$15 cm$$ and $$20 cm$$ respectively from '$$A$$' and on opposite sides of $$AP$$. Prove that $$\angle QAR = {90}^{o}$$.

In the figure shown above, AC || BD and CE || DF. If OA = 12 cm, AB = 9 cm, OC = 8 cm and EF = 4.5 cm, find OE.

In $$\triangle ABC, \angle ABC = 90^o, BM \perp AC$$ , $$BM = x + 2, AM = x + 7, CM = x$$, find $$x$$

In the isosceles $$\triangle ABC$$, $$AB = AC$$, $$BC = 18 cm$$, $$AD \perp BC$$, $$AD = 12 cm$$, $$BC$$ is produced to '$$E$$' and $$AE = 20 cm$$. Prove that $$\angle BAE = {90}^{o}$$.

$$\triangle$$ABC and $$\triangle $$BDE are two equilateral triangles and BD = DC. Find the ratio between areas of $$\triangle$$ABC and $$\triangle$$BDE.

In the quadrilateral $$ABCD$$, $$\angle ADC = {90}^{o}$$, $$AB = 9 cm$$, $$BC = AD = 6 cm$$ and $$CD = 3 cm$$. Prove that $$\angle ACB = {90}^{o}$$

In the adjoining figure, DE || AB, AD = 7 cm, CD = 5 cm and BC = 18 cm. Find BE and CE.

In the given figure, $$XY||AC$$, if $$2AX=3BX$$ and $$XY=9$$ find the value of $$AC$$ 

In $$\triangle ABC$$ $$DE||BC$$ and $$\dfrac{AD}{DB}=\dfrac{3}{5}$$$$AC =5.6$$ find $$AE$$ ?

In a fig. a crescent is formed by two circles which touch at A. C is the center of a larger circle. The width of the crescent at BD is 9 cm and at EF it is 5 cm. Find the radii of two circles.  

In a triangle $$ABC,AB=AC$$ and $$D$$ is a point on side $$AC$$ such that $$BC^{2}=AC \times CD$$ prove that $$BD=BC$$

In given figure, find $$\angle F$$

In $$\Delta ABC, \bar{PQ}\parallel \bar{AB}$$, P,Q are on BC and CA respectively if CQ: QA=1:3 are CP=4 then BC=......

Let $$ \triangle ABC\sim \triangle DEF$$ and there areas be, respectively $$64cm^{2}$$ and $$121cm^{2}$$ if $$EF=15.4cm$$ find $$BC$$ ?

In the given fig, the line segment $$xy$$ in parallel to $$AC$$ of $$\triangle ABC$$ and its dividend the triangle into two points of equal areas. Prove that $$\dfrac {Ax}{AB}=\dfrac {\sqrt {2-1}}{\sqrt {2}}$$

Sides AB and AC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively proportional to sides PQ and PR and median PM of another triangle PQR.
Show that $$\Delta ABC\, \sim \,\Delta PQR$$

In the trapezium ABCD, AB || DC, AB = 2CD and ar ($$\triangle$$AOB) = 84 cm$$^2$$, find the area of $$\triangle $$COD

Prove that the ratio of the area of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding medians.

State and prove that basic proportionality theorem. 

In the given figure, $$3SR = 2SP,\,\,\left. {ST} \right|\left| {PM} \right.$$ and $$ar\left( {\triangle PMR} \right) = 50\,\,c{m^2}.$$
Find the -
1. $$ar\left( {\triangle RST} \right)$$
2. $$ar\left( {PMTS} \right)$$


In figure, two triangles ABC and DBC lie on the same side of base BC.P is a point on BC such that PQ || BA and PQ || BA and PR || BD. prove that QR || AD.

Prove that $$\triangle ABC\sim \triangle EDC$$

$$\Delta ABC\sim \Delta DEF$$ and their areas are respectively $$100{ cm }^{ 2 }$$ and $$49{ cm }^{ 2 }$$. If the altitude of $$\Delta ABC$$ is $$5 \ cm$$, find the corresponding altitude of $$\Delta DEF$$.

In the figure, $$\ ED\parallel QO$$ and $$DF\parallel OR$$. Prove that,
$$EF \parallel QR$$

Triangles ABC and DBC have side BC common, AB$$=$$BD and AC$$=$$CD. Are the two triangles congruent? State in symbolic form. which congruence condition do you use? Does $$\angle$$ABD equal $$\angle$$ACD? Why or why not?

The ratio of corresponding sides of similar triangles is 3 : 5, then find the ratio of their areas.

$$ABC$$ is a right angle triangle such that $$AB = AC$$ and bisector of angle $$C$$ intersects the side $$AB$$ at $$D$$ P.T. $$AC + AD = BC$$.

In the adjoining figure, the diagonals of a parallelogram intersect at $$O. OE$$ is drawn parallel to $$CB$$ to meet $$AB$$ at $$E$$. Find the following ratio:
Area of $$\triangle AOE$$ : Area of parallelogram $$ABCD$$.


The sides of certain triangle are given. Determine whether it is right triangle.
$$a=9$$cm, $$b=16$$cm and $$c=18$$cm.

$$ \operatorname{In} \Delta A B C, D E \| B C $$. If $$ A D=5 \mathrm{cm}, B D=7 \mathrm{cm} $$ and $$ A C=18 \mathrm{cm}, $$ find the length of $$ A E .$$

Class 10 Maths Extra Questions